Ch. 6 The Suspecting Sceptic

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You don't bother checking to see who the other guard is; the only knight in this kingdom that interested you was Risotto Nero. You quickly changed into your nightgown and brushed your teeth before you laid down on your bed, staring up at the canopy. Your heart was still pounding from the quick kiss you two shared and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking at that very moment.

After an embarrassing amount of time thinking about Risotto, you finally fell asleep, hoping to see him in your dreams as well.


Due to his intimidating appearance, none of the other guards dared ask Risotto what it was like being the princess's appointed knight. He ate his dinner in silence at the table farthest away from anyone else in the knights' mess hall, changed into his night robes, quietly brushed his teeth in the community bathroom the knights all shared, and dragged his feet back to his room. The tired man sighed as he plopped down onto his bed, face first. His feet always hung off the edge, since he was so tall.

Risotto never thought of himself as a romantic, but every time he thought of you he could only imagine himself spoiling you by bringing you out on more picnics, gifting you bouquets of flowers he picked specially for you, snuggling up to you and holding you tightly in his arms as you both fell asleep together, intertwining his fingers with yours as he held your hand while making love to you- "Ugh," Risotto groaned into his pillow. Why do my thoughts always lead there? He asked himself, but he couldn't stop his thoughts from plunging even deeper into that subject.

Soon enough, Risotto felt his pants strain as a tent formed at his crotch area. He sighed again as he rolled over onto his back and sat up, looking down at his tight trousers. For a moment, the man contemplated on doing something about it. Would it be disrespectful to her if I touched myself while thinking of her? He wondered. If I imagined she was the one touching me? Risotto bit his lip then hesitantly palmed his erection. He instantly groaned at the sensation; he'd been penting up these feelings for a while now.

Swiftly, and as quietly as he could, Risotto pulled his pants and briefs down just enough to let his cock spring free, smacking against his toned abdomen. To help himself imagine it was your hand touching him, he very gently wrapped his fingers around his shaft. Slowly, he moved his hand up and down as he shuddered. The knight knew of course that your hands wouldn't be this big and that they'd be much softer, but this was all he had so he sucked it up and continued. He rubbed his thumb across his tip, swiping up the drop of precum that was threatening to roll down his girth. Squeezing his eyes shut and biting his lip, the man got off on just the thought of you. Though, he quickly grew impatient and picked up the pace.

Although the lewd sounds his hand gliding across his cock were ever so quiet, they were still there and could be heard if you were nearby or listened closely. Risotto didn't care though. He knew no one would come near his room; or so he thought. A knock on his door got his attention and immediately incited panic in him.

"Hey, Risotto, it's me," Prosciutto's muffled voice could be heard coming from the other side of the door. "I'm coming in." Risotto's eyes went wide as he heard Prosciutto try to open his door, then sighed in relief as he remembered it was locked. "Huh?" Prosciutto jiggled around the doorknob. "Hey, Risotto! Did you lock your door?" He called again. "Uh," Risotto cleared his throat. "Yeah, just give me a second." The tall man quickly pulled his briefs and pants back up and pulled his shirt as far down as it could go, hoping to hide his still hard cock. "What're you doing in there? Jacking off?" Prosciutto laughed and Risotto felt his face heat up. "What?! No! I just wanted some privacy. Is that too much to ask for?" Risotto shot back as he unlocked the door, opening it to be greeted by his pal. Prosciutto didn't say anything. He simply smirked at the silver-haired man, inspecting his facial expression. "Really?" the other knight finally spoke and his smirk grew bigger. "What do you mean really? Yes, really!" Risotto's answer was too quick.

Prosciutto simply continued to smirk at him slyly as he let himself into his comrade's room. "Hmm, well if you say so," the disbelief in his voice was blatantly obvious, just as he wanted it to be. "Prosciutto, did you need something?" Risotto was still at the door, holding it open. He wanted the blonde to leave as soon as possible. "Yeah, I actually do," the man spun around to face the appointed knight again. "Tell me, what were you and the princess really doing?" Risotto kept a blank face, determined not to break. "Why won't you just believe me when I tell you we simply went out with Metallica for a bit?" He was not trying to hide the annoyed tone in his voice. "Because. We've been friends for a long time now, Risotto. I know your type, and the princess fits the description perfectly." Prosciutto narrowed his eyes at his old squad leader. "So I have a type now?" Risotto scoffed. "Now you're the one not believing me, hm?" The blonde mocked him.

"Prosciutto, why do you even want to know so bad? She and I have a strictly professional relationship. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Hmm, what kind of professional relationship?"
"What do you mean what kind? One of a knight and princess!"
"Like those in fairy tales where the knight marries the princess?"
"Prosciutto, why are you doing this?"

Prosciutto snickered instead of responding. "I'm serious, you're really starting to piss me off." Risotto warned him. "Oh calm down. I was just picking on you a bit." The squad member slinked back to the door Risotto was still holding open. "Anyways, don't think I didn't notice you're as hard as a rock," he snickered again. "Don't worry, I'll keep your little secret for something in return." Prosciutto gave his old friend a sly, crooked smile. "There's no secret Prosciutto, so I'm not doing you any favors." "Oh please," the blonde man scoffed. "The entire squad's already suspicious. We've known you for too long, Risotto."

"Why are you doing this?" Risotto asked again as the crease in his brow deepened. "I just want a favor from you, that's all." Prosciutto pouted in a mocking manner. "Alright, what is it?" The appointed knight irritably tapped his foot on the floor. "Not now. I'll ask when the time is right." Prosciutto was now out in the hallway again and slowly began closing Risotto's door. "Goodnight, old pal," he spoke in a slimy, sweet voice as he shut the door and strutted back to his room.

Risotto pounded the door once with his fist as he huffed. "The nerve of that guy!" he spoke through gritted teeth. "I won't let him get away with this."

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Heyyy! Sorry this is kind of a lame chapter and the characters are probably super out of character. I know you're all probably waiting for the suitors to arrive. Same. I'll try to add them in next chapter! Thank you for being patient and an even bigger thank you for reading!

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