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The Baron's kiss came close to making you forget your true love, but the stage held your heart first and it will never let go

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The Baron's kiss came close to making you forget your true love, but the stage held your heart first and it will never let go.

You bow hearing that the audience is moved by your song as they always are. You drink it in like a good wine, shamefully thankful that society will never allow a man of Zemo's status to make a wife out of a stage girl.

Mouthing your thanks, you press your fingers to your lips and hold your palm to them showing a mutual affection with a kiss that lingers in the air. It pains you to say it, but when you hear this; that rising swell of applause like the first rain of a hot summer, you're not all together convinced that you could actually say yes to him. He is so dear, but oh how you love this life!

When the applause ends, you and Brigitte run off stage together, happily accepting glasses of champagne from John the stage hand.

You only need to come back out for curtain call, so you relax in the dressing room, laughing and chatting with the others who come and go.

You've enjoyed the last two weeks immensely, though you've missed seeing Baron Zemo nearly every day.

"There's a letter for you." John calls out from the back of the room among the wigs and costumes.

"Where? You ask taking a swallow of the sparkling wine, unfortunately not as good as what you've grown accustomed to with the Baron.

"Here!" Brigitte says plucking it up from one of the small dressing tables and hands it to you.

A few of the girls passing glance over your shoulder but you pay them no mind, already knowing that only one person would send over a letter this beautiful.

Quickly breaking the seal, you open it and begin to read.

"Out loud!" Brigitte demands.

You roll your eyes but oblige her.

Najdraza y/n,

"What does that mean?" Brigitte interrupts

"Dearest? I believe? He taught me a little but only quickly." You say before reading on.

I feel I must first say, that I will carry the memory of your smile and your tears during our moment beneath the trees with me for as long as I must until I am able to see you again...

You pause and sit down with a thud on the dressing stool, worried this will not be the easy read you'd hoped for

As I write this letter to you, I think I will not know such happiness until we are reunited. I did not come to your city with expectations, but I suppose that is when life happens. It is up to us, what we do with such opportunity. I had hoped to do so much more.
This is why it pains me deeply to say that I must cut my trip short and return home to Sokovia. My work is endless and I am needed now more than ever. I only ask that you please, accept my apology and know that my intentions were for a more intimate goodbye. I will write again as soon as I am able.
Yours Sincerely,

Baron Helmut Zemo

You sit holding the letter in your hands until very slowly, you raise it and dip your head breathing in, hoping to catch his scent, but there is only the smell of good paper and black ink.

And here you thought you were ready to turn him down should he ask you to join him as more than a friend. Now you think all you want is to at least be given the choice.

The others are looking, but you don't care.

"Only two weeks left." Brigitte says stroking your hair. "Two weeks and the show is over, and then mon amour you must go to him."

You look up at her, your tears a mix of joy and heartache. "I can't. I don't know where to go."

"Sokovia of course! You take the train and say that you have come to see the Baron, they will know."

You shake your head. "A romantic notion, but unrealistic. I don't know what this means," You say holding up the letter "It seems Baron's have a great deal more to do than attending parties and dinners. I can't just show up and expect him to be happy about it."

"That is exactly what you should expect. He loves you cherie"

You feel faint at the word but you've known it for a while. Perhaps that is why it hurts so much that he's gone. Perhaps, you think you should just allow yourself to love him back as you most assuredly do. One can love a man and her life in tandem... right?

Such modern ideas in a world not quite ready for a woman with modern thoughts.

Rolling your eyes you catch a glimpse of a few of the chorus girls running to make it to the stage in time. So many of them seem happy with their lives and their Lords who sneak into their little apartments when they can, bringing gifts and promises. Do you think so highly of yourself that you would look down on them? In truth you are no better. Born into poverty, living a provocative life that the rich tolerate simply to exercise their own suppressed needs for more... But you've also seen those same girls watch those men as they escort their wives across town. The hurt that lingers over the heads of their mistresses like a black cloud is not one you want hanging over yours.

But Baron Zemo has no wife. He has made it clear that he does not wish to find one until he has found love. While you are not so starry eyed to believe he has found this in you, you are well aware that he is the sort of man who walks beside you with pride. He listens when you speak and encourages others to do the same. He loves art and literature and shares his love for both with you in ways that most men would turn their ignorant noses up at. And he would defend his actions and yours to anyone, or so it would seem.

Your grin is so wide your cheeks raise giving away your happy thoughts.

Brigitte has been watching you. She knows you well. She was waiting for the smile or the dramatic sigh. Since it is the smile she does the same and kisses the top of your head leaving you to hatch your plan while she and John sneak off into a corner.

Her idea of stealing away into the night for Sokovia is tempting, but you chose a more stable route, and that night in your apartment, you write to him instead.
My Dear Baron,
I am so sorry to hear of your leaving. I had only just walked off the stage when I received your letter and I am glad for it, I don't think I could have sang a note with such a heavy heart.
Though I know nothing of your work and don't wish to pry, if there is anything I can do to assist, please never hesitate to ask anything of me.
I have yet to travel east as you know, and I think a train ride in the summer sounds lovely.
Most assuredly yours,

You seal it before you can change a single word.
If he is to know how you feel, he should know all of it.

In The Fairest Season - Baron Zemo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now