6 - People Help the People - Part 2

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{Fred x Neko!Reader} - "People Help the People - Birdy" - Part 2
Finally! Part 2 is here!!! I apologize for the long wait but here it is! College is still kicking my arse but I managed to finish my homework early and I decided to finally type this up! I am so excited to hear your opinion on this section. I'm really in love with my PHtP mini-series and I wish I had the time to make this a separate story but unfortunately I can't v.v. I will try to update this story once a week! So stick around!


You had gone home after visiting the Cafe and finalizing your schedule at SFIT. You were set to start the next week with classes pertaining to your major and you were very excited. Closing the door to your apartment, you groaned when you saw all of the boxes, having forgotten about them all day. You furiously scratched your head when you came to the decision of getting everything unpacked and changed into comfortable clothes before beginning a long afternoon of work.

It was around 8 o'clock in the afternoon when you heard you police scanner blare out directions to a fire at the local library. You quickly secured your apartment before changing into your gear and ran out to the crime scene.

You hissed when you saw that the Big Hero 6 had just arrived at the same time as you did. They seemed to have finally invested in getting a better police scanner, you thought in disgust. Whatever. Right now what was of most importance was to get the people out of the building. You approached the group quietly and listened into their plan.

"Alright, Honey you find away to subdue the fire long enough for me to get in and get everyone out. Gogo, You help honey out. Wasabi, Help the people as I lead them out of the building and stay with Baymax until the ambulance arrives. Fred, Jump up to the second level and look for anyone in need of help." Hiro barked out quickly.

'Fred?'  You thought but quickly shook it off and made your presence known. "Big Hero 6! We really need to stop meeting like this! How about a cup of coffee some day?" You gave them your signature Cheshire grin as you swayed your tail. 

"Nekomancer! We were here first! Back off." Hiro frowned, getting into a hunched stance.

"Woah! Calm down there Tiny! We aren't in the position to be fighting right now. Let's focus on the building." You yowled, pointing at the fire.

He took a while to calm down but his eyes didn't remove it's glare. "How do we know we can trust you? Every time we find you you're always with the bad guys."

"You always find me at the wrong time. I've always been one trying to help. I'm just like you. I just want to help people. But now is not the time to be discussing this. Please. Just trust me this once." You plead, hearing the people screaming inside. You couldn't handle it. Your ears pinned down in attempt to shutting them out but it wasn't helping.

"FINE! But you listen to everything I say. You're going with Fred-zilla," He scrambled to fix his mistake and you squinted at him, "He'll bring you up with him and try to find the people who are still inside. If I find out you don't follow his rules, We'll turn you in saying you caused the fire."

You nodded and moved over to the big blue monster, swaying your tail as you walked. Hiro yelled out the sign and everyone moved into position.

"Hey. I'm Fredzilla. Please hang tight as we ascend into the building, be sure to securely hang on and thank you for choosing  Air Fredzilla." He joked as he pulled you onto him and jumped up. You yelped, about to laugh but getting caught off guard from the jump.

You scrambled off of him and ignored him as you began to search for the missing people. From what Hiro had gathered, there seemed to be only 2 people still stuck in the upper level but the building was huge so finding them would not be easy.

You pulled out a black face mask and placed it on your mouth to be able to breathe better. "I'll look to the east wing and you'll look to the west wing. Rendezvous back here in 20 minutes, if I don't make it back, leave." You instructed but the blue zilla wouldn't have it.

"No! Freddy will not leave his partner behind. If you're not back here, I'll find you!" He yelled.

"THE PEOPLE NEED SAVING FIRST! I will not be content if only one makes it out." You growled.

He stepped back a bit, "Fine. The people first! But I'm coming back for you." Then he left, running toward his designated wing. You shook your head and took off as well. It had been a good 18 minutes when you found one of the people you were looking for. It was a little girl, she was hiding under a desk and she was crying. Your heart dropped when you saw the blood on her forehead. You ran toward her quickly and pulled her to you.

"Shhh. Sh. Sh! I'm here for you. My name is Kitty and I'm here to save you!" You watched as she wrapped her tiny arms around your neck and sobbed.

"I want my Mommy! She's still in there!" She sobbed. You took off your face mask and securely placed it on her face before quickly standing and making your way back to the window. Fredzilla no where in sight.

"I'll get you there. I'll get her out too. I promise! You'll see your mommy real soon!" You reassured her. You looked out the window and saw that they had set up a trampoline. "Here's what I want you to do. I need you to be a brave girl right now okay? I need you to jump down to that trampoline. You see it? Jump and I'll go get your mommy as soon as I see you're safe." You pointed down the building.

She nodded and she stood at the window still, taking a deep breaths before jumping down, screaming a bit. You worriedly looked out but sighed in relief as she yelled out, "I'm Okay! Go save Mommy!!!"

You smiled a bit but it faded when you realized your 'partner' hadn't been back. You frowned and closed your eyes as you focused in on listening and finding his location. Once you found out where he was you ran to his location but gasped as you saw his state. He was holding up pieces of the roof, trying not to get the woman underneath him squished. You ran up to him and helped him by taking hold of the wood.

"Get her out!" You yelled through clenched teeth.

"No! You can't stay! I'll stay you take her!" He frantically yelled.

"Shut up and go! You're the only one who can save her quickly! Jump her down and save her! SAVE HER!" You yelled as you pushed him away.

He took the woman in his arms and ran, "I'll be back! I swear!"

You began to cry as you watched him run away with the woman. You knew he wouldn't be back in time. It wasn't possible. You pried out from under the burning wood and it fell to the ground as you crawled to the safest spot. You couldn't walk anymore. You had sprained your leg trying to keep the wood from falling on Fredzilla. Walking around was useless. You closed your eyes and leaned onto the wall.

You never ended up finding your Freddy. He was the main reason you had moved back to San Fransokyo. Other than SFIT that is. You longed to see him again, to see what he had become. Now you couldn't even see that. You clenched your hands as you felt yourself slipping away. The smoke slowly suffocating you. Darkness was almost complete when you heard a faint voice yelling at you to stay awake. Alas you couldn't and soon you lost consciousness.


Part 3 will be up soon!! :D Feel free to request and I'll try my best!

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