Chapter 14: Coincidence? I THINK NOT

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Ooarai Hospital

On that evening, Yoshika’s releasement was already approved.

Yoshika is now sitting on the waiting room at the lobby, waiting for Miho and her friends to show up, but after 30 minutes of waiting, there’s no clue of Miho and her friends, yet.

Doctor Ichiro had observed Yoshika since the first time she was sitting on a bench on the waiting room. He became anxious that Miho and her friends haven’t showed up yet. And he was surprised to see Yoshika is still clad on her hospital shirt.

After waiting for 30 minutes long, he had enough and decided to talk to Yoshika.

“Hey, Yoshika.” Doctor Ichiro called out. Yoshika glanced to him, then smiled.

“I see Miho and her friends haven’t showed up yet.” He added. Yoshika only nod.

“I’ve been thinking that, a hospital shirt wasn’t the best clothes to wear on the street, I have something for you to wear.” He said, making Yoshika curious. “Follow me.” Doctor Ichiro said as he gestured Yoshika to follow him. Yoshika put believe on him, and followed.

Doctor Ichiro led Yoshika into a changing room where doctors and nurses are usually changed or stored their uniform. Doctor Ichiro went to one of the locker.

“By the time you arrived, you was wearing a white and blue sailor uniform, wasn’t you?” Doctor Ichiro asked. Yoshika nod.

“Well, I’ve managed to find someone who could fix it, and I got it.” Doctor Ichiro said as he pulled out Yoshika’s old uniform that now is fresh and already fixed.

Yoshika’s eyes went wide in happiness.

“Since you came here without any proper skirt, so I decided to bought you one.” Doctor Ichiro added as he pulled out a wide knee-high matchi g blue skirt. “Just to warn you, peoples around here didn’t like someone who wear clothes with no skirts or pants on.” He added jokingly, but taken seriously with Yoshika who thought he's seriously informing her.

Yoshika get her uniform plus with her new skirt. Then Doctor Ichiro gave her another bag.

“Here, I got some underwear for you, but it’s not like I buy it by myself!” Doctor Ichiro said with his cheeks reddened a bit. “I... I have a bit help from my women co-worker.” He explained, but only replied with 'giggles' by Yoshika, or at least she tried to.

Yoshika put down all the clothes on top of a chair next to her, and start writing.

Thank you.

Upon reading what Yoshika had wrote, Doctor Ichiro smiled again. “Your welcome.” He replied.

After that, Yoshika went to a toilet, and start changing her clothes. After changed from her hospital shirt, she emerged from the toilet, greeted by Doctor Ichiro’s nod of approval.

She’s now clad on her old sailor uniform, but now with skirt on, and the pen still hanged around her neck.

“Yup, that suits you.” Doctor Ichiro said. But he just can’t get his vision off from Yoshika, who slowly became curious.

Yoshika then wave her hands in front of Doctor Ichiro’s view, who then snapped back to reality. “H-Huh?”
Yoshika write something.

Is there’s something wrong, doctor?

Doctor Ichiro shook his head. “No, nothing... It’s just... You seemed really familiar with my... Daughter...” he said.

Yoshika is surprised. She never thought that Doctor Ichiro had a daughter who familiar with her.

Yoshika write something again.

Really? What’s her name? Mind if you tell me where she is now?

Doctor Ichiro only smiled, then hung his head low.

“Her name is... Yoshiko... She was a happy, cheerful little girl... She was my only one precious daughter...” Doctor Ichiro said, starting his little flashback.

He suddenly sighed. “But she was not among the living anymore...” the statement, shocked Yoshika.

Doctor Ichiro stare at Yoshika, already knew Yoshika must’ve wondering why.

“She was died in a car accident when she was 14... I felt deep regret as I can’t save her... Even though I could...” Doctor Ichiro said, now getting emotional. “Your appereance looked just right her... Your hairs... Your eyes... The way you smiled at me... It’s just... Brought back so many memories of her...” he added.

