Chapter 3

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We had to stop bickering about whose fault it was because the a lady in a white lab coat came out.

She cleared her throat.

"Y/n y/l/n is currently asleep but she will wake up. Her injury was not fatal and despite significant blood loss she will completely recover. She just needs time."

"Will she scar?" I don't know why I asked that; but it could affect her modelling career so...

"I can't say. There was a large amount of bruising surrounding the wound however the cut was not large. Even if there will be a scar it won't be very noticeable."

"Ok thank you."

"Oh thank god she's ok," exhaled Ariana.

"By the way, when can we see her?" I added.

"For now only family members, but she should be able to have visitors tomorrow."


"SHIT ARIANA. Her family doesn't know. Fuck, fuck, fuck. How could we forget?" I whispered to her. I didn't want the doctor to hear; that would be embarrassing.

She still heard. 🤦‍♂️ 

"Don't worry, y/n's family has already been contacted. However, they will not be able to make it until tomorrow," she said.

"Oh, I see."

Ariana and I sat down again and I tried to close my eyes.

"Ariana you don't have to stay."

"No it's my fault so I'll wait. You on the other hand don't have to. It's not your fault."

"She doesn't even know you Ariana. How would you feel if in the morning you woke up and the only person there was someone famous and you didn't even know?"

"It's not like she knows you Kendall."

"Shut up Ariana you're not helping."



"Miss Jenner?"

I slowly opened my eyes.

"Yes?" I said drearily. I saw Ariana crying through my tired eyes.

"Y/n is awake. She has not seen anyone but you and Ariana are the only ones here. Ariana insisted that you go first."

I got up slowly; I hadn't slept in the most comfortable of positions.

I walked into the room; the nurse held the door open for me.

Y/n's eyes were closed. I wasn't sure if she was awake but the nurse nodded at me so I continued.

I sat in the chair beside her bed and held her hand which was hanging off the bed.

"Y/n, are you better?"

She looked shocked at hearing my voice.

"Than when?"

"Ummmm, yesterday?"

"No, a lot fucking worse. I was modelling with you yesterday and playing around and having fun."

"I meant after the crash."

She smiled lightly at me. I noticed she had cried a lot. 

"Y/n you're ok now."

"You waited."

"Yes. Ariana's here too."

She smiled again. "Thank you."

At this moment Ariana walked in. It seemed that she had convinced the nurse to let us both in at the same time.

"Hi y/n," she said.

"I'm really sorry about this. I don't want this to be how you met me and that this be what you remember me for."

"We'll see," she laughed.

"Can I sit here?" Ariana asked, pointing at the foot of the bed.

Y/n moved a bit and nodded.

We chatted for a while; probably about 10 minutes. Y/n seemed quiet the whole time. Yesterday, she was one of the funniest, most outgoing people I had ever met. Perhaps she was tired. Oh, and also, she was in the hospital.

Where were her parents though? Maybe she just missed them and wanted to see them.

"So, y/n. Your family is coming, tell me about them."

Y/n shook her head. Tears formed in her eyes.

"My family aren't coming," she managed to get out.

"What? Why?"

Y/n was crying now, "They were on the plane; watch the news."

Ariana placed a hand on my shoulder.


The Model - y/n x Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now