Ch. 11 The Deal

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"Prosciutto, what are you saying?" Risotto ripped his arm away from the blond. "Oh don't be ridiculous," Prosciutto scowled. "I know you used to have feelings for me. Could they have vanished that quickly?"

You stared at Risotto, waiting for him to respond, yet he didn't. All he could do was silently stare down at the floor, unable to make eye contact with either of the two people in his room. "Risotto," you spoke silently and stood up, careful not to make any sudden movements or sounds. "I th-" "It's not true," the silver-haired man suddenly spoke up. "All I ever had for you was admiration. Things seemed to come so easy to you, and I admired that, Prosciutto. But that's where it ends."

Prosciutto snarled then stomped over to you and grabbed onto your arm. "Fine!" He tugged on you, making you whimper. "If I can't have you, I guess I'll just have to take her then." "Huh?" You were confused, but Risotto knew exactly what his comrade meant. "Prosciutto, don't be an idiot." He lifted his large hands up, as if to calm the man squeezing your poor arm, and you could see he was shaking.

"You haven't done it yet, have you?" Prosciutto asked with a sly smirk on his face. "I know you well Risotto... too well." Risotto's eyes flickered to yours then back to Prosciutto's. "Risotto," you did your best to keep your voice from sounding as afraid as you were. "What does he mean?" The blond let out a hefty laugh, not allowing Risotto to respond to your question. "Your virginity, my dear." With his other hand, he grabbed your jaw and forced your head to turn so you could look him in the eyes. "He hasn't taken it yet, has he?" You could feel your face turning bright red.

When you didn't respond, the man simply chuckled. "That's okay. I don't need you to respond. I can see it in your eyes." "Prosciutto, just let her go. Leave her out of this." He stepped closer. "But Risotto, you're the one who brought her here." The blond chuckled some more.

"Prosciutto," your voice caught both of their attention and their heads turned to look at you. "What if I strike a deal with you." "My, my, things just keep getting more interesting!" He looked over at Risotto, wiggled his eyebrows, then looked back at you. "What would you like to-" "Don't do it, y/n," Risotto interfered and grabbed Prosciutto's wrist, forcing him to let go of you.

Your knight stood tall in between you and the other man, who was rolling his eyes. "You know, you've changed, Risotto." He folded his arms on his chest. "What happened to you?" "I guess you could say I found something I want to protect." You blushed, knowing he was talking about you.

"Well I don't like the new you," Prosciutto continued. "The old you would've kept his word and already completed my favor. Which, by the way, if you don't do, I will have to report you to the king for taking his beloved daughter to the dangerous and dirty knight's hall and forcing yourself on her." You could see Risotto's back muscles tensing up and placed your hand on him, hoping you could do something to soothe him.

"Risotto," you said once more. "Please... I don't mind making a deal with Prosciutto if it would help you. I want to protect you too." He looked at you from over his shoulder. The look on his face could've broken your heart into a million pieces. "Please," you whispered. "Alright," he finally answered, stepping aside.

"Prosciutto, let's make a deal. I'll do whatever you ask of me if you leave Risotto alone and ask nothing more from him." You reached your hand out to shake his. "Y/n, don't do this," Risotto gently placed his large hand on your arm. "I want to," you responded and gave him an assuring smile.

"Very well," Prosciutto reached out for your hand, but before shaking it, he said: "I want your virginity." You felt your heart drop as the blond enthusiastically shook your hand. "A girl never truly forgets her first, Risotto," Prosciutto spoke in a quiet voice as he smiled at his old comrade. 

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