Yoshika slowly walked towards Doctor Ichiro, and grabbed his hand. Doctor Ichiro stare into Yoshika’s eyes, and then to Yoshika’s book where Yoshika had wrote something.

You know doctor? I also have a father looked just like you,

Doctor Ichiro is surprised.

His name was also Ichiro, he also weared glasses, and he also had the title of ‘doctor’ since he was a doctor at the time, I’ve never knew him well, because he died when I was only 6... I knew very little about him.

“R-Really?” Doctor Ichiro asked as he sniffed.

Yoshika nod, then start writing something again.

I’ve always wanted to say this to you since the first time we met. It’s just too heavy for me, but I relieved that you were just like me, but vice versa.

“Yoshika... I’m sorry to hear your story...” Doctor Ichiro said.

Yoshika write something again.

Me too, I’m sorry for your daughter.

Doctor Ichiro nod. But then, something went inside his minds. Something he always dreamed to do, again.

“Yoshika, can I ruffle your head?” Doctor Ichiro asked.

Yoshika is dumbstruckted by a moment, but after realizing what the doctor had asked, her cheeks reddened a bit.

Seeing this, Doctor Ichiro panicked, thinking Yoshika had misunderstood his request.

“I-I-I mean, in a gentle way! I-I didn’t mean anything bad, you know!? J-Just a bit pat! I-It’s alright if you don’t want me to do it!” Doctor Ichiro frantically explained.

But then, Yoshika giggled, then smiled to the doctor. Yoshika then nod.

Ichiro just stunned there. But after gathering his courage, he slowly rise his hand to Yoshika’s head, and start patting her, gently rubbing and ruffling Yoshika’s hair.

Yoshika also enjoyed the pat. She had never being pat by someone looked like her father since she was 6, and to be honest, Doctor Ichiro’s patting was almost felt like her father’s.

Vice versa, Doctor Ichiro now is recalling some true beautiful memories of patting her daughter’s head who had long ago died. Atleast now, he can healed up some of his past wounds.

As the two are enjoying their times together, the main speaker went on, start announcing something.

Attention! Attention! In search of a little girl aged around 14 named Yoshika Miyafuji, last time was seen wearing hospital shirt. For anyone named Yoshika Miyafuji or someone currently with the said person, please come by to the main lobby.

“Heh, it must be your friends.” Doctor Ichiro said. “Let’s go meet them.” He said.

Yoshika nod.

The two then walked out from the change room, back to the lobby and the waiting room.


Miho and her friends are now waiting on the lobby. They’re now clad on their school uniform.

Saori is looking around, until she saw Yoshika walking towards her and her friends, together with Doctor Ichiro.

“Yoshika-san!” Saori greeted.

Yoshika replied with a hand wave.
“Where were you?” Yukari asked.

Yoshika start writing again.

I changed my clothes first, thanks to Doctor Ichiro who had greatfully fixed my uniform and gave me proper skirt and underwear.

“Oh, is that so?” Hana asked.

“Doctor Ichiro, thank you, I didn’t think you will go that far to help Yoshika-san.” Miho said.

Doctor Ichiro chuckled. “Yeah, nothing to worry about. Besides, I hope I could get even more closer to Yoshika, later.” He said as he wink one of his eye towards Yoshika, who nod in reply.

After a brief farewell and waved off to Doctor Ichiro outside the main lobby, the grup left the hospital ground.

Doctor Ichiro is starting to wondering something. Since the arrive of Yoshika on the hospital, he can't help himself but to wonder. But he always dismissed it by telling to himself: 'It can't be true'.

But after today's encounter with Yoshika, he start thinking... Maybe... Yoshika really is...


Miho and her friends, now brought Yoshika along, walked away from the hospital. The group had a plan to gather on Miho’s apartement for the delayed dinner two weeks ago.

(A/N: hooray! New chapter! So how's that cliffhanger? I'm sorry, but I just can't help myself. But don't get too curious yet, because we still have a long way to go, and more secrets are going to be revealed soon. Stay tuned with me in this book, and see ya later!)

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