Chapter 4

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I grabbed my keys and slipped on my Nike slides, jogged downstairs and went to the kitchen where Bria was setting the table. "Hey you leaving?" She asked motioning my keys. "Uh yea I'll be back though." "Ok when you get back we need to have a talk." I frowned a little and asked "What about?" She sighed and stood up straight. "Something I heard you and Lena talking about earlier." My frown deepened. "Oh really?" I said folding my arms across my chest. "See look it ain't even like that I just so happened to be walking past and something you said caught my attention." "Oh really!?" I said even louder. "And what was it you heard?" "You talkin about becoming a stripper??" I cleared my throat and looked away from her. "Look it's my business ok Bria and I'm grown-" "But your still living with me." "Damn I been living her for a fuckin week can I chill!?" "No you can't fuckin chill Annah do you know what your gonna get yourself into!? A lot of trouble that's what!" I threw my hands up over the whole conversation. "Like I said ...I'm grown." I walked towards the exit part in the kitchen. "Dont wait up!" I shouted towards her before leaving out the door. Sometimes I get so tired of people dictating my life. I understand Bria wants the best for me but if I fuck up I have to learn on my own.


"I'm outside." "Ok."

I hung up my phone and stood at the dooor waiting for August to come and answer it. The locks started to click so I backed up. When the door opened and I seen his face that had a smile on it I smiled back like always. "Hey ma." I chuckled "Hey? I never here you say that." "Come in..." I stepped up and walked into his house. It was actually pretty nice for just him to live by himself. "Nice place." I said looking back at him. "Thanks, come on." He motioned me to follow him upstairs I'm guessing to his room. I sat at the edge of his bed as he laid at the top. "Why you all the way down there?" He said in a laugh. I smiled "Cause I want to be." He shook his head. "Come here." I held onto my keys and my phone then crawled up towards the part of the bed next to him. He licked his lips as I made my way towards him but I ignored him as I have been doing lately.

I reached for the remote but he snatched it away putting it behind him. "Here hand it here." "Nope." "Auguuuuust please I'm bored just give it here." He laughed "Its cute when you whine like dat." I smirked and shook my head. "And you not cute when you play games." He smirked a little "Speakin of playing games I need to talk to you about sum." I motioned for him to continue. "Wassup with us?" I frowned a little. "What do you mean us?" "I mean where we headed with this a friendship a relationship what?" I sighed and sat back against the pillows. "Oh um well I guess ...I'll be coo with us anyway we choose." He smacked his lips. "I don't think you get what I'm sayin though." "Well fill me in Aug." He smiled. "What?" "You finally called me Aug." "Boy shut up." I nudged him and we both laughed. "Im serious though I really wanna see us goin somewhere." " I looked into his eyes and notice how serious he really was. "Is there something you wanna tell me August?" "Kinda sorta." I raised my eyebrows giving him my full attention.  "Continue..." "Iight so to keep it g with you I been feelin you a lil but lately and not just as my friend but I want you to make it official with me ma. I want you to be mine." I smirked and scooted closer towards him. I looked into his eyes. "Finally." He smirked, grabbed my chin, & kissed me.


"Lena guess what!"


"Bitch guess!"

"You got a job?"

"No, you play all day."

"Ok I'm sorry. Um your auntie is feeling better?"

"Nah... See I'm not even happy no more NaNa. Look what you did."

"Ooooh I'm sorry Annie pooh you should have told me." She said in a baby voice. "But what is it?"

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