Chapter 8

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A Week Later

Today is the day of my graduation and I have I been nothing but excited for it.I looked at myself threw the vanity and tapped my finger as Amber did my hair and Marli did my makeup.

"You excited?" Bria asked.

"Yes, very but a little nervous too."

"I can't wait to take pictures and see you walk across the stage. You grew up so fast."

"Bria it's only been my senior year. It's not like you were there throughout my whole high school experience." I laughed out a little but it seemed not to be funny to her so I stopped laughing.

"Oo..." She said while rubbing my arm. "Your just so... Grown now its overwhelming." I chuckled and shoot my head.

"You do look really beautiful A." I looked up at Amber and smiled.

"Thanks Amber."

"Man I remember my graduation day. Mama took so many pictures of me walking across that stage it filmed the whole photo album."

I smiled.

"But that night... I'll never forget. Marcus picked me up and SS and girl we did some t-"

"Amber..." Marli whisper yelled over me.

"What I'm just telling my story. Anyways, we went to this bomb ass party got turntp up girl we was wi-"


Bria and Marli said simultaneously.

"Could you not fill my little sister's head with negative ass shit!?"

"Could you not interrupt a chick while she talkin!? Damn."

"You know what see that's why I never liked you." Bria said while putting her finger in Amber's face.

"Bitch I will burn you!" Amber said while putting the krimping irons in Bria's face. They started going at it and me and Marli jumped in to break it up.

"Look y'all need to calm down its my graduation day. Can yall not fight today!?" They both grunted.

"Thats ok. Ima see you when I see you Bria."

"Vice versa bitch." They scolded each other and Bria walked towards the door.

"I'm going to see if Travis is here yet."

She shook my head and laughed.

"What's funny?" Amber asked.

"Yall are. Both of y'all is out of control."


"Mhm finish my hair."

"Don't order me." Amber started back on my hair and Marli finished my makeup.


I stood behind the stage waiting next in line for my name to be called. As I looked around I had seen camera's flashing and every watching for the next person to step across the stage and that next person jut so happened to be me.

"Annah Smith!" I took a deep breath as my friend Jalen pat my back.

"You got this, Annah." I nervously smiled at him and made my way out on the stage hoping not to fall. I shook everyone's hands as they told me congratulations. With my diploma in hand I look over at Bria, Travis, Marli, Ambre, Kila,

Cam, more of my family, and August.

I stopped waving and frowned while walking to the other side of stage.

Why the hell is here?? I asked myself.


I walked over to my family while frowing at August. I noticed he brought a chick with him which pissed me off.

"Annah!" My family greeted me and told how proud they were of me. I continued to talk to my family and friends but ignored August. After taking lots of pictures alone and with family and friends everyone was ready to go.

When I got ready to get in the car with Amber and Marli I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see August and the chick he brought with him.

"Congrats." He slightly smiled.

"Thanks." I said dryly. He looked over at the girl.

"Can you give us a minute ma?" She huffed and looked at me. I looked her up and down then she walked away.

"I'm really proud of you Annah."

"I thought you were on tour?"

"I am. I have a show here tonight and by the way it's not my tour. I'm just the opening show. You know that."

"Actually no I didn't and I didn't care to know."

"I see your still upset." I sighed and folded my arms across my chest.

"Upset is an understatement."

"Look I'm sorry."

"I bet."

"Here." He handed me a teddy bear with a graduation hat on it and some flowers.

"You didn't HAVE to get me this."

"I know I'm just proud of you." He smiled at me and I looked away.

"Well thanks. I gotta go now."


"Oh and August."

He turned back around.


"I would've appreciated if you didn't bring Barbie to my graduation."

" my fault ma." He chuckled and walked away.

"C'mon girl get in let's go turn up!!" I laughed at Amber's and Marli's anticipation and got in the car.


I grunted at my phone that was vibrating under me. I picked it up and seen Marli calling.

"Hello?" I said with sleep in my voice.

"Annah..." I sat up and frowned when I heard her sobbing.

"Yes?" She continued to cry.

"Marli what is it??"

"It's Kila, she's gone. She's gone Annah." My mouth dropped and so did my phone. How could this happen? I thought she was getting better. My head fell into my hands and I silently cried.


Filler Chapter. Sorry For the late update y'all know the situation. Another chapter should be coming sometime this week!!

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