Ch. 12 That Night

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In the middle of the night, you were awaken by loud yelling coming from the other side of your door.

"Let me through!" You could make out the voice of Kind Diavolo. He sounded furious. "She's just a dumb girl! She has no idea what big of a mistake she is making!"

Based of what he said, you concluded that he nor the other kings have yet been informed about last night's activities with Prosciutto. You quickly and very quietly got out of bed and headed for the balcony door, hoping to possibly escape via the balcony if it were to become necessary. But you stopped once you heard the deep voice of Risotto. "Your majesty, please keep your voice down," he grunted. "We wouldn't want the princess to be woken up." You blushed, imagining him holding back the angry king, just so he wouldn't wake you from your slumber. 'Risotto is such a gentleman,' you thought to yourself. Then you blushed even more as you remembered that Risotto thinks you and Prosciutto did more than just kiss last night. You were so embarrassed and ashamed and wished you could tell him the truth. In due time you would, of course, but that time was still too far off into the future.

Just then you heard banging coming from your door. Diavolo sure was putting up a fight. Could Risotto really stop him from entering your room?

You froze, not sure if running away or going back into your bed and pretending to be asleep and ignorant would be the best option. Your mind raced with thoughts. If you suddenly disappeared, that would make Risotto look bad, since he was supposed to be guarding you. And where would you even run to? It would look even worse if you ran to Risotto's room. But what if you ran to Prosciutto's room instead? But you don't want to get Prosciutto in more trouble than he already is. Would it be better to just lay back down and act as though you never woke up in the first place? But what if Diavolo did make it into your room. Would he try to hurt you? Maybe, but Risotto would never let that happen... Would he?

You held your breath, trying to hold in a frustrated grunt as you fell to your knees. Tears trickled down your face.

Eventually, without even thinking, you got up again, opened the glass door to the balcony, and walked out, leaving the door open behind you. You breathed in the cool, fresh night air as a soft breeze partially dried the tears on your rosy cheeks. The sounds of the men arguing grew more distant the closer you came to the stone wall of the balcony. You sat down on the marble bench and stared into the night sky. The stars shone and sparkled bright as they usually did and the horses neighed and whinnied every so often like normally. You took a few more deep breaths, and just as you were about to forget about the situation going on, you heard your bedroom door bust open.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" Diavolo's snarl sent a chill down your spine. "This is absolutely unacceptable!" "King Diavolo," Risotto's voice rose in volume. "With all due respect, leave Her Majesty's bedroom immediately, or I will have to use force to remove you myself." You felt a bit easier, knowing that Risotto was still there to protect you, but Diavolo still frightened you. "Oh I'd like to see you try," the king snarked.

You could hear the rustling of your bedsheets and the clinking of Risotto's armor. You were so glad you had decided to come out to the balcony instead of staying in bed, but your body wouldn't dare move. As if petrified, you stayed seated on the stone bench, gazing out into the nothingness, unable to focus on anything in front of you.

"Where is she?!" The voice of the angry king was much closer than earlier. "That's it." Risotto grunted, followed by a growl from the other man in your room. 

"Unhand me this instant!"
"It is my duty to keep the princess safe and you are becoming a threat to the princess's safety. So no, I will not unhand you. I will, however, escort you to His Majesty, the King, where your punishment shall be decided."
"Don't be ridiculous! I am an honored guest in this castle! Your ruler invited me with open arms!"
"And I have the authority to request you to be kicked out if I deem you dangerous."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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