His PlayThing

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Sherlock's pov

"I have no reason to trust you, let alone begin to believe your men can hold off your multiple dogS. Take your gift and give it to one of them for all I care." I said to Moriarty, tossing the "gift" into its basket rather than his hand. I then trudged to the other side of the room and rested against the cold hard wall instead of his "hand picked" bed.

"That's fine with me, but remember this moment when one of them are panting down the back of that pretty little neck and your begging whatever god you pray to, to just pass out and numb your mind to the state you have fallen into." Moriarty said, picking up the basket as he stood up from the bed and made his way to the door. As he entered the door frame he turned around one more time and looked back at me, he eyed me down and up before a smug smile grew on his face. He dropped the basket next to the door on my side and then closed the door, leaving me and the gift alone.

Once he left I pulled myself off the floor and crawled onto the bed, even if it was another bargaining chip that would most likely be used against me in the future, it was comfortable. The absence of blankets and a pillow was somewhat discomforting but it was a clean disease free bed nonetheless. No, not a bed, a place where my mind and physical body could finally recharge. As I closed my eyes and aloud the darkness to take over my vision, my mind palace came into view.

Like previously stated it wasn't much of a mind palace as it was my flat, how I remember it at least. Now that I had the time my other senses start to kick in on the place, from the smell of my chemical in the kitchen to the sound of street noise coming from down the stairs. What also caught my attention was the sound of shuffling foot steps in the kitchen, did my mind send Ms Hudson to comfort me?

"Look who finally came crawling back from the dead, took ya long enough." A familiar non female voice called from the kitchen. I turned to see who when no one else other than John came out of the doors, holding a singular cup of tea and in his usual house wear. While he was a sight for sore eyes, he wasn't real, I knew that off the bat but dear god did I want him to be real.

"Your the one that said it would take me months to get out of this place. Might want to go change that date so you might actually get some money out of this situation, you can split it with me as a farewell present." I said to him, crossing his path toward my chair which I fell into comfortably.

"You know it's usually the person that's leaving that gets the present, right?" John questioned me, setting the cup of something next to my end table rather than his own. He leaned against the arm of my chair and looked down at me, one of those rare moments when it was this way rather than the other.

"Oh but when have I ever done something the 'usual way' John, you hear what those detectives say about me. I'm everything but usual." I play with him, taking the cup of something and bringing it to my lips. It was absent of heat and taste , I guess you don't really feel those things in the mind state.

"Right as always Sherly, so why am I here?" He asked, finally asking the right question for once, and for once I didn't have the answer.

"I believe my brain is trying to soothe itself so it doesn't break. With the amount of stress I'm under I'm somewhat surprised this hasn't started with hallucinations sooner." I explained to John, but in retrospective I was talking to myself. Not a reassuring thing, but it helped.

"So what am I supposed to do? Why me instead of that other you, he seemed like a much better conversationalist than I." He teased, taking the cup of something out of my hands and sipping from it. However for some reason he angled it so he drank from the side I drank from, I let it pass as my mind play tricks on me and just sat there enjoying his company. Although he would never know that, well this him would since he's me? It's a confusing matter but a little confusion was worth it for a little extra comfort.

Sheriarty, the Psychopaths prizeWhere stories live. Discover now