Chapter 22: Meanwhile with the 501st...

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Strike Witches World

The 501st JFW just enterred it’s 2nd week off-duty. Everyone are still thinking about the lost of Yoshika, but slowly, they’re recovering.

Not everyone had recovered though. Perrine are still usually locked herself on her room since the day of Yoshika’s burial, Mio became a closed person as she became rarely seen together with everyone else, Lynette already recovered but still haven’t got her fighting spirit back, and Barkhorn from a cold-hearted person, became even more cold-hearted as she only doing exercise and more exercises.

The Allied HQ had granted the permission for 501st to perform patrol missions, but only for one who had recovered could take part in the mission, like Sanya, Eila, Shirley, or Lucchini. As Witch reinforcements from Fuso and Liberion arrived at Britannia, the air superiority could be secured even though the 501st didn’t take part on the real actions.

Mio is now on her usual spot, swinging her sword back and forth, training her swordmanship, as usual like every mornings. But what made today and the last a week different, is that Mio had a though pout on her face, filled with anger, emotions, and sometimes, regrets.

As Mio silently swinging her sword, far on the back, Minna is watching her from behind a wall. She’s worried about Mio’s condition, especially mentally.

After made up her minds, Minna sighed, and walk closer towards Mio.
Mio is still continuing her swinging, while Minna silently walked and stopped right behind her. Suddenly, Mio stopped.

“Minna...” Mio said.

“Ah, Mio, you recognized me.” Minna replied.

Mio didn’t reply Minna’s verbal greet.

“What happened? Is there’s any information I need to know?” Mio coldly asked.

From this point, Minna was already worried.

“Ah, no, nothing... I just wanted to know, how are you today? Felt better?” Minna asked.

Mio clenched her fists. She’s quiet for a moment, making Minna even more worried.

“Mio?” Minna called as she walk closer a bit.

Mio sighed. She then forced a smile on her face. “Yes... Felt a bit better.” She said as she turned around.

Minna’s eyes widen after saw Mio’s face. Not because the smile, but because Mio is actually crying. Tears flow down her cheeks from both her eyes including her right eye, which she didn’t covered at the time, showing her bright purple right eye. Even though Mio is smiling, Minna knew, she wasn’t alright at all.

“Mio...” Minna whispered. Minna then walk to the front of her friend.

“I’m... I’m alright...” Mio said, starting to sobs and lose her cool.

“Mio, it’s alright.” Minna said as she hug her friend.

Mio suddenly dropped her sword.

“I... I’m... I... I felt really guilty...” Mio said as she now closed her eyes, and start crying more intense. “I... I shouldn’t have gave her that mission... Why...? Why did I do that...? I...” Mio continues.

“Oh, Mio... Calm down...” Minna said as she start to stroking Mio’s hair.

“I have promised her mother... And her family... That their little Yoshika... Will survive and safe...” Mio said. “Now what will I say to them...? How will I tell them... That their little Yoshika... Had been... H-Had been...” Mio said, her words stopped right there, don’t even dare to complete her phrase.

“Mio... It wasn’t your fault... You need to accept it, Mio...” Minna said, as she tried to calm her friend.

“It was me... It was me...! It was my fault...! I should have listened you from the start...” Mio said in broken phrase in between her sobs. “Miyafuji... Miyafuji... I’m sorry...” Mio start chanting the words over and over again under her breath.

Mio could only cry, burying her face into Minna’s shoulder as she replied Minna’s hug with much stronger grip. Even though crying, Mio is still trying to hold out her tears, but when she can’t hold it any longer, she finally croke out.

“YOSHIKAAAA!!!!” Mio shouted, as she then slumped down to her knees, forcing Minna to do the same.

There, Mio let out all the saddness she had kept inside her heart. She felt a very deep regret, and a feeling that she had failed as a teacher and a mentor.

Minna could only hug her friend. She also felt the saddness Mio felt. It must be very hard for Mio who just lost her kouhai. She just wanted Mio to let her saddness out, so maybe, just maybe, Mio could finally recover from the tragedy.


On the distance, inside the main building of the base, Perrine is observing Mio and Minna, embracing each other, as Mio could be heard crying out tears and Yoshika’s name.

Perrine had a worried, depressed, and tired emotions on her face. She had been locking herself down inside her room since the loss of Yoshika, and still regretted the event, thinking she was at fault.

Perrine sighed. She then take a seat on a nearby chair, and rest her back there.

“Miyafuji...” Perrine whispered. Tears start gather on her red eyes again.

Everytime she thinks about Yoshika, she was haunted by the feeling of her failing her task as a senior officer and keeps her subordinate safe. If only she was stronger... If only she was more aware of her surroundings... Perrine thought.

Perrine then covered her face with her palms. Tears start to flow down from her eyes again.

“*sob* Miyafuji... *sobs* If only I could save you...” Perrine said under her breath.

Suddenly, the alarm of the base went on. Shocking the entire base, including her.

“T-The alarm goes off...” Perrine whispered. But her face suddenly turned worried. “B-But...” she said. "M-Maybe... I wouldn’t go this time... I... I’m scared of being a burden for everyone else...” she thought.

As the alarm and announcement ranged through out the base, and the other members run around towards the hangar, Perrine just sat there in gloom, as she didn’t made any attempt to fly to the sky.

To be continued...

(A/N: Well good night boys, sorry for the delay. It's been a rough week, and I don't have many time to upload a new chapter in a moment. But finally, I got some times, so why not upload a new chapter? This chapter right here and a few chapters in the future will tell you the aftermart of Yoshika’s "death" from the 501st JFW's P.O.V. It's actually a pretty gloomy and sad chapter, I almost felt bad. The next few chapters will tell the story from everyone else on the base, so stay tune. I planned the next chapter to be out within 30 minutes to 1 hour. So, please wait a minute okay? I'll  be right back.)


Meanwhile on author's room

Yoshika: *staring in awe* Wow Author-san, you've made Sakamoto-san cried.

Author: Well, hehe, why not? It's quite a rare scene to behold.

Yoshika: S-So, what's comes next?

Author: I'm working into it for the moment Yoshika, we'll meet again when the new chapters ready, lright?

Yoshika: *worried* Is the new chapter going to be all gloomy again?

Author: Well, we'll see later.

Yoshika: You know what will happen if you made me cry again, right?

*Anglerfish Team staring from the distance*

Author: *sweatdropped* Y-Yes, of course I know, don't worry! It's going to be sad, but not that kind of sad.

Yoshika: Okay then, I'm looking forward for it.

Author: Good to know that. See ya all later!

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