Chapter 40

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The ride home yesterday was completely silent. Jenna could tell that Brent was letting her process which, she was very thankful for. After they had gotten back to the beach house, Jenna had gone directly to her room and laid down. Brent hadn't locked the door or even shut it. She didn't give a shit what he did. At around 2pm he had come in and tried to get her to eat but she had no appetite. She stayed in bed like that until the next morning. Brent had come to the room and shut the door and locked it around midnight. She figured he was going to sleep. He couldn't risk her escaping while he was sleeping. What a marriage this is, Jenna thought. Tears started to pool in her eyes and fall onto her pillow. After a few hours she fell asleep and had nightmares all night. A restful sleep was not in her future.

Jenna woke up to the sound of clanging keys. She shot up in the bed and pulled her knees to her chest. She didn't want to talk but she had a few question. Brent walked in with two cups of coffee in hand.

"Good morning." He said softly. "I made breakfast. I figured you were starving. Come join me." He said. It wasn't a request but a demand. But she really was starving. She slowly climbed off of the bed and followed brent down the hallway. He had made a huge breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon and fresh fruit. She sat down and waited until he made her a plate. She didn't have the energy to move. But accepted the plate from him. "Eat up. You'll feel better." He said as he touched her shoulder. She tried her hardest not to flinch. Jenna's insides were trembling violently. After a few bites she started to get more energy. Finally she found the nerves to ask the questions that had been running through her head all night.

"Brent, will I ever see my mom and Jake again? And what about school?" she asked quietly. Brent sat his fork down and looked up at her.

"That all depends on you. Can you commit to the fact that you're in this with me for life? Can you convince your Mom and Jake that you actually love me and that we eloped because we couldn't wait to be married?"

"I... Yes." She said quietly. If it meant being back with her family, then she had too. 

"I'm not sure that I believe you. So, until I think you're ready, you won't see them." Brent said as he picked up his fork and started eating again. Rage flooded to the surface before she could stop it.

"You're selfish! Just like them. Only after the money. Greedy. I'm not an object that you can own, Brent. I'm a damn human being who can make her own damn decisions. You do not own me and you never will." She hissed. Brent looked up at her with the scariest expression she had ever seen.

"When you say shit like that, it will push out when you'll be able to go back school and see your precious Jake and Mother. If you can keep your damn mouth shut, then we'll reevaluate. Is that clear? He said sternly.

"Well, I guess it's either this or be sold into fucking SLAVERY! You're all disgusting pigs." She said as she stood up and threw her orange juice in his face. Brent paused for a brief moment before he slowly stood up and out of nowhere flipped the table and was in front of her pulling her to her feet. She yelped in surprise.

"You don't know how to keep your mouth shut. But you'll learn, I promise you that. Now, go to your room and get ready for the day. We're going to spend some time together, whether you like it or not, WIFEY." Brent seethed. At that word Jenna's whole body started trembling from fear. Brent smiled a wicked smiled and kissed her on the lips. She jerked her head back and spit in his face. Brent let go of her and calmly grabbed a napkin off of the floor from the mess he had made. He stood back up and stared directly into Jenna's eyes as he wiped the spit and orange juice off of his face. She wouldn't back down. She couldn't. 

Brent suddenly grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back. She screamed out in pain.

"I said... go to your room and get ready for the day. NOW!" he screamed in her face. She closed her eyes as tears started to pool there. She wouldn't let him get the satisfaction of seeing her tears. He slowly let go of her and she walked back to the prison cell and got clean clothes. She went into the bathroom and locked the door. This was her only safe place. She could hide from him in here. 

Jenna peeled her clothes off and climbed in the shower. She let the hot water run over her body. Flashes of her mom, Jake and Jonah ran across her memory. The thought of them made her bitterly cry into her hands for a solid 15 minutes. When she finally climbed out of the shower, the water had turned luke-warm. She got dressed in a new pair of leggings and a long cozy sweater. 

Jenna looked in the mirror and took a few deep breaths. She would get out of this. Somehow, someway, she would escape. She had to. She had to survive for her Mom. Her mom would fall apart if Jenna wasn't in her life anymore. She couldn't imagine what Delaney was going through right now. She had to be strong for her mom. Had too. Then the thought of Jonah hit her like a Mack truck. 

She ran to the toilet and threw up. It had always been Jonah. She had always envisioned her life with him. Walking down the aisle, it was him looking back at her. Dancing in the living, it was Jonah who held her while their favorite song played. Having a baby, it was him at her head encouraging her to push. 

While 'Uncle Jake' was in the waiting room pacing anxiously. Maybe they would have even named their first son after Jake. If she hadn't have had Jake, she wouldn't have made it through these last three years of College.

A loud banging on the door broke her out of her thoughts. Her heart jumped in her chest. She didn't want to open the door but she knew she had no choice. So she slowly walked to the door and unlocked it. When she opened Brent looked her up and down and smiled. 

"You look gorgeous. Now, let's go to the beach. You remembered what I said about Jake, right? One wrong move and he's dead." 

Jenna gulped hard and shook her head yes. Brent grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bedroom and towards the back door. She had decided to distract herself by paying attention to every little detail she could. That way she could start planning her escape.

Jenna was determined to escape. And she would never stop trying until she succeeded. 

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