༄ 01

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Someone p.o.v.

"Felix! Wake up! We'll be late for school!" Dami called for her little brother from downstairs.

"Five more minutes, Yubinnie!!" Felix replied turning to the wall.

"No, Felix! It's 7:50!" The older yelled back coming up to Felix's room.
Felix didn't react until he felt his sister hit him with a pillow over and over until he finally got up.

"God, Yubinnie!" He yelled at her while getting up from bed and heading to the the bathroom to get ready.
As he was brushing his teeth, he looked at the mirror, spotting his freckles that he hated so much.
He stared at the freckles with bad thoughts of them, he thought they looked ugly on him, he was ashamed of them..

"Will you stop staring at yourself in the mirror and get dressed?" His sister interrupted his thoughts while passing down the hallway. But Felix just looked at her with a sad look.
She sighed
"Look Lix, everyone, and i mean EVERYONE i know said that your freckles look like stars that make you even prettier than you already are, don't worry about them..." Dami comforted her brother
"Everyone except the one i want to think of me that way.." he said looking at his feet pouting
"Mind telling me who that person is?" She asked with a slightly annoyed face.
"Hwang Hyunjin, of course" Felix replied.
Dami facepalmed herself and just replied with a "mhmm".

Felix finally dressed up and the two head to school.

When they arrived they we're welcomed with slightly concerned Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin.
"LIX HYUNG YOU'RE HERE!" Jeongin yelled when he saw his friend coming in with his sister.
"Hello Dami sunbaenim!" Jisung said smiling to Jeongin and Felix hugging tightly.
"Hi Jisung, Seungmin" Dami replied with a smile, which is not usually very often to he seen in public, well, except for the three of Felix's best friends.
"Why we're you late, sunbaenim?" Seungmin asked the older girl.
"Barely woke Felix up" she said glancing at him annoyed.
"Hey, Yubinnie, aren't that your friends?" Felix asked pointing at a group of friends at the other side of the hallway.
"Oh right, I'll be going now. Jisung, you're in charge" she said leaving to the group of friends.

Dami p.o.v

After leaving Felix with is friends i head to my own friends.
"Yo, Dami-ah, you're finally here" Yoohyeon greeted me with a big smile on her face.
"Yeah, had some issues with waking up my brother" i replied smiling back at her.
We we're just about to start a conversation, but the stupid bell interrupted us.
"Dami-ah, what class do you have?" Bangchan asked me looking for someone to go to class with.
"Rap." I answered him
"Cool, i have that too" Gahyeon said as she pulled me to the elevator for the second floor where our teacher, Moonbyul teaches us.

Just when Gahyeon was about to enter the class someone has pushed her and she fell. I looked to see who was being such a d*ck and wasn't really surprised to see Hyunjin, the school's 'bad' boy.
I pulled him by the shirt which took him by surprise since he thought there was no one stronger than him in the school.
"Hwang, just because you're popular doesn't give you permission to hurt students who never done anything to you, understand?" I told him to which he turned around to face me and Gahyeon.
"I'm sorry, sunbaenim Dami & Gahyeon, i promise i won't do it again" he said giving Gahyeon a hand to help her stand up.
No matter how much he liked being the 'bad boy' of the school, he was also very nice to students older than him.
"It's okay, Hyunjin!" Gahyeon was a quite nice girl who would always accept an apology, which was opposite of me.. but i decided to accept it this time because it wasn't a big deal and Gahyeon wasn't really hurt.

{Time skip to end of 1st class}

At the end of the class, teacher Moonbyul said she had a notice for us
"Since a new year has started, from now on, all of you will he sorted in dorms.
School principal will be pairing all of you at the end of 3rd period. Every dorm will be owned by two students, most likely similar age."
Teacher Moonbyul said leading us to the exit door.
I was kind of hoping to be paired with Gahyeon or Yoohyeon, cuz they we're by besties and i don't really need anymore 'friends' around me.

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