Chapter 10

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"Dinner in our new outfits tonight?"

"Does it have to be bloody vegan?"

"Well. We can go to a vegan-friendly restaurant."

"Vegan-friendly just means vegan with maybe one or two non-vegan dishes doesn't it?"

"Um. Well. Depends which one..."

"Be honest."


"Urgh God."


"Hi Pierre!!!!"

"Bonjour to you too, mademoiselle," he replied in his French accent.

"Ok so I need a car, classic and stylish."

"You have come to the good place, eh non?"

"Yes, I have 400 thousand."

Pierre winced. "Oh, that is very unfortunate. Non, je blague. Of course. Laisse-moi penser.... AH OUI. Fantastique. Yes. I have this wonderful car here... come, come."

He led me through the many halls that made up his showroom. He brought me to a light-filled room with a striking, red car in the middle. 

"Et, voilà. Qu'en tu pense?"

Ok French skills here we go. Thank god I took French in high school else this would be embarrassing. Most likely still will be. 

"Je l'aime beaucoup. Qu'est que c'est?"

"It is a Ferrari Daytona, not very many made. Good condition, very very good. Price is 600 thousand."

I looked at him frowning. "But I said.."

"Oui, oui. Je sais. Tu as dit 400. But. I can give this one to you for 250k now. 250k next time you visit. It is a very good deal... some are worth over a million euro..."

"But you say 250k dollars now?"

"Oui. And 250k dollars next time."

"Ok, sure. Here's the thing. I need it in LA."

"Of course, it will take maybe a month at most."

"In a few days."

"Ah. Je vois. It is possible, but expensive. Is it so urgent?"


You see... it was the 1st of March. And y/n's birthday was the 4th. 

"I can arrange. But the cost will be probably 20 thousand at least."


Great. I had found y/n a present. Hopefully she will like it. 

After I paid Pierre, he waved goodbye to me as I left the store and walked to a bridge across the Seine. 


"Ok so you're obviously not in to vegan, which isn't really acceptable but anyway. So we're going to a Greek restaurant which has LOTS of non-vegan stuff." If I'm going to be honest she looked revolted as she said that.


"Ok so we have to get ready in a few hours. Anything you wanna do now?"

"Can we go to my house so I can get some stuff. April didn't get me some important things."

"Like what?"

"Um. My teddy bear... also I wanna get my car."

"How big is your teddy?"

I gestured a circle almost five feet wide with my arms.

"AWW so cute i wanna see it. Does he or she have a name?"

"Yes. It's a he by the way."

She looked at me the way she always does when she wants someone to continue. It's this intent look with a few blinks.


"Well that's a little underwhelming. But cute."

"Fuck you. Can we go now?"


We got into her car and it was really hot.

"This feels stuffy," I said.


I looked at her weirdly.

"I dont actually say that, I promise. Just felt appropriate."

"Oh. Ok."

"Do you wanna take my Lambo?"

"You have a Lambo?"


I looked at her again.

"What?" She asked.

"Never mind."


"Anyway... so you have a Lambo?"

"Where is it?"

"Under that car cover there."

We got out of the the hot, stuffy Range Rover whose panoramic glass roof was roasting my skin at a comfy 250 degrees and she led me over to a black car cover which said Mercedes on it.

"Isn't this your Mercedes E-Class?"

She pulled it off and under it was a white Lamborghini.

"Nope. I got rid of that a long time ago. Paps think that just because it has the same car cover as that and a Mercedes logo that it's still the Merc. But it isn't."


"i present to you, the Lamborghini Aventador."

"Aren't you supposed to be Italian?"

"Yuh." Oh for fuck's sake. 

"Then why did you pronounce it wrong?"

"I didn't."

I walked over to the other side of the car and kind of admired it. But, despite it being old, and less shiny, and the crash, my heart liked Kendall's classic more. Urgh I need to get some car like that, when I can afford it.

"It didn't sound right."

"Just get in."

I got in and asked, "How do paps never see you in this?"

"Well, I never go anywhere in it, just if for a drive. Down the coast or around the hills. Oh and also you have to wear a ski mask."

"You WHAT?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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