Chapter 12: The Mourning of 501st Continues...

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Strike Witches World

A few days after Yoshika was reportedly shoted down and the SAR mission over, the 501st decided to do a proper funeral ceremony, and more, they decided to do it by ‘sea burials’ way. Because they found no body, so they used an empty special coffin.

The Royal Navy offers it’s support by sending two battleships and a few destroyers to the funeral. A few Allied high commanders are also present, including Air Chief Marshal. Dowding who volunteered himself to join.

On board one of the destroyer, HMS Cossack of which also Rear Admiral. Vian’s flagship, standing the crews in rows on the back of the destroyer. A squad of riflemens are also readied for gun salutes.

There's battleships HMS Nelson and HMS Duke of York. The two battleships are parked near the flagship Cossack with the rest of the destroyers around the battleships.

Every crews from the ships are now standing on rows on board the main deck of their ships, facing towards the open sea. Flags on top every ships present were lowered half mast.

The fleet attended the funeral ceremony on where the last time Yoshika was reported shoted down. The empty coffin was held by six crewmens of the Cossack, with a Fuso flag covered it.

Among the crews of the Cossack, located Rear Admiral. Vian with all members of the 501st on their official uniform standing next to him, except Perrine whose still injured and need to be on top of a wheelchair.

Minna is now standing on the most front, just side-by-side with the riflemens, giving her speech. She just reached the last part of her speech, reading some praying from the bible. (I'm sorry, I'm not a christian, so I don't really know if these phrases came from the bible. Please for your understandings, I just went up to ggole and search some bible praying.)

“Sergeant. Miyafuji Yoshika had been a good comrade for us, even though only lasted for a few precious days, she had done her job fine, and served her country well.” Minna said, before pausing.

“The sea is the largest cemetery, and it’s slumbers sleep without a monument. All other graveyards show symbols of distinction between great and small, rich and poor: but in the ocean cemetery, the king, the clown, the prince, and the peasant are alike, undistinguishable.” She said before another pause.

“Her service with the 501st and to her country will not be forgotten by us. Now may you rest in peace, among the other brave soldiers who had died for their countries before you. Amen.” She said, ending her speech, and closing her bible.

After the speech, Minna move back to the main rows, next to Mio, who had holding her tears all this time. Mio was the one who were tasked to read out the speech, but in her current condition, Minna can’t let Mio do it.

Minna then turned towards Vian, then nod.

Vian who had his signal, nod back.
“Start the funeral.” Vian said to one of his crewmen, the officer of the deck.

“All hands bury the dead.” The officer said to the radio.

Soon, the same words was announced from the destroyer’s main sound system, and a bell was ranged six times.

“Ships company! Attention!” one of the officer shouted. Everyone including the Witches stomped their feets and stand up-right.

“Salute!” the officer shouted again. This time, everyone on board rise their hands, and salute.

The empty coffin was then lifted by the six crewmens who are now ready to slide it off the side of the ship.

“Firing line! Half-right, face!” the officer ordered. The firing line consisting of six crewmens with rifles face half-right, then aimed their rifles up. “Three volley salute! Sergeant. Miyafuji Yoshika of 501st Joint Fighter Wing! Ready! Fire!” The officer shouted.

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