Chapter 4

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"You did what?!?!?!" Edwin yelled. Oh he was pissed, Jenna could tell by the steam that was coming out of his ears. He looked like his head would blow at any minute.

"Please, just listen! You both have me so freaking sheltered and I'm supposed to leave for college in two months! I just wanted to break the rules just once. All the kids at school used to make fun of me and called me goody two shoes. I'll never do it again. Besides it was a really stupid idea." Jenna said as she hung her head. She could tell that Jonah was nervous, he was shaking his leg under the table. She put her hand on his knee to calm his nerves.

"Besides, the obvious. Why was it a bad idea?" Delaney asked looking into her eyes.

"Well.." Jenna hesitated.


"Okay, Dad. Please just calm down." She pleaded as she pushed some hair behind her ear. Her Mom was looking at her intently. "A guy got rough with me on the dance floor and Jonah had to step in. There was a small altercation but the guy was kicked out. Jonah handled it like a pro. Me, not so much. I don't know how to handle situations like that. So Jonah said he would teach me some self defense moves. Maybe I could even enroll in a few self defense classes this summer. I feel really unprepared for moving a state away. I don't know how to protect myself. But, honestly, if Jonah hadn't of been there it could have been really bad." She said quietly. Her parents looked mortified. But her Mom moreso. Jenna saw sadness in her eyes. She didn't mean to make her feel sad.

"Is there anything else you need to tell us?" Delaney asked quietly. Jenna could tell that her Mom knew that there was more.

"Well, actually yeah there is." Jenna said sheepishly.

"Jenna, I got this." Jonah said as he patted her hand. She nodded her head as relief flooded her body. "Jenna and I have had feelings for each for quite some time. And with your permission, I would like to date your daughter, Mr and Mrs Lancaster." Jonah said semi confidently. Edwin looked like he was going to pop a gasket and Delaney had a huge smile on her face.

"I'm not surprised. I've seen the way you kids look at each other.  You're in love." Delaney said plainly.

"In love!!!!!!!!!????" Edwin yelled.

"Edwin! Stop screaming. You had to have known this day was coming. It's puppy love. Let them see where it goes. Besides she's leaving in two months. No offense kids but long distance is hard." Delaney said. They both agreed. Edwin was still in shock.

Jenna had been in a few relationships before but they were with boys whose families were also wealthy. They were all the same, they just wanted her for the status. And they were all way too handsy. See, Jenna's family was very successful. They owned a business that ran ports out of Washington. It was actually her Mom's family business. It was small at first but then it blew up when more imports were being shipped to the Pacific coast. There was a demand and her Grandfather was able to fill the need. Her Dad had taken over the company when her Grandfather retired. Jenna still remembered the retirement party. Her Mom was still on the board at the company. They were worth a lot of money. But Jenna didn't care about any of that. But these boy's families did. She had never told her parents. The thought of it still creeped her out. Besides she felt like her Dad wouldn't believe her. Jenna didn't even know that there were people like that in the world. In fact Jonah beat up one of her ex boyfriends because he was rough with her. So she knew Jonah wasn't like that. She looked over and smiled at him. Jonah was different, better. A good person.

"Mr Lancaster, can I say something?" Jonah asked nervously. Edwin shook his head yes. "I promise that I'll never hurt your daughter. I've seen the way she's been mistreated by other people, especially other guys. I will always protect her. She's my best friend, sir." Jonah said as he put his arm around Jenna. Edwin sat and looked at him for a solid 5 minutes before saying anything. He crossed his arms across his chest and finally opened his mouth to speak. Jonah swallowed hard.

"You have to earn my trust, Jonah. But I'm not going to deny my daughter this. She looks happy. So, I'm okay with it for now." Edwin said.

"Thank you, sir." Jonah said. Jenna could tell that Jonah was shocked. If she was being honest, she was shocked as well. Her Dad took it better than she could have ever imagined. "I'd like to take your daughter to dinner and a movie later, if that's okay?" He asked. Edwin nodded his head yes and stood up to get his wallet. "No, sir. This is our first date. I'm going to do this the right way. It's on my dime." Jonah said as he looked at Jenna. Edwin looked a little shocked. Jenna could tell that Jonah has just won some brownie points with her Dad. That made her heart swell a little.

"That's so sweet." Delaney gushed as she got up and hugged Jonah. Jonah blushed and Jenna laughed at him for it. He just rolled his eyes at her. Jonah said goodbye to her parents and Jenna walked him to his car.

"So, I'll see you tonight?" She asked as she shut the front door behind her. A blush started to creep up her neck. Jonah smiled at her and reached up and tucked a stray hair behind her ear.

"Yep, I'll pick you up at 6. Go get some rest from your time breaking night." He said as he leaned down and kissed her softly. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. She felt so safe and comfortable in his arms. She just fit there. In his arms the whole world felt right. She reluctantly let go and watched him get into his car and drive off. She sighed and went inside the house to take a shower and a much needed nap. She was looking forward to their first official date.

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