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Someone p.o.v

Dami was the first to wake up, feeling weight and remembering what happened last night and Handong falling asleep on her again.
She also remembered recording Hyunjin talk about Felix, so she took her phone and started editing the audio and cut out the last part.

Not too long after Handong woke up as well. They giggled at the two sleeping boys who's lips we're brushing against each other. They decided not to wake the two boys up and instead went to make breakfast together.
Before making breakfast they decided to run to their dorm and change.
They went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and as Dami was about to put her toothbrush in her mouth, she felt Handong's hand touch her chin and turn her head making eye contact.

"Handong...?" Dami flinched as Handong leaned closer slowly connecting their lips together. Handong's lips we're soft and Dami had no other choice then to close her eyes and kiss the girl back.
They pulled away and looked each other in the eyes.
Handong realized what she has done and pushed Dami away.
"O-OH MY GOD!! I-I- I'M SORRY DAMI!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO-" Handong apologized millions of Times only to be cut off by Dami pecking her lips smiling.
There was a silence between the two for a few minutes, both of them we're both embarrassed and extremely happy with what just happened.
"We should get going, Hyunjin and Felix might have already woken up.." Dami saidm
"Yeah we still didn't take a picture of the two lovers sleeping" Handong said making Dami laugh.

Lucky for the girls, the two boys we're still fast asleep, still in the same position like they were when the girls left.
Dami headed to the kitchen while Handing quickly snapped a picture and went after Dami.
They made breakfast together acting like nothing happened earlier.

Hyunjin and Felix woke up to the smell of pancakes. Realizing the position they're in, Felix screamed as if he was going to die.
Dami and Handong ran to the living room to see what's with all the yelling and saw Felix running around the house red as a tomato while Hyunjin just hid his face in his palms.

Dami started laughing so hard she tripped on her own foot and nearly fell.
"WhAaT? You two we're so adorable together!" Dami said trying to catch a breath as Handong got closer to both of the boys and showed them the picture she took before, which only made both of them redder.
"Anyways, breakfast is ready. And by the way, i have something to show you Lix" Dami said smiling at Hyunjin giving him a sign of what she will show to the youngest.
Hyunjin tried his best not to show how panicked he was, but his drama llama self wasn't good at hiding it.

"Hyunjin? Are you okay?" Felix asked looking at the older.
"Uh- yeah- I'm just... Hungry!" Hyunjin find an excuse for his panic and Felix seemed to be fooled by it.

They went to eat, Felix beside Hyunjin and Handong beside Dami.
"Soo.... What happened last night? I don't remember anything except that we watched a horror movie..?" Felix asked.
"A lot happened.." Hyunjin tried answering but was quickly cut off by the younger's sister.
"You feel asleep on Hyunjin, and Handong on me. We didn't know what to do so we just decided to sleep as well" Dami laughed as Handong and Felix became red.

Felix and Dami decided that Dami would show him what she had after they finish their homeworks.

Once Dami & Handong left, Felix has already started doing his homework and Hyunjin... Of course he didn't wanna do it.
Instead he called his friend Bangchan who happened to know Felix pretty well since he was also friends with him and Dami.

(Chan, Hyunjin)

"Hey, Hyunjin. You need anything?"
"Yeah actually... I need advice"
"Sure, what is it?"
"How do you ask someone on a date?"
"Be specific Hyunjin, who are you asking?"
"Well... Uhhh.... Felix"
"Yes, can you help me?"
"Uhh sure? What is he doing now?"
"Okay uhh... Just walk in and ask him if he would like to hangout"
"Okay, Thanks Hyung..."
"No problem, tell me if you need anything else"

~end of call~

'okay Hyunjin, you can do this.. just ask him to hangout..' Hyunjin comforted himself as he walked to their shared bedroom...


Another cliffhanger 😂
I had to make it like that cuz I'm running very late on posting the 11th chap.
I'll start writing the next part asap and try finishing it on time

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