4 - People Help the People - Part 1

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{Fred x Neko!Reader} - "People Help the People - Birdy" - Requested by Airiana_Amazing
Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for disappearing but college was kicking my butt! But I'm back with a Fred x Reader requested by the lovely user Airiana_Amazing! It came out a bit too long so I've decided to cut into parts. I don't know if it's going to be 2 or 3 but we'll see how it goes! I hope you like it!


"Oh Shit. Not these kids again." You muttered under your breath, adjusting your goggles to zoom in on your new company. "Luckily they're too late. Once again." You put away your goggles and placed your mask back on before hopping down to meet the team. You had just arrived to the town of San Fransokyo but you had already bumped into the group more than once since being there.

"Well, Well, Well. We meet again Big Hero 6. Unfortunately for you, I already cleaned up this mess so you can go on your merry way." You smirked as you placed a hand on your hip and swayed your tail.

"Nekomancer!" Hiro scowled. "I thought you were leaving town."

You laughed, "On the contrary. I'm planning on staying here. Look. I'd love to stay and chat but the town's not going to save itself. See you around." You began to walk away before looking back to give a small wave and hopping away.


You were laughing as you climbed your way into your apartment. You were the newest superhero of the city of San Fransokyo and you were great at it, always ready to beat the BH6 to the chase. You took the superhero name Nekomancer, seeing as Catwoman was already taken, it was the closest you could think of to be a good superhero name.

The reason for Nekomancer? You had cat like features, including the ears and the tail. When you were younger you had an unfortunate accident in your father's chemistry lab which caused you to mutate into what you were now. And although your father had a way to reverse your condition, you decided to stay the were, feeling as if it could somehow benefit you rather than hinder you. He had still given you the antidote once you decided it was time to move on.

You sighed as you took off your catsuit and shoved on your pajamas, finally being able to breathe. You hid all of your equipment in the safe hidden in your closet before you flopped down onto your bed. You reached over to your nightstand to turn off the lamp but in the process your hand bumped into something. Your eyebrows burrowed in questioning as you pulled over the mysterious object, almost bursting into tears as you saw the picture.

It was you, before your accident, and your childhood friend, Fred. You were around 7 years old when the picture was taken and he was 8. You were muddy from having played in the rain outside of your house. Your arms were swung over each other's shoulders, smiling toothless smiles into the camera. It had been almost 13 years since you last saw him and you still thought about him all the time. How was he? Was he still alive? What had he decided to do with his life? You didn't know, but you never lost hope that you could find him again someday.

You figured your father must have paid a visit and left it as a present. You smiled sadly, hugging the frame to your chest and falling asleep.


You woke up early the next morning, groaning when you remembered your to-do list for the day. You had to finish unpacking, which you hadn't done since you moved back to San Fransokyo the week before, you also had to make your way to SFIT to finalize your class schedule to begin your studies as a chemical engineer, and you also had to go job hunting. You sarcastically cheered as you got up to get ready.

Once you did, you grabbed your purse and tied a bandana around your head to hide your ears and took off. You always wore either loose pants, long A-line skirts, or maxi dresses to hide your tail, which you didn't mind seeing as you were always comfortable with your dress choices. That day you had decided to wear a white shirt with a bluebird pattern on it, a long baby blue A-line skirt, and light brown flats. You decided on a white bandana to hide your (H/C) ears and white Ray-Bans to match your outfit.

You made your way downtown to tourist the city. After being gone for 13 years you knew there were going to be a lot of changes and you though since you were going to be back for the rest of your life, it'd be good to get to know what was new. You had walked around for about an hour before your stomach began to protest in hunger. "Alright! Alright! I think now is a good time to find breakfast." You laughed.

Since you were in the unknown neighborhood next to yours, it took you some time to find somewhere to eat. "Lucky Cat Cafe," you hummed out loud, "Sounds pretty lucky to me." You giggled and made your way closer to the shop. It wasn't long before you noticed the help wanted sign that hung on the glass and you smiled. The place seemed pretty nice and calm, maybe it couldn't be so bad to work there. You gently took down the sign and made your way into the café.

It smelled heavenly. You could smell the pastries baking, and the food cooking, oh and the coffee brewing smelled amazing. It was a quaint little shop with a homey feel to it and you loved it. You decided on what you wanted to order but not before making your way to the counter with the sign in your hand.

A small brown haired woman with large green eyes was just finishing up with a customer before she saw you with the sign in your hand. She smiled and waved you over. "I'm guessing you're here to apply? I put up that sign at the beginning of the week and I was beginning to think no one would see it! I'm so glad at least someone did! My name is Cass but you can just call me Aunt Cass! I'm the owner of this establishment." She shook your hand eagerly.

"I am, actually! I recently moved nearby and I've been looking for places to apply. It's a pleasure to meet you Aunt Cass, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), but (Nickname(or Y/N)) is fine!" You chuckled as she shook your hand. She took you aside to have you fill out the application form and ask you interview questions that ended up turning into a pleasant conversation.

"Well alright then (Y/N), You're hired! Can you start tomorrow around 11?" Aunt Cass smiled. You nodded eagerly, "Yes absolutely! Thank you so much!"

"Ah I should thank you! Go ahead and order something, it's on the house!"

You frowned, "No no! I can pay for it! I wouldn't want you to go through the trouble."

"Nonsense! Please, It's the least I could do!" She laughed. You reluctantly ordered and once she left to get your order, you shoved a 20 dollar bill into the tip jar before taking a seat at a nearby table.

So far, it had been a great morning for you... But you never saw what hit you that afternoon.


Feel free to request and I'll try my best! :D

Big Hero 6 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now