Ch. 8 To Love a Knight

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You'd be lying if you said the breakfast with the two kings wasn't extremely awkward. Staying focused on the small talk proved difficult with the knowledge of Risotto Nero standing right behind you. You so desperately wanted to turn around and get a peek at him, but you wouldn't dare do it.

After talking a bit more to Diavolo, you noticed that he was also quite handsome, but something about him seemed strange. You couldn't put your finger on it, but for now you suspected it was just his personality.

Talking to Bucciarati felt easy; he made it easy. He must've guessed how nervous you were. You were thankful for his thoughtfulness. You learned that he also had an appointed knight, whom he brought with him. He said he'd like for all four of you to do an activity together to get to know each other better. Before answering, you looked over to your father for his approval. "Don't worry, my dear," he chuckled. "King Diavolo and King Bucciarati will each get an equal amount of time with you." You nodded to show your understanding. "That is correct, however," Bucciarati spoke, regaining your attention. "King Diavolo, would it be alright with you if spent our first day here with Princess y/n?" "Hmm," the pink-haired king hummed. "Very well." Although he agreed, he didn't seem to approve. "Splendid," Bucciarati looked at you again, smiling brightly.

You blushed then cursed yourself; Risotto was right there. You knew that whatever you and your knight had going on probably wouldn't ever work, but it still felt wrong to blush because of another man. You still wanted to stay loyal to Risotto.


Once breakfast was finally over, Bruno informed you to put on something suitable for the outdoors. "Are we going out?" you asked the king as he walked you back to your room, his appointed knight and Risotto silently following behind. "Yes," Bucciarati answered. "I'd like to show you a spot I found upon my arrival here." "Oh," you nodded and smiled at him as you arrived at your room. "I will be down by the stables saddling the horses for our departure, please meet me there when you're ready," the raven-haired man gave you one last smile, turned to Risotto and nodded, then left for the stables.

When Bruno was no longer in sight, you turned your head towards Risotto. Your eyebrows were slightly elevated and the corners of your lips were curling downward. It was an expression that made his heart hurt. You inhaled through your mouth as if to say something, but then closed it again. Risotto was left wondering what you wanted to tell him.


You picked out a dress similar to the one you'd worn on the picnic with Risotto and let your hair hang loose again. "Ah," Bucciarati smiled brightly upon seeing you enter the stables. "There you are." Just like during breakfast, he bent down and kissed your hand. "You look beautiful with your hair down." The comment made you blush regretfully; you knew Risotto also liked it when your hair was down.

Risotto hated not being able to say anything to the king, but he couldn't. And to make things worse, other knights were also in the stables; including his old squad. He noticed them slyly staring at him. Catching a glimpse at Prosciutto, Risotto saw the blonde raise his eyebrows and tauntingly flicker his eyes between him and the princess.

"The horses are all saddled up and ready to go," the king's voice caught Risotto's attention. The dark-haired man stood up straight again and made his way over to three horses. "Sir Nero, I hope it is alright with you," Bucciarati turned to him, "but I had my knight saddle up your horse. I hope that is alright with you." "Of course it is," Risotto focused hard on keeping his voice calm and smooth. How did he know my name? He wondered. "Thank you very much your highness." "No worries," Bruno responded. "But I did have to ask around a bit to find out which of these steeds is yours." He chuckled, turning to look at the other knights. Risotto looked back at his old squad. They were stifling back grins and snickers; the silver-haired man could only imagine why.

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