7 - People Help the People - Part 3

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{Fred x Neko!Reader} People Help the People - Birdy
Hello everyone! I'm back with the final installment of the PHtP miniseries. Enjoy!


"Come on (Y/N)! It's raining super hard outside and it's the perfect weather to look for frogs!" The young boy laughed as he pulled on the younger girl's sleeve.

"But Freddy! My dad's going to get mad if I get dirty! He said I had to stay clean for the event this afternoon!" The girl whined. She had no problems getting down and dirty but she knew better than to get on her father's angry side. Deep down she was aching to go outside with her friend and just have fun. She wanted to ruin her dress and feel like a rebel just once in her life.

"We'll take an umbrella!! And I have some rain boots you can borrow! I'll keep you clean!!" He begged, clasping his hands together in plea and putting on his best puppy face on. It was his secret weapon and he knew it would always work on you. You sighed in defeat and agreed to go out but only if he also provided a rain coat. He let out a hoot of triumph and ran to get the things while you stayed behind and shook your head.

It wasn't long before you were outside. It also wasn't long before you had gotten dirty and had been discovered by your father. He was angry of course but in the end everything turned out for the best. The event had been postponed due to the terrible weather conditions and he had allowed you to play with your best friend for a while longer.

That was the last day you saw him. The lab accident happened a week after and you were sent away to avoid any problems. You were so depressed during the whole process. You felt like a doll being tossed around. So many different places everyday. The hiding. The sadness of not being able to meet anyone new. You were homeschooled until the day you turned 17, which was when you finished your education. It took you some time to convince your father that you could protect yourself. You taught yourself self-defense and learned how to conceal your body. When your father finally decided to let you go, you felt like you could finally breathe again.

You applied to SFIT right away, seeing as you've always wanted to follow in your father's footsteps. That wasn't the only reason you decided to go back. The main reason was him. Freddy. You wanted to see him again so badly. You had no idea how you'd find him but you knew you had to somehow.

You just never counted on dying. You only saw darkness. It was so dark and you felt so numb. 'So is this what death feels like? Strange...' You thought. Suddenly you felt something warm on your hand. You weren't dead. The dead can't feel temperature. If I'm not dead... Then what am I? You tried to move but you felt as if you had no control over your body.

"Hey (Y/N)... It's me again..." You heard. It sounded so far away. "It's been a month now and you're still not awake." A month? But to you it felt like it was just yesterday! "I still can't believe you came back!" The voice said happily. "I just talked to your father... He finally told me what happened... All those years ago." Freddy? 'Is that really you?' "I just wish you were awake now... It's kinda cliché for a superhero to fall into a comma after a big accident.... You know how much I hate clichés."

His voice cracked at the end of the sentence. Is he crying? You could hear slight sniffling and the soft ruffling of a box. "Please wake up. Please."

You wanted to. So badly. You wanted to open your eyes and reach out to him but you couldn't. You focused on his snuffling and you tried hard to move something at least. You slowly felt control of something which you immediately moved. You heard a sharp in take of breath and a chair screeching across a tile floor.

"(Y/N)!?" He waited but nothing. "Do that again! I know it was you. Please try again. Freddy needs to know he's not crazy!"

You focused in and one again moved your finger successfully

"Yes. Yes! YES! I knew I wasn't crazy! Come on (Y/N)! You can do it! I'm not giving up on you! I'm going to go call your father! He'll be so excited!" You heard the chair fall to the floor as he ran out of the room to share the good news.

It took you another two months before you could open your eyes again. When you did you were meet with the blinding sunlight that poured into your room. You groaned and weakly reached up to run your eyes.

"(Y/N)?" You heard to your left , away from the window. It was a boy. He had long blonde hair that was tucked underneath a teal coloure beanie. His face was wrinkled with concern and his ocean blue eyes shown with concern. "It's me... Freddy."

"Fred?" You asked, your voice low and raspy, "Is that really you?"

"Y-Yeah (Y/N)! It's me... I've missed you." He bowed his head and grabbed your hand. You gave it a squeeze before he continued, "Your dad told me everything... You know. About why you left and what happened. I felt so guilty when I found out you were gone. I always... I always thought you left because of me."

"What? No! Absolutely not!" Your small burst sent you into a coughing fit. He pat your back quickly and got you a glass of water. "Thank you... It was never you Frederick."

"I know... I'm just glad you're back. And you're okay." He looked up and smiled at you. You blushed but returned his smile.

After a while of recovery you were sent home. Your father had given you the antidote when you were admitted to the hospital so you no longer had your ears or your tail.

Fred had confessed his love for you shortly after, saying that even before you left he had fallen for you. You of course didn't reject him and instead rewarded him with a long, passionate kiss. Let's just say, you lived happily ever after.


The end! Ah I'm sorry for cutting it so sorry but it was getting very long and I know you wanted to read the end! I really hope you enjoyed this miniseries!

Feel free to request and I'll try my best! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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