Lost Hope

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A straight hour passed with Sherlock being upside down, his breathing was beginning to become pained and weak despite him working so hard on getting it back to normal. His head, other than now sporting a deep red, was pounding from all the blood collecting in it. The room kept blurring in and out of Sherlock's vision, he wanted to sleep, but he knew if he did that he would never wake up.

"Aww, you look like a little school boy that just got pantsed in the school yard...I wish we could speed this up though. Not that staring at your face isn't a fun past time but I need a little more then this awkwardly painful silence." Moriarty chimed in, he never left the room since it began. He sent Sebastian after the doctor, who Sherlock hoped wasn't John, and he was also told to bring him another cup of something.

Sherlock stared toward the wall on the other side of the room, focusing on the paint. He needed something to focus on and Moriarty was not going to get the pleasure of being that thing.

"Come on Sherly, loosen up! We're coming up on the time of transformation soon! Just think, that brain of yours that so many have obsessed over, will be broken like someone's dead grannies prized vase. The mere thought brings a tear to my eye, but dear god it's going to be entertaining!" Moriarty continued, he's annoying as hell. No, hell would be better than this, at least there Sherlock knew what would be happening. Here it was touch and go on with what this psycho was mad about.

"How about we make a deal, a wager per say." Moriarty tried, giving this conversation a new feel to it. Sherlock's face didn't change, his state stayed blank and absent like it had been. Although the wager didn't peek his interest he wouldn't let Moriarty know that.

"If you smile for me, a real genuine smile. I'll lower you so your brain doesn't pop like a cherry tomato on rail road tracks." Moriarty said, he walked toward Sherlock to the point where his shoes were the only thing Sherlock could see. "What do you say? A smile for a second chance at life." Moriarty continued, squatting down, but still looking down at Sherlock's pained face.

Ringing became apparent in Sherlock's ears, it was getting closer to the point of hemorrhage time. A smile wasn't too bad, demeaning yes and pointless but if a smile saved him so be it. With this thought in mind Sherlock looked Moriarty in the eyes and smiled, it was more of a grimace but he was upside down so it counted.

"There...your turn...to fulfill...your deal." Sherlock wheezed out, his breathing had become almost impossible to get through a single breath let alone a sentence.

"Uh, uh, uh, Sherly...maybe you have been upside down for too long."Moriarty smiled while saying this, he was enjoying this a bit too much if you asked someone. "You never agreed, therefore no deal was made...however I'm happy to make another deal if your up for it. This one won't be so easy though." Moriarty finished with a smile, the Cheshire Cat would be jealous of a smile like his.

"Bast...ard...fine...I'll..."Sherlock gasped out, the ringing growing stronger then before. His jaw clenched as the pain spread throughout his head and everything below his waist became painfully numb.

"Your words are enough, all you need to do...is kiss me." Moriarty said, his smile growing wider to the point one might think his creases on his mouth would crack from all the pressure that's on them. Sherlock laughed at the deal, a kiss? What was Moriarty turning into, some sort of fanfic crazy fangirl? The laugh was short lived as the air he put so much effort into preserving passed recklessly out of his body. It left him gasping for air, and it wasn't even worth the laugh.

"Tik Tok Sherlock, just a simple nod of head and this can all be over..." Moriarty sang, cupping Sherlock's cheek in his hand. Moriarty's eyes had this sort of look in them, it was hard to describe because of the blurriness taking over Sherlock's vision but they were different. With what power he had Sherlock nodded his head and closed his eyes. If this kiss was happening, he didn't want to remember it.

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