Chapter 46

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Jonah, Jake and Delaney had driven down to the town that Brent's tracker had stopped in. They drove up and down the streets looking for his car. Because unfortunately, the tracker only gave a radius. Luckily it was a very small beach town. They found his candy apple red charger at a quaint beach house right by the ocean. They camped out down the road for the rest of night. They never saw hide nor hair of Brent or Jenna.

Jonah knew that the energy among them was way down. They were all worried that Brent wasn't actually keeping Jenna at that location. Maybe he had her locked in a basement somewhere or chained to a bed. Just the thought of that made him want to storm into the house and beat this Brent bastard to a bloody pulp. But they weren't prepared to enter the house yet. Especially not with Delaney. Jake and Jonah had already decided that she would stay back at Jenna and Jake's townhouse. They couldn't risk her getting hurt in the process. Jonah knew she would fight them about staying back. But he had just the thing to keep her back. Baking. Especially if she was baking for Jenna. That would keep her busy all day, hopefully.

Jonah and Jake had decided to execute their plan the next day. The nerves had already set in.  He was also having a hard time controlling his anger. He hadn't felt this kind of anger in three years. So Jonah was going to have to rely on Jake to be the calm one. The one to reel him in if things got out of hand. Jonah was happy that Jenna had Jake for these last three years. He was a great guy and it seemed like he had a lot of love for Jenna, in a big brother protective kind of way.

Jake pulled up to the townhouse and everyone climbed out of the car. They were all exhausted and all they had done was sit down the street from the beach house all day. None of them had realized how emotionally and mentally draining this day would be and it wasn't over yet. Because Jake and Jonah were going to break the news to Delaney that she needed to stay back. They walked into the townhouse and took their jackets off. 

"Hey Delaney, Jake and I would like to talk with you." Jonah said. Delaney turned around and stared into Jonah's soul.

"I already know what you're going to say and I don't want to hear it. I'm going with you. End of story." Delaney said sternly. Jonah was taken aback by her tone. He had never heard her talk to anyone like that.

"Delaney." Jake said as he approached her. He grabbed both of her hands. "You know what we're going to say because you know it's the right thing to do. We cannot worry about your safety and Jenna's at the same time. If something happened to you, I can't even imagine what would happen to Jenna." Jake said softly. Tears instantly began to well up in Delaney's eyes and Jonah could tell she was getting very frustrated.

"Delaney, I know you want what's best for Jenna. Pleased just trust Jake and I with this. I promise we will do everything to bring her home. But in order to do that, we need to focus all of our attention on her. And not have to worry about you too." Jonah said. Delaney was quiet. He could tell that she was deep in thought. Finally she spoke.

"Okay, you're right. I want your number one priority to be my daughter. But what will I do with myself? I'm going to be a nervous wreck while your gone." Delaney said sadly.

"I already thought of something. You should bake Jenna's favorite cookies. Because I'm sure she's going to need some comfort when we bring her home. Because we will bring her back here, Delaney. Let us do this." Jonah said as he got up from the table and hugged her. She held on for dear life and sobbed in his arms. Jonah knew they had convinced her.


It was the next morning and Jenna had fallen asleep on the couch. When she woke up Brent was on the floor next to her. She sat up and stretched. Her body was still very sore. But the pain pills had helped. She decided that she would be a good wife and make breakfast. Just the thought of that made her want to throw up. But she NEEDED her Mama. And this was the only way back to her.

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