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{part 2 of previous chapter :)}

Someone p.o.v
Usually, Hyunjin is the one to wake up first, Felix just likes getting more sleep.
But today was quite different..
Felix has fell asleep an hour before Hyunjin, but this night is very cold, Felix was shaking even while sleeping.
Instead of putting a blanket over the younger boy, Hyunjin seeing how cold Felix is he decided he'd cuddle with Felix since he'd always wake up first and thought Felix would never even realize what warmed him up so much that night.
Although, Hyunjin was so convinced he'd wake up first, just that morning, an exception occurred where Felix actually woke up first.
When Felix woke up he felt pretty warm and comfortable cuddled up in whatever that was, he almost didn't want to get up.
He turned around to see what was that made him feel so comfortable and safe and was more than surprised to see a peacefully sleeping Hyunjin hugging onto him.
Felix wanted to panic, scream and jump of the bed running to the bathroom, but seeing the older who seemed so comfortable having Felix in his arms, Felix felt bad by the thought of waking him up.

He slowly and carefully tried unleashing the older's hold, which surprisingly woke the older up
"Five more minutes please?" He asked not even opening his eyes.
"Hyunjin, y'know, you can sleep more if you want to but- I wanna eat, please let me go-" Felix was just about to finish his sentence when Hyunjin pulled him back to the bed hugging him even tighter and even closer than before.
"I said five more minutes" the older said hugging onto Felix.
"Hyunjiiiiin.. iM hUnGrY!" Felix struggled trying to get out of Hyunjin's hold in which he failed miserably.
Hyunjin held onto Felix for another few minutes before slowly letting him go while opening his sleepy eyes looking at Felix with a sad look on his face.

Felix stared back at Hyunjin for a few seconds before taking his phone and checking the time.

7:14 AM

"I'll go get ready and make breakfast" Felix said picking his clothes and heading to the bathroom leaving Hyunjin who was still pretty sleepy.
When Felix was done getting ready he went to the small kitchen and started making ramen for him and Hyunjin, who has finally gotten out of bed and was getting dressed now.

After 8 more minutes Hyunjin finally came to the kitchen seeing Felix waiting for him to come and eat ramen together
It was kind of awkward to eat together because of the fact they literally slept together after the second night, but Felix didn't mind. He wanted to wait for Hyunjin.

Hyunjin sat on his chair, too awkward to talk. He was about to start eating when he looked up at the younger boy and saw his cheeks. Hyunjin's attention quickly went to the blushing younger boy who was sitting across him.
No matter how much he was awkward he still couldn't take his eyes off Felix.

Felix finally looked up and saw Hyunjin's stare, he started blushing even more, his face was completely red and his eyes we're sparkling so beautifully.

"Hyunjin.... Your ramen will get cold" Felix woke up Hyunjin from his daydream of.... some not so innocent things.
Hyunjin looked at the younger boy confused while trying to recall whatever he was doing other than daydreaming.
Hyunjin realized what Felix was talking about and started eating his ramen.

At first the two didn't talk much, they just ate in piece, until Felix decided to speak up and ask the question he had form the second he woke up.
"So, what happened last night?" he asked trying to hide the blush and act serious.
Hyunjin froze trying to thinking of a lie believable enough
"I- uhh... You we're shaking so i... i assumed you were cold..."
It was actually the truth what Hyunjin said, but not exactly how it went.
"Yeah.. it was pretty cold. Thank you, but.... Why didn't you just put a blanket over me?" Felix asked again.
"Uhh- well... About that..-" Hyunjin struggled to form words because of the awkwardness. He started blushing and couldn't even make eye contact with the younger boy.
Felix was just curiously staring at the latter expecting an answer.

Hyunjin really didn't know what to say or what lie to make up, he started sweating lightly cuz of the thought of ruining his started friendship with the younger boy.
"Whenever i was cold at night... My m-mom use to cuddle with me so i just...thought that would help." Hyunjin blamed his mother, which wasn't far from true, his mother would always hug him when he was cold.
"Honestly students call you bad boy, but you seem more like a baby boy" Felix laughed.
"I would be your baby boy..." Hyunjin whispered under his breath.
"What?-" the younger seemed to hear a few words. His cheeks became light pink as he looked at the older with a shocked expression.
"WhAt?" Hyunjin said, acting confused but panicking on the inside.
"Nothing.... Anyways, finish your food and get ready for school, it's starting in half an hour" Felix said getting up and putting his plate in the sink.
"Can I skip today?" Hyunjin asked with puppy eyes
"No." The younger answered coldly.
"Pleaseee?" Hyunjin kept asking trying to be as adorable as possible, it only made the youngers cheeks go a soft pink color.
"No Hyunjin, now that we're roommates you won't be skipping school anymore." Felix answered taking the older's plate and placing it in the sink next to his own.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes "You're not my boss, i can do whatever I want to."
Felix leaned at Hyunjin, teasing him, they're lips we're centimeters away from each other.
"Okay, I'm not your boss. And soon i won't be your roommate as well." The younger said and backed away going to the bedroom to take his backpack and go to school.
"What do you mean by that?" Hyunjin asked nervously, no matter how much he was mad at Felix trying to control him, Felix changing dorms was the last thing he wanted to happen.
"If you're so annoyed by me acting like your boss I'll change dorms so i don't bother you anymore" Felix said opening the front door, where Hyunjin grabbed his hand and pulled him back closer to him. Hyunjin had one of his hands on Felix's waist, and the other one holding his hand.
He didn't say a word, Hyunjin stared into Felix's eyes with a concerned look, which Felix seemed to notice.
No words we're really needed, Felix saw how concerned and unhappy Hyunjin was with Felix even thinking about changing dorms, he wrapped his hands around the olders neck and hugged him.
Felix got scared when he didn't feel Hyunjin return the hug thinking he was mad, he moved his head and placed a small kiss on Hyunjin's cheek to which the older chuckled. Felix realized what he had done, he pushed Hyunjin away and hid his face with his hands
"I-I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!! I-I DIDN'T REALIZE WHAT I WAS DOING! I-I-" Felix panicked thinking he ruined the friendship he had with his crush, but he was only cut off by the older removing his hands from his face and kissing the younger's forehead.
"You should do that more often" he whispered in the latter's ear and went to take his backpack.
They went to school together, not talking because Felix was so flushed by what just happened and the fact his crush had kissed his forehead.

Word count: 1278

Hi everyone, sorry for not posting yesterday, i usually post every 3 days but these days i had my brother over and i didn't get too much time to work.
Here i go talking about my real life again -_-

Anyways, does this chapter seem rushed? Like it's the second night of being roommates and i already started making tea? I'm not sure, comment what you think?
Stay tuned for the next chapter, I'll make sure to finish the next chapter in 3 days <3

By the way, as you may know Seo Soojin will he leaving (G)I-DLE which i took pretty hard since she was my bias wrecker...
And also CLC is disbanding? Cube is proving to be the worst company in the world, JYP got some competition.
I honestly hope Soojin will end up starting a solo carrier and be as amazing as Hyuna is.
But still, for us NEVERLANDs, (G)I-DLE will always remain OT6 ♡︎

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