Chapter 3

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I laid in bed just thinking about August. I dont know he was a fine man but seemed ...I don't know kind of to himself I guess. I don't know. I got up off my bed and went down stairs and seen August on a laptop playing music. He looked up at me and smiled. "Come here." I hesitated to come close to him. "Sit right here." He said patting the spot next to him. "Why are you still here?" "I don't know. I didn't feel like leaving yet." "Oh so what are you listening to?" "Just puttin some beats together." "Oh so your into music?" He smiled at me "Yea I love music." "You got something I can hear?" I asked while looking at the screen. "Noooooo." He said while turning the screen away from me. I chuckled "Why not?" "Cause I said no." "Ok I respect that." I cleared my throat then got up from my seat. August grabbed my wrist and pulled back to him. "Chill with me for a lil bit." "But I'm sleepy." "So it's only 9 o'clock." I smirked and sat back down. He just continued to stare at me for a while. "Ok you and this starin though." I said laughing. He laughed too. "My fault ma you just ... Gorgeous." I rolled my eyes and sat back on the couch. "Whatever." "You are though." "Thanks" "you never answered my question." I turned my head towards him raising both my eye brows giving him my full attention. "What's that?" "Why did you leave your auntie house?" I sighed. "I don't want to talk about this August." "Ok." "Not to be rude but when you goin home?" I asked with an attitude that came out of nowhere. "Well damn can i chill?" He asked in a chuckle. I shook my head no "Just asking."

After sitting in silence for a while. We both started actually talking and having a nice conversation about nonsense. But all that "nonsense" led to me getting to know him better.

"Yea I know what you mean, but I'm about to head up to my room." "Aright then ma see you tomorrow." He winked at me & I left.


Next Week

I got back home from my 4th date with August. We have been really getting close lately and I actually like him.

I made my way upstairs to my room, as soon as I got up there and got comfortable my phone rang. It was Kila calling. I haven't been answering none of her calls for a week and I think it's time I actually talk to her. So I answered the phone.  


Kila:"Annah? It's me Marli?" A frown appeared on my face when I heard the worry in her voice.

Me:"Marli wassup?"

Marli:"I been so worried where have you been?"

Me:"I'm living with my sister why?"

Marli:"Look I know you and my mama had y'all ups and downs but what's going on now is serious."

Me:"Whats going on?"

Marli:"She been in the hospital for about a week."

Me:"What!? Why!?"

Marli:"I don't know I think her cancer is back. She passed out the day after you left just out of nowhere. Doctors are running tests and making sure their accurate." I sighed deeply and shook my head.

Me:"Ok what hospital is she at I'm on my way."

Marli:"They won't let you in right now she's in ICU. Only Amber and me get to get in." I ran my hand down my face as stress came over me. Amber is Kila's 2nd oldest daughter.

Me:"Alright call me when she is able to have more vistitors alright?"

Marli:"Ok goodbye."

I hung up the phone a tossed it on my bed.


"Annah? Wake up." "Mmmmm!" I moaned I opened my eyes to see Bria standing over me. I guess I must have fell asleep earlier after my date with August. "Lena is downstairs." I nodded my head and got up off my bed following her out my room. I made my way downstairs to see Lena sitting on the couch talking on the phone. She seen me and a smile ran across her face. She told the person who she was on the phone with goodbye then gave me her full attention. "Hey Lena." I said with a big smile. "Hey what you doin you tryna go out tonight!?" "Go out to where?" I asked her picking my head up off the arm rest. "My dude havin a party tonight at his club. A few celebrities sliding through I guess and he wants us to come" "um I'll pass. I think you forgetting I'm still 18 and you are as well. What we look like going to a club, we not even 21 Lena." She shrugged her shoulders "Okay your lose of a good night, Annie." "Yeap." She smacked her lips. "C'mon pleeeeeease annnnniiiiee... Pleeeaassse." I ran a hand down my face as Lena continued to bug me non-stop. "Please please please please please please please please plea-" "Ok!" "Yayyyyaaa! A right come on let's go." "Where it's only 7?" "To your room to see what your werain" I rolled my eyes as we made our way upstairs.

Bria POV

Kimmy(7:17pm): "Bria just relax it's probably nothing but work." I sighed. "Ok but Kim think about it he leaves every night at the same time and comes back at the same time."

"That doesn't mean he's cheating B. Look Travis is a good man and he loves you so much. Hell even his family be around all the time? C'mon now."

"No just August. And he is just here for my sister."

"Whatever Bria. Atleast you have somebody that really loves you a lot. Have he talked about kids yet i know you Want them?"

I smirked a little bit at the fact that Kim can make me happy in a heartbeat just thinking about having babies with Travis lightened my mood a bit.

"I bring it up to him from time to time but he wants us to get married first."


"Yesss. But I don't know we will see. I mean we are 2 years apart so he is quicker to get married than I am."

"Mhm yea that's true but girl Travis is a great man you better keep him."

"Yea I know sometimes it just eats me alive knowing what I did. Like what if he found out and he is paying me back by cheating on me."

"How many times have I said stop eating yourself up about that?? You guys were barely dating then what 2 years ago!? Y'all was just flirting at the time come on now Bria." I sighed.

"Alright Kim put I'm about to get dinner ready he will be home soon."

She chuckled.

"Alright. Peace."

"Later." I hung up and made my way to the kitchen to start dinner. As I walked past Annah's room I kinda paused for second when I heard something that stuck out to me. "So umm... I have been thinking about what you said." I heard Annah say. "Whats that?" "The stripping I think I'm going to do it." "Fr!?" "Mhm." "Whenever you're ready we can start together." "Yea." I shook my head and walked away making a mental note to talk to her about that later on.



I got dressed about a hour later and walked downstairs alone since Lena went back home to get dressed herself. I made my towards the kitchen. Bria was cooking something in a big pot and Travis was kissing her cheek with his arms around her waist. "Every time I turn around y'all all loved up just get married already." Travis chuckled and Bria gave me a stale face then cleared her throat. "Where are you going with that short ass dress on?" I looked up at her as I reached over to the table for an apple. "Umm just out." "Where the strip club?" She was now giving me full on attitude which lead Travis to walk out the kitchen.

"Bria what's the damn problem?" "The fuckin problem is that your 18 Annah not 21. What club you going to?" I shook my head. "Aright um if you want me to stay home I will." She nodded. "I really do and I don't mean to be ya mama and all that but I don't like your friend Lena either." I sat down in a chair at the counter. "Why?" "Shes very iffy Annah and shes very sneaky." I furrowed my brows at her. "How so?" "I sense it." She said continuing to cook. I chuckled "Ok Bria." "I'm serious." "Alright mom ." I said in a laugh, she smiled and I kissed her cheek. "I'll be in my room undressing cause my older sister forbids me to go anywhere." "Damn right." I laughed and shook my head walking back upstairs.


When I got done taking my clothes and makeup off I texted Lena telling her there was a changed of plans. Right after I sent the text my phone started to vibrate and I seen August flashing across my screen. I smiled and answered it.

"Hey." "Wassup ma. You busy?" "Nope not anymore. Why?" "I was wonderin can you swing through real quick?" "Yea sure what's goin on?" "Just wanna talk ta you about somethin." "Ok... Text me the address." "Aright baby." I blushed and hung up the phone. He is so cute when he says that but I cant let him know that cause he is already cocky.


August POV

Me and my nigga Lloyd had a long talk last night and I really hav something on my mind.

I really been feelin Annah. I know it ain't been long but it's like I'm rubbing her the wrong way and I don't want that so I really gotta get this off my chest and fast.

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