A Soul For A Soul

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This story is a bit upsetting so get your tissues ready.

This takes place at Endgame period when you go to Vormir with Nat in your time travel trip to make the other half of the universe alive again like in the movie.

"Y/N, We need to get the Soul stone but we don't know where to get it from." Stated your best friend Nat.

"I think I know where to get the stone from," Replied Y/N.


"I think they said somewhere like Vormir." Continued Y/N.

"Ok let me get the navigations right in this Quinjet so we can get this stone in no time."

So Y/N and Nat have got the navigations right for Vormir and currently on their way there.

"This is so far away from Budapest isn't it Y/N?" Asked Nat.

"Totally." Y/N replied with a scared grin on their face.

As soon they got onto Vormir they went to the dark mountain where they meet Red Skull.

"Y/N, Daughter of Wade Wilson (Deadpool), and Natasha, Daughter of Ivan, In order to have the Soul Stone, you have to sacrifice the one you love, A soul for a soul." Declared The Red Skull.

As Nat started to run towards the edge of the cliff, you run after her saying that you need to be the one to sacrifice, not Nat.

As you fell down a meter, Nat got hold of you and she was the closest to the bottom, you were holding her hand in guilt as she said;

"Let me go, It's ok."

"I don't want to." Y/N cried as you let go of her for the last time.

Then Y/N rested her eyes before she got hold of the stone.

You got back to the Quinjet feeling guilty that your best friend has killed herself in sacrifice for the half of the universe dead.

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