2 - Comfort

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{Tadashi x Reader}
I got the idea for this story from my Mother. My grandma wrote a sweet letter to my Mother apologizing for any bad things she may have done to my Mother when she was younger (You know like yell at her and normal Mother stuff). Here's Tadashi comforting you. 


Your eyes scanned the beautiful stationary paper you had received in the mail earlier that day. You had moved to San Fransokyo a year ago from (name-of-town/country) to attend SFIT and fulfill your dream of becoming a (dream-job). Your (mother/father/guardian) was saddened by your departure but you kept in touch with letters and phone calls.

The letter you had received that day pulled at your heartstrings. It was beautifully written, with a few tear stains scattered across, and you couldn't help but cry as well.

My Sweetest ____,

I am so proud of you. You are now a young woman on her way to making your dreams come true! Your not my little girl anymore and It makes me a bit sad. I wish I could go back to the day I first held you in my arms.

You know, I remember clearly what it felt like to hold you close and feel your little heartbeat against my chest. I remember when you first began to talk and when you first began to walk. Your little toes, the way they would fan out and claw at the carpet. I loved watching every single moment of your life. How you began to grow from a baby, to a toddler, to a child, and so on until the day you left. It broke my heart to watch you drive away from here but I was also happy to see that you had found a purpose in your life.

___. The reason for my letter today, is to apologize. As I take a look back, not only do I remember the best times I also remember the worst. I remember all of the times I had to yell at you or show you how wrong you were. I am so sorry ___ if I ever made you feel less. I am sorry if I ever made you cry or if I ever hurt you more than intended. It was never my intention to hurt you that bad and I hope that you could forgive me.

I love you with all of my heart baby girl and I will always be hoping that your life will be full of blessings.

With love, (Mom/Dad/Guardian)

You smiled and shook your head before breaking into sobs. You knew that they never meant any harm to you. You knew that everything they did was because they loved you.

Little did you know that Tadashi was watching you the whole time. He had just packed up for the day when he noticed you were sitting on the frount lawn so he slowly approached you, only to stop when he saw your shoulders shake. When you began to cry harder, he walked over and sat down next to you. You had noticed it was him and you leaned on his shoulder as he said nothing waiting for you to calm down.

You and Tadashi were best friends, he was your lab partner and your trusted confidant. He was always there when you needed him and he knew what to do at times like these. 

"What's wrong?" He asked softly, not wanting to send you into tears again. You sighed and handed him the letter. You watched as he read, his face hard with concentration at first but slowly melted into a soft, distant look. "They love you very much."

You nodded, "I know... It's just... They've never said anything like this to me before. So I guess that's why I kind of..." You trailed off hoping he would catch on.

He nodded and hugged you closer, leaning his head on yours and using his free hand to wipe your tears. "I understand... Please don't cry. I don't like seeing you sad."

You chuckle softly and leaned up to place a kiss on his cheek, "Alright. I won't. I feel a lot better now... Thanks to you."

Tadashi blushed as you stood up and brushed yourself off. You extended a hand and waited for him to take it. He did and you helped him up but he didn't let go. 

"Come on. Let's go to my Aunt's cafe, We'll get something there, on me." 

You nodded and followed him. He made you feel comfort and that was something you would always be grateful for.


It's not as romantic as I hoped but I hope you like it! I promise I'll write something happier tomorrow! I do accept requests!

Big Hero 6 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now