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The field of pale long grass dotted by wild flowers bends and sways in time with the distant waves far below the cliffs, its waters cold and black, its peaks bright white

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The field of pale long grass dotted by wild flowers bends and sways in time with the distant waves far below the cliffs, its waters cold and black, its peaks bright white. There is no distinction between the sound of the wild, hidden shoreline and the wind whipping through the blades of grass which spread out like that wide sea far into the distance. This place is untamed, and completely unbothered by her.

She is sitting, still as a stone in its middle, like a fixed spot in time.

She, is soft morning beauty, and quiet, contemplative grace. She should seem out of place along the lonely Sokovian coast but instead it is hard to imagine her any where else but here.

She is the vision of life and love and a second chance at both, and she, is you.

The Baron is watching as you take a deep, slow breath of the country air, so clear and easy to inhale that it makes you a little sad to know that this has been here all along and you are only just beginning to explore it.

The city was wonderful in so many ways when it was all you'd ever known, but out here you realize just how shut in you've been, living between the press of stone and steel, breathing in the thick smoke of industry.

When the Baron first asked you to come, you'd feared leaving the excitement, pollution or not, but one look into his eyes and you'd been persuaded. You would do anything just to see them shine and his love had burned as bright as the sun when you said yes.

"Are you hungry? Breakfast is ready."

Helmut's voice is soft as the morning wind that lifts your hair and strokes your cheek. You'd felt his presence but only now do you turn to look up at him and find the man gazing down at you in his morning finery. A jacket and vest, the gold chain of his pocket watch catching the faint sunlight, his boots black and shining in the grass. Even at this hour he is every bit the Baron. 

You feel next to naked in the white nightgown you've snuck out in, but you wanted to feel the air on your skin and the earth beneath your feet. Sokovia should be experienced with all of the senses. You'd decided this the moment you arrived, and while your unrefined ways will be the talk of the servants quarters, you could not care less what they whisper about. This is your home now and you wish to know it.

"I am actually." You answer and do little to hide your smile as you think to yourself that after last night, you could eat him out of house and home, but you're too shy to say this out loud. However Helmut is an astute man and reads your face easily. He knows what you're thinking of which draws out his own smile and he extends his hand to help you up.

When you are on your feet and at his side, he slips his arm around your waist and pulls you close to lead you back towards the stone wall that separates his land from the fields and cliffs and sea.

"You're feeling well?" He asks, eyes fixed ahead though you can hear his sweet concern for you. You know why he's asking, and a shiver of pleasure shoots through your belly as you shut your eyes remembering.

In The Fairest Season - Baron Zemo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now