Chapter 28

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Jenna looked down at her phone again. She was getting frustrated because Jake was an hour late for their study session. She had the Dr Pepper in the fridge waiting and the last she heard from Jake he was getting their favorite pizza. Jenna picked up her phone to see if he had texted. Nope nothing. She decided to waste some time on FB. She was scrolling through aimlessly when a post caught her eye. A post from Jonah to be exact. It was a picture of him and his mother. Catherine looked like she was thriving and happy next to her son. Jonah... He looked good, really good. Her heart did a little flip flop and she sighed. She missed him so much. But she knew this was for the best. She decided to comment on the picture with a simple, "Looking good. Miss you guys.".. Jenna immediately regretted it but she left it. Jonah was still her friend afterall.

"Hey Bitch!" Jake yelled as he slammed through the front door with his arms full. Jenna put her phone down and hopped up off of the couch ready to give Jake a piece of her mind. When she turned around he had a beautiful bouquet of tulips. Ugh, he knew how to apologise.

"Don't think these get you out of me being pissed off because you are so damn late!" Jenna said as she pulled a vase out of the cupboard. Jake just laughed and shook his head because he knew that the flowers had done the trick. "Okay, who am I kidding? I'm a whore for flowers." Jenna said. That earned a hearty laugh from Jake. "But seriously, why are you so late?"

"The pizza spot was so freaking busy. All the other students had the same idea as us, pizza and studying. You know how crazy things get around finals in this town." Jake explained. Jenna nodded her head in agreement. They finally sat down with plates full of pizza and glasses full of Dr. Pepper. She was half way through a piece of pizza when she felt Jake's eyes on her.

"What Jake? I know that look." She said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"What look? Jeez Louise. I just wanted to know how your coffee date went?" Jake asked. He took a swig of his drink and set it down. Now all of his attention was on her.

"Why do you look so damn worried then?" Jenna asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, it's been a long day. I'm just tired, promise. But seriously, how did it go?" He asked.

"It went good. He explained himself a little more. He thought I was blowing him off. But I just explained that I was more conservative than other women. I don't just jump into bed with me. And he was perfectly okay with that." Jenna said as she looked down. She felt a blush creeping up her neck thinking about the kiss.

"Why are those cheeks so flushed, missy?" Jake questioned.

"Ugh, I hate that! If you must know, he kissed me quite passionately. And I really enjoyed it." Jenna said quietly.

"So... You tell him you won't sleep with him and then he kissed you so passionately that you blush evening thinking about it? Sounds to me like he's trying to make you ditch your conservative ways, Jenna. Please be careful, I don't trust him." Jake said. Jenna sighed. All she wanted was Jake to be happy for her. "I'm sorry but you know I can't lie to you. He really creeps me out. And I worry for you."

"I don't know what to tell you, Jake. I haven't felt this way since... Since Jonah. I'm allowed to be happy. I deserve to be happy. And I really want you to support me on this." She says with her head hung low. She felt like she was going to cry and this pissed her off. She hated crying!

"I'll try, Jenna. I'm just trying to look out for you. You don't have much experience in this area. And your looking at a player. I know what this guy is thinking. And I would never want you to be treated like that. But I do trust you, Jenna. Just not him. Until he proves to me that he's worthy of you, I'm going to have a hard time. But I promise I'll try, okay?" Jake said as he got up and knelt next to Jenna's seat. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Jake. You really are the best." She said as she hugged him back.

"I know." He said. She slapped him on the shoulder and he tickled her sides. She laughed and pushed him to the ground. "Hey how about we skip studying and go to the movies. I honestly don't feel like studying tonight." He said sheepishly.

"I knew you were going to do that! You brat! I'm picking the movie if we're ditching studying." Jenna said as she got up and started putting the pizza away.

"Ughhhh, okay!" Jake said as he put his shoes on. Jenna laughed. She felt more peace and hoped that Jake would actually give Brent a chance.

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