Chapter 19

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Jonah had spent the last few weeks in a drunken stupor. That was the only way he knew how to cope. Jenna hadn't tried calling or texting. He was surprised but at the same time he had shattered her heart into a million pieces, along with his own.

His mom still hadn't woken up. She was breathing on her own. Which was a good sign. The only complication from the surgery was a stroke. Unfortunately she was paralyzed on her left side. After finding out that news Jonah went home, drank a 12 pack and smashed a bunch of things. He still had bruises on his knuckles to prove it. He was surprised that his neighbors hadn't called the police. The doctor was convinced that Catherine's brain still needed time to heal and that was the reason she hadn't woken up yet. Jonah prayed he was right. He couldn't bury his Mom, he just couldn't.

He woke up with a gnarly hangover. He needed to slow down. But he didn't care as long as it numbed him from head to toe. Jonah didn't want to feel anything. After a shower he would head up to the hospital. He couldn't help but think of Jenna every second of the damn day. His thoughts tortured him. He had nightmares of the look on her face when he told her that they didn't know what love was. Jonah loved her so incredibly much but her Dad was right, she deserved so much better. Ugh! He was torturing himself again! After popping three Advil he hopped into the shower and then headed up to the hospital.

As soon as he pulled into the parking garage his phone rang. He picked it up and it was the hospital. That's odd, he thought. He let it go to voicemail because he was headed up there anyways. He made up the ICU and the nurse buzzed him in. There were nurses coming and going from his Mom's room. That's odd, he thought. Right as he was going to step into the room the doctor stepped in his way. His heart rate elevated.

"What's going on?" Jonah asked. Panic was seeping through his pores, he could feel it.

"She's awake, Mr Hollingsworth. She woke up an hour ago." The doctor said plainly. Jonah's eyes widened and his heart rate sped up faster than he thought was healthy. "She hasn't spoken yet but she has followed most of my commands. When you walk in, stay calm and speak quietly. We don't want her to get overwhelmed."

Jonah felt like he needed to vomit. He nodded his head and took a few minutes to collect himself. A few deep breaths later and he was ready to see her. All of the nurses cleared out and made room for him. He slowly walked in to find her awake with her eyes wandering around the room. She seemed to be looking for something.

"Momma?" He said quietly. His voice cracking. As soon as Catherine heard his voice her head jerked in his direction. Big tears welled up in her eyes as he slowly approached the bed. Jonah couldn't hold back the tears anymore. They were freely falling down his face. She was finally awake. He fell down onto his knees next to the bed and put his head in her lap. He could feel her stroking his hair and the tears just came out faster and faster as silent sobs erupted in his chest. He stayed like that for 15 minutes until he finally lifted his head to look into her eyes. "Can you talk, Mom? Maybe just try to say hi, something simple." He encouraged.

Catherine looked into his eyes with determination. She opened her mouth and rasped, "Hi baby." Jonah's breath hitched in his throat.

"Good job, Momma. Your voice will come back in time. Get some rest. I'm staying right here." He said as a few more tears fell down his face. Catherine smiled and nodded. Soon after that she drifted back to sleep.

Jonah was so relieved to see her awake. He knew they had a long road to recovery. But this was a good first step. Every couple hours she would wake up and make sure he was still there. He would grab her hand and reassure her that he wasn't leaving. Jonah longed to call Jenna and tell her about his Mom. She was his best friend. He hoped that one day she would forgive him and they could be friends again. She was the one that he told EVERYTHING to. Ugh, hopefully one day.

Jonah stayed the night by his Mom's side. He watched as the sun came up through the blinds. He stood up and stretched. He needed coffee desperately so he let the nurse know that he would be back soon. A few minutes later he reluctantly headed down to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee and clear his mind, he didn't want to leave his Mom's side. He ordered a cup of coffee and sat at a corner booth with his head on the table.

"Hey, Jonah." A familiar voice said. He slowly lifted his head and looked into the eyes of Delaney. He had no idea what to say. "How's your Mom?"

"She... She woke up yesterday." He replied.

"You look exhausted, Jonah. Are you sleeping?" She asked.

"Not really but I'm managing. Delaney, is everything okay?" He asked as he looked down at his coffee.

"Other than you shattering my daughter's heart into a million pieces, yes. I just wanted to check in on you and your Mom because I didn't figure that you would answer my phone calls." Delaney said plainly. Jonah just laid his head down on the table.

"I had to do it. She deserves better. Your husband was right. She's had a future ahead of her and I don't." He said quietly. He lifted his head and looked at her. If he wasn't mistaken she had tears in her eyes.

"And what about the academy?" She asked.

"I can't go. My Mom needs me. She has no one but me." Jonah replied.

"Your Mom is not alone, Jonah. I have the means to help, so let me. Please." Delaney said as she walked closer to him.

"We are not your responsibility, Delaney. And we're not a charity case. I just have to man up and take care of my family. And right now that doesn't involve going to a police academy a whole state away." Jonah replied sternly.

"Jonah, you can do whatever you want with your life. But I'm going to help you and your Mom. That's what family does. And you both are family. Listen to me." Delaney said as she sat down across from him and took his hand in hers. "Jenna is leaving for school in three days. You will regret it if you do not say goodbye. And this will give her the closure that she deserves from you. Give her a call Jonah. I'm going up to see your Mom. I love you like a son, Jonah. And I always will." Delaney said as she slid out of the booth. She leaned down and hugged him tightly. He watched as she walked out of the cafeteria.

All Jonah could do was cry. He didn't deserve her kindness and neither did his Mom. How could he face Jenna after what he had done? But he knew he couldn't let her leave for school without saying goodbye. She had been too big a part of his life to just throw away their friendship. He decided to call her.

His hands were shaking as he took his phone out of his pocket. He secretly prayed that she was still sleeping. No answer, thank God. He left a voicemail.

"Hey..." He nervously cleared his throat. "Hey Jenna. It's me. Your Mom told me that you were leaving in three days. I was hoping to meet up with you before you go, so I can say goodbye. If you want to, meet me at LaCove Beach tomorrow at 3 tomorrow afternoon. Thanks, bye."

He hung up quickly with his hands still shaking. Now it was up to her to make the decision if she wanted to show up or not. He understood if she didn't, he just secretly wished that she did. Just so he could say goodbye and apologize for his behavior. It was in her hands now. He finished his coffee and headed back up to his Mom's room.

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