Welcome to Hell

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Sherlock was back in his mind space, not so much a mind palace but it was beginning to look a bit more like home. His breathing was back to normal and his limbs were starting to respond better to his demands. He just couldn't let Moriarty know this, that monster's imagination was too much. Even for Sherlock.

"Let's go over some escape plans." Sherlock said to himself, both figuratively and literally in this case. His mind, his rules.

"Well seeing how we literally have no idea on where we are, and even if we are in London anymore we are more than likely screwed." Said Sherlock number two. The reason he is called number two is because he is inferior to Sherlock original, also known as number one. "Maybe instead of playing dead like a fucking possum, you could open up our eyes so we might actually get a good look at our surroundings." Number two continued, while it wasn't a bad idea but it was too risky.

"You know we can't do that, we don't know if we're under surveillance. Also if we show any sign of progress toward health we'll be put through whatever hell Moriarty has planned for us." Sherlock explained.

"Well I don't see you making any head way toward freedom. If your so bent on getting out of here, maybe a little hell is our sure way out." The words coming out of Number Two's mouth just made Sherlock angrier.

"Can u just stop, your babbling is making me feel things and there's only room for one emotional mess in this place."

"You can stop me you know, I'm an literal figment of your imagination. You could poof me out of creation with a single thought. Yet your weak ass is too scared to face reality alone so I, am in fact, still here!" Number two screamed this time. His chest raised repeatedly as sign of frustration. "You want me gone!? How about you get off your lazy good for nothing ass and-" Sherlock looked up to see Number Two frozen.

"Two? Are you having a stroke?" Sherlock walked over to the area that Two stood frozen in, it was like looking at a frozen picture on a phone. He waved his hand in front of his face and and even flicked him on the nose, the flick caused Number Twos state to shatter into a pile of glass.
"Damn it, did I do that?", he looked at his once verbal accomplice and nudge the pile with his foot. In this state Number Two was about as useful as he was before, at least now he can't talk back.


A gust a wind came from beyond the pile and blew what remained of Number Two away. Sherlock looked beyond where the pile once was and into the black void that surrounded his mind space.

"I know your in there~" a whisper came from the darkness. Sherlock took a step back, bracing for the same light like last time but instead he just felt physical pain to his actual body. At first it was just a cold sensation on his upper torso mostly the chest, then an extreme tightness grew in his wrists. He could feel something rough get wrapped around one of his wrists, he couldn't see what due to how he was still fighting to stay in his mind state. Shortly after his one wrist was wrapped in what Sherlock believed was rope, said appendage was twisted to go behind his back. The sudden motion caused Sherlock's already stiff limbs to scream. His physical body  released a pained breath that caused his mind state around him to literally crack.

"Hey! Take it easy, don't make me regret sharing him with you." The voice continued, it was undoubtedly Moriarty's but that didn't exactly make things better.
The cracks began to show reality, it was bright but the light was definitely artificial.

"Do you want this done right or not? Besides I've done this plenty of times, each time successful." This time it was Sebastians voice, when he finished this sentence he forced Sherlock's other arm behind him this time and tied the two wrists together.

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