Chapter 4

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Ariana placed a hand on my shoulder.


"No, no that's not..."


My eyes shot open. I was breathing heavily. 

"You good?" Ariana asked.

"Ariana her parents..."

"Don't worry, they've already met me. They thanked you as well but you were asleep.Mrs. y/l/n is really nice."


I looked to where she was pointing. Her parents? Oh thank GOD. This sounds so fucking cliché but thank god it was a dream. 

My body ached from sleeping in an awkward position. At least I didn't drool; that would have been so embarrassing.

I noticed y/n's father walking over to me; I stood up.

"Hi Mr. y/l/n. I'm Kendall."

"Please, call me y/f/n," y/n's father said. "How did you sleep?" he laughed.

"Not the best night. Is your daughter ok?"

"Yes, thankfully. The doctors said that she did lose a lot of blood but they had by now identified that she would fully recover. Ariana and I also had a chat. What she basically said was that you saved her. Thank you."

Ariana looked over at me and smiled. 

Mr y/l/n walked over to y/n's mum. 

"I don't think y/n knows you're here yet. Her parents have already talked to her but I don't think the mentioned you. Or me," Ariana said.

"So she's awake?"

"Yeah, she's quite tired though."

I walked over to Mr. y/l/n. "Sorry for interrupting; do you mind if I talk to y/n?"

"No, not at all. I'm sure she'll be glad to see you."


My eyes were closed. The bed was soft, and the duvet engulfed me in what felt like, uhm, well, a warm duvet. Not much of me hurt, but if I tried to sit up without support then it would hurt. The doctors warned me not to do that because if I did it could prevent the wound from healing. But, naturally, I forgot and screamed when I tried to reach for my phone which I saw lying on the bedside table.

I had tried to fall asleep, after waking up at around 7 in the morning, but failed. All I could think of was yesterday.

I met Kendall yesterday. She's probably one of the most amazing people I've ever come across. Everyone knows her. But she's so...real. She's so kind. She's so, well, perfect.

And then I, briefly, saw Ariana. Hopefully she is as nice as Kendall. So far all my personal experience with her has been that she crashed into Kendall's car yesterday and that I am now in hospital because of that.


I recognised the voice instantly. It still kind of scared me since I didn't hear the door open.

"The fuck?" Oops. I'm not sure if I should have said that.

"Oh, ummm. Do you want me to go? By the way, it's Kendall."

"Sorry. You kinda scared me. Also, you're here?"

"Yes. You mind if I have a seat?"

"No I don't have much to do and the doctors said there's no time limit so we can just chat."

She took a chair from the corner of the room and placed it near my bed.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I'm here to see you."

"When did you come? I was probably asleep then so sorry..." No, I wasn't asleep why did I just randomly say that.

"I didn't leave."

Wait what? What does that mean? She stayed the whole night?

"Umm so where did you sleep?"

"The chair outside. Ariana made it even more uncomfortable."

What. The. Fuck? Ariana's here too? 

"You slept in a chair? And Ariana's here?"

"Yeah. And Ariana didn't sleep in a chair, by the way. She slept on me."


"Why what?"

"Why are both of you here?"

"Because you're in the hospital...?"

"Yes, but you don't even really know me."

"So? I like you, you're my friend. And Ariana didn't want to leave since it was her fault."

"Oh. Umm, thanks, I guess."

"No worries. So, how are you feeling?

"Better than yesterday. Well, yesterday evening. Yesterday before that was great though, so thanks."

"Once you're not in hospital any more we can go out again."

"Yeah. Ariana's here, right?"

She nodded.

"Do you mind getting her?"


She walked out and called Ariana.

"Hi y/n, I hope you're better."

"I'll wait outside," Kendall said and left.

Ariana sat down on the chair and her big, brown eyes looked at me intently.

"Well. I am better. But I still don't understand why you're here. You've never met me before and you've now known me for, what, 12 hours?"

Ariana looked upset.

"I'm sorry, I can leave if you want. I didn't mean to intrude, I thought you would be happy. I just want you to know that I'm really sorry and that I get that it was my fault. If there's anything you ever need, give me a call or text me." She handed my a small slip of paper with some digits on it. I mean her number.

"No, no, Ariana. You've completely misunderstood the situation."

She looked puzzled.

"Imagine you were in my place-"

"I wouldn't want to be."

I gave her a disappointed look.

"Sorry, continue."

"Imagine you were in my place. Some famous pop singer-"

"I'm not some famous pop singer."

I ignored her.

"-who you have never met crashes into you and then when you wake up in the morning, she's still here. I don't want you to leave. I'm just really surprised that you're here."

"Oh. Well. In that case, don't think of me as 'some famous pop singer'," she laughed. "I hope that, in spite of the circumstances of how we met, we can be friends and so, therefore, please think of me as your friend."

"That sounded really fucking formal."

"Friends?" she smiled.


Thank you so much everyone for reading. 6 days on and this book, which is my first, ranks 33 in gxg and 23 in arianagrande. I can't thank you enough for this. Sorry for the short update, I will do another one today. 

Please leave comments on the book; it really helps. Thank you.


The Model - y/n x Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now