Chapter 17: Whew, Just A Nightmare

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It was still 5.40 A.M in the morning.

Yoshika is still sleeping on her futon, but in a few minutes, she’s about to wake up. Her body was sweating despite of the cold air. She can’t relax her body as she’s kicking around her futon so much. She also saying out ‘No’ and ‘Everyone’ on her sleep. There’s no voice came out at first, but soon It’s getting louder and louder until finally she shouted out hard despite of her mutism condition.

“No... NO! EVERYONE!” She shouted as she jumped out from her sleep, and into sitting position. She then pant out a few times before finally realized that she’s inside a room.

The shout, woke up the sleeping Miho.
“Y-Yoshika-san...? I-Is that you shouting?” Miho asked as she brush off her eyes.

Yoshika is showing a greatly terrified expression on her face. She’s really scared as she hugging herself tightly and trembling so hard.

Seeing this, Miho became worried and immediately run for the switch light to turn on the lamp, then straight to the terrified Yoshika.

“Yoshika-san, what happened?” Miho asked in worry.

Yoshika inhaling and exhaling her breath really heavy. It seems like she can’t control her breathing, like having a panic attack.

“Shh... Yoshika-san, calm down... Take a deep breath, then release it, take a deep breath, release it...” Miho said as she trying to calm the panicking Yoshika.

Yoshika do so as she slowly calmed down from her terrifying nightmare.

“Alright... That’s it... Slowly...” Miho said as she managed to calm Yoshika down. “What happened? Did you got a nightmare?” Miho asked.

Yoshika slowly nod. But then suddenly, blood start to slowly dripping from her left nose. Miho is startled a bit, but quickly calmed down.

“Yoshika-san, you forced to talk again, wait here, I will get a box of tissue.” Miho said as she stand up and look around for her tissue box.

Miho found the tissue box just on top of her desk, and immediately brought it down next to Yoshika. Miho then took a layer of tissue, and give it to Yoshika, who immediately brush off her bleeding nose.

After around 10 minutes holding off the bleeding, the bleeding start to stop, and Yoshika is fully calmed down. Thanks to Miho’s fast thinking for giving Yoshika a tissue, the blood didn’t spruted out everywhere.

Afterwards, Miho gave Yoshika a glass of water to drink, which Yoshika happily drink. After a few more minutes calming herself, Yoshika is now calmed and not having a nosebleed anymore.

“That’s it, alright, you calmed down.” Miho said with a smile. “So what happened? Did you have a nightmare?” Miho asked again.

Yoshika once again nod.

“Alright, it’s okay, it’s only nightmare, I have a few nightmares a few times, don’t worry, now relaxed.” Miho said.

Yoshika nod, and now releasing a relieving sigh. “What a nightmare... It made me worried about the condition back home... I hope everyone are alright...” Yoshika thought. She then glance at Miho. “I made Miho-san worried again... I need to say sorry.

Yoshika then start writing again, even though her hands are still trembling.

I’m sorry Miho-san, I made you worried again.

Upon reading Yoshika’s apologize, Miho smiled. “Don’t worry Yoshika-san, I’m here to help you, don’t need to say sorry.” Miho said.

Miho then glance at the clock, revealing it was around 6.10 A.M. “It’s about to hit 6.30, I need to prepare for my school, besides, probably you’ve awaken me a bit earlier, which is good since I usually wake up pretty late.” Miho said. “I will go to the bathroom to take a bath, and then prepare the breakfast.” Miho said as she stand up and about to walk away, but suddenly, Yoshika pull Miho’s pyjama, making her to turn towards Yoshika.

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