Chapter 6

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Finally, the food arrived. Mine looked like a an eggplant stuffed with something. Hers looked like risotto. Hers looked much more appetising, to be honest. I swear if she did this to me on purpose...

Still. How bad can Italian be, even if it's vegan?

A couple of minutes later, I had my answer. It could be VERY bad. The eggplant wasn't bad itself, and the sauce was delicious. But I have no idea what was inside it; I really didn't like that part.

"You good?" Ari asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're not eating."

"I'm fine."

"Do you want to try mine?"

"Ummm. What is it?"

"Asparagus Risotto."

"Ok sure."

She grabbed a fork and scooped up some risotto. 

"Here you go," she said, hovering the fork in front of my face.

I opened my mouth and she placed the fork in it.

"Awwwwww. There you are. INSTAGRAM TIME!"

She took a photo with her fork still in my mouth. If she posts that on Instagram...

"So Ari, what do you wanna do when we're done?"

"Go home. Maybe watch a movie?"

"K. Can we get Starbucks first though?"


Once we were done, Ari asked for the bill.

She took out her card and attempted to place it on the table.

"Ari, I'm paying."

"No, of course not. I took you out so I'm paying."

"You're already letting me stay with you."

Why is it that I always had to bicker about this topic?

She ended up paying. 

More importantly, why is it that I always bickered but then gave up.

We went to a Starbucks drive-thru and I got a large, sweet, delicious Mocha Frappucino. 

"What size?" she asked.

"The largest one possible."

Ari also took something, but I don't know what. 

"What size?"

"Uh, Grande."

Of course she did that.

Once we got our coffees she started driving to her house.

We stopped in front of a huge gate. Sorry, to rephrase that: we stopped in front of her huge gate. I think.

The gate started opening, in complete silence. No creak, no whir. Like a Tesla.

She continued up the driveway and turned right at the end. I saw a large house. It had wrought iron balconies and windows on every side. The front door was a large, double door and stood dominantly in the centre. Surrounding the house were beautifully arranged plants and flowers. It looked, well, pretty damn pretty.

"Uhhh, nice house."

"Thanks. Pretty right?"


"Not as pretty as your face." I blushed. Ariana Grande just called me pretty. Unless she thinks her house is really ugly in which case I'm prettier than an ugly thing which... doesn't really mean much.

She pulled over in front of the door and got out. 

I walked inside and was met with a beautiful staircase. And before my eyes, hung a long, expensive-looking chandelier. Her house was amazing. 

"Do you want to watch something?"



"Can we watch the Hunt? It's that new movie that came out. I think it's the one where they go hunting for pigs in the wild."

Ariana looked sadly at her pet pig.

"We are NOT watching that."

"Pleeeeeaaaase. I really want to watch it."

"So watch it when you're at home; not with me."

"Yes. But. It costs like 20 dollars and I don't want to pay 20 dollars."

"I'm not paying 20 dollars to watch a movie I don't want to watch."

"But the thing is. If we watch it now, then you can pay the 20 dollars."

"Oh. Ok."



"Sorry Ari you just said you were going to and now you have to do it."

"I hate you."

"Of course you do." I said sarcastically.

20 minutes into the movie I was beginning to realise something. This wasn't exactly a movie about hunting pigs. Which was good, for Ari. The bad news was it was a little more extreme:

The group of people ran. The had woken up with gags and a few survival tools. Knives, ropes, that kind of stuff. They didn't know what to do. Suddenly, a bunch of motorcyclists emerged from the forest and started hacking away at the people. They continued running, slower and slower; out of breath. The engines of the motorcycles roared, and the sound of knives being unsheathed could be heard; a high-pitched squeal of metal against metal. A train could be heard in the distance. They reached a railroad track and stopped. The track looked dangerous; rusty and out of thick, metal bars. The motorcyclists had stopped and turned their bikes all towards them. The train could be seen along the track; it pumped thick black smoke and bellowed like a hunting dinosaur. The tracks were wide, and had pebbles under them and over them. The bikers roared and rode into the helpless crowd of what would soon be corpses. Some took out knives and tried to fight. Others tried to help by throwing ropes at the bikers to trip them up or drag them off. The attempts were futile. The bikers outnumbered and outmatched them. It was a slaughter. The crowd ran across the tracks. The train bellowed one last time.

Ari paused the movie.

"Y/n, I thought you said this was about hunting pigs."

"Would you rather it was."

She looked at her piggy and softly said, "No comment."

"Ok let's continue."

Some time later, I fell asleep. 

When I woke up, Ari's head was on my shoulder and Courtney was on Ariana's shoulder.

'WHOA FUCK COURTNEY when did you get here?"

Ariana jumped and Courtney slid off her on to the carpeted floor of the cinema.

"Sorry, Ari." I said.

She laid down on me again and, I think, fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

"When did I get here? Oh, umm, let me see." She rubbed her eyes and checked her phone.

"15 minutes ago."

"Not gonna be rude Courtney but that's rude. I mean, you just walked in and then fell asleep on top of us. How did you even get in? Oh wait yeah I forgot you and Ari are best friends you have her key right right right."

"You two looked so comfy here and I wanted to join you. Wait, also. The door was open."

"What the fuck do you mean?"

The Model - y/n x Ariana GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now