𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞. yuna's mukbang time

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❛ ── chapter three


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          𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐊 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐄𝐃, he had been in this position for the whole day now and the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon.

His eyes were bloodshot from crying the past few days as his sunken cheeks and puffy eyes grew prominent.

The journal── her journal, remained untouched on the table in front of him, taunting the poor boy ever since that day he read the first entry.

He hadn't been attending school, which hadn't fazed much of a problem since they gave him a month exempt for mental health purposes. But Seok-Hoon was convinced it was because his mom had put in a word or two.

His appetite had immensely decreased, and followed suit was his energy.

He missed her so much. Every waking hour of the day, he's reminded of the little things he sees in her. And every time he shuts his eyes, he sees her in his dreams; running through a field of flowers, smiling without a care in the world.

The silence that engulfed him allowed his thoughts roam free and loud. And he hated it.

Seok-Hoon finally pushes himself out of bed and grabs the journal, but before he flips open the page, he stops himself. He didn't have the heart to read her handwriting nor see the tear-stained pages again.

So Seok-Hoon sets the book back down gently, before pulling out the brown box from under his bed.

Lifting the lid, he comes face to face with multiple thumb drives in their own metal containers. They were scattered all throughout the box, but judging Yuna's character, he knows they were originally nicely stacked on top of each other.

He randomly picks up a case, and pushes the cardboard box back into the bottom of his bed.

Threading towards his open computer, he turns it on and removes the stick from it's case before inserting it into the side of the computer.

One file pops up.

Hesitantly, he takes a seat and clicks on the video.

And it seems like color returns to his face, his eyes light up with a small twinkle as he stares at his screen in awe. Yuna.

He quickly presses the play button, and the picture of Jang Yuna begins moving.

" Is this working? " She speaks to the camera and Seok-Hoon could almost start bawling all over again from her sweet voice. " Well. . . I hope it is. " The girl mumbles.

She dramatically clears her throat as she leans away from the camera, allowing her upper body to be seen. The boy notes the hospital gown she's wearing as well as the IV that's been attached to her arm.

" Hello, and welcome to. . . " Yuna quietly drums the edge of the overbed table, " Yuna's mukbang time! " She makes a pair of jazz hands before flinching slightly from the IV tube.

Seok-Hoon lowly chuckles and smiles for the first time since her passing.

" You, sir, Mr. Joo Seok-Hoon. Have received an extremely rare video of me, the Jang Yuna. " She drags the 'extremely' before laughing at herself. " So treasure it and without further ado! Join me in my journey of. . . Attempting to finish my hospital lunch! "

A lightbulb pops up on the top of his head and Seok-Hoon quickly pauses the recording before running out his room towards the kitchen.

" O-oh, Seok-Hoon. What are you doing out? Are you feeling better? " His mother asks in shock, finally seeing him out of his room.

" I-is there any leftovers from lunch? I was thinking of eating them in my room, " the boy's voice is hoarse.

Su-Ryeon takes a few moments to process his words before springing out of her seat, abandoning what she was reading and rushing towards the kitchen.

" Of course! The maids made extra for you just in case, let me heat it up for you! " She hurriedly fumbles through the pots and pans as Seok-Hoon awkwardly stands.

" Thank you, " he mumbles as his mother hands him a tray filled with food.

" Just try to finish as much as you can, alright? " Seok-Hoon nods and carefully shuffles back into his room.

And when she comes to collect the tray once he's done, she finds it completely empty, down to the very last grain. And on the bed, was Seok-Hoon with puffy eyes, but a smile on his face.

It's because not only was his stomach content, but his heart too.


i like making people cry :D don't really know how many of these videos i want to put in. okay, i promise the chapters will only go uphill in plot from here ( and then back downwards but still- ) please vote !

𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔, 𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒂. ‎‏‏‎ 𝗃𝗈𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝗈𝗄-𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now