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Slim's POV
A week later
Wednesday, July 7th

"Baby wake up ass up" I said smacking Kiarrah's ass. I had cooked some breakfast with the help of Keialah and now we're tryna give it to her.

"Maybe she dead" Keialah said climbing on the bed. "Girl don't say that" I leaned down and started kissing her lips repeatedly.

She eventually opened her eyes and turned her head. "Get up" KK said. She groaned and turned over.

"Slim I know you ain't just put yo dirty ass lips on mine" "they ain't dirty" I said licking them. She sat up and stretched.

"We made breakfast" KK said sitting beside her. I handed her the tray and sat down. It was some pancakes, eggs and bacon.

Me and Keialah already ate. I let Kiarrah sleep in. "It's good?" KK asked. She helped flip the pancakes. "Let me eat it first" she said putting a piece on her fork.

She ate it then nodded. "Okay bye" she said getting off the bed and running out. "She's a mess" I said. "She gets it from you" Kiarrah said.

"No she don't." "Yes hun. You literally changed my child. She got around you and turned into a mini you" that may or may not be true information.

"Gimme kiss" I said smiling. "No" "but pleaseeeeeee" "no" "I'm literally dying right now" but you're talking" "that's your imagination" "R I P slim then" she said making me gasp.

"Ki I'm gonna die" "no you're not" "technically I am" "not right now though" she said making me smack my lips.

"You can get a cheek kiss" she said and I whined. "Take it or leave it" "I'm leaving it" I said making her shrug and go back to eating.

"Always bullying me. Don't never wanna kiss me. I'm putting you up for adoption" I said mugging her. She started laughing but I was dead serious.

"I hate Kneegrows. They always tryna grow out yo knee" "slim shutup." "I would if you'd kiss me" I said flipping her off.

"Come on girl damn" she said. "Hehehhee" I said leaning forward. Our lips met and I couldn't believe it.

We've came a long way girls and boys. Time for our next adventure as ocean explorers. Next destination: between her—

"Okayyyy" she said after she pulled back. I smiled and she shook her head. "Them lips girl" I said smiling.

"You irk me but I ain't even finna cap. I missed yo stupid ass" she said. "Awweeee I missed you too stinkawinkawink"

"you just ruined it" she said making me laugh. But anyways how you feeling?" She sighed and moved the tray away.

"I'm good. This food is good. You know I—." "Don't do that. You know what I'm really asking bout" I said making her roll her eyes.

"I'm scared. I'm so scared slim and it's stressing me out" Girl that nigga ain't getting custody of your child. And I put that on my life.

"Get dressed" I said tapping her thigh. "Why?" "Get dressed" "I gotta take a shower first." "Okay. While you do that imma give KK a bath and get her ready"

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