Highspeed chase

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Slim's POV
A day later
Saturday, July 18th

"So what's the move?" I asked. I'm in a meeting or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. But we're discussing the Shanna shit.

"Empty out the clip. I'm with the crips neighborhood shit" Josh rapped. "Let's go today" Greg said. "We can go today?" I asked Brendon.

He looked at Greg weirdly. "Why would we go today?" "I mean it would make sense. She's not gonna see it coming. Obviously by this footage she's alone. So let's roll up" Josh said.

"I don't like that idea" Brendon said. "Neither do I." I said. It was a mixture of yays and nays in the room. It's like eleven of us in here.

"Take a vote" I shrugged. "It's your call this yo mission" Brendon said. "I need the team so this gon be a team decision." I said.

"All in favor of leaving right now put yo hand up" I said. They did and I counted. Six to five. "We'll pack up and get y'all shit together. We rolling out at four"


We been on the road for a good twenty minutes. It woulda been longer but these bitches let me drive knowing speed limits don't exist to me.

"Girl slow the fuck down" Brendon said as I rounded the corner. "Shut the fuck up. I'm only going 80" "in a 40. Bitch the speed limit is 40"

I smacked my lips. He better but his seat bet on or something. He can borrow mine to. I'm not using it.

So basically the plan is simple. They get out go, find her and bring her to me. Then I do the rest. The folks in the other truck are just back up.

Brendon held on to the door and started breathing heavy. "Shut the fuck up breathing. I can't focus" I said getting irritated.

Nigga act like I done ran in the ditch. "I gotta breath slim" "no you don't. I'll revive you when we get there" I said and he looked at his phone.

"You passed it" he said. I soaked on brakes then booked a quick u-turn. "This feels illegal" "cause it is"

I pulled into what looked like a trap house. "This a setup" I said seeing the yard filled with cars. As soon as I pulled in the driveway niggas hopped out and started shooting.

Brendon stopped the boys in the back from tryna shoot back. "Yall good it's bulletproof" I said rubbing my temples.

"Kill his ass" I said as bullets bounced off the car. "How do we know it was him" Jordan spoke. "Bitch who else would it be?"

I backed out and drove off. Brendon made the call to the other car. It's too early for this shit. Man what the fuck.

I'm hungry and now I'm pissed off. "They're not answering" Brendon said. I shook my head. Now I gotta find this fucking truck.

"Gimme the location" I said. "Turn right then keep straight. It say they ain't far" I did and about ten minutes later I was pulling up to a crash sight.

The truck that they in wasn't damaged. It was another truck. But my group was missing. The doors were open and they were no where to be found.

"Don't kill him. We need him. Search the area" I said pulling over as my phone started ringing. They got out and I answered.

"Hey baby"
"Hey can I call you back?"
"No slim I—
"I needa handle some shit Ki."
"Ight Giovanni" she said making me laugh a little.
"Better not be doing no stupid shit Gi"
"Bye Kiarrah" I said hanging up.

About fifteen minutes later the crew returned with and unconscious Greg. "Details?" I asked as they got in the car.

"Nothing much. They're planning to kill you though. But I wouldn't worry too much." "Ight" I said pulling off. Ian sweating it.

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