𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞. the last chapter

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❛ ── chapter nine


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          𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐒 𝐀𝐓 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐍, as his cheeks are dusted with a light pink.

He wonders how he ended up here, but then again, he doesn't. As his wish was to go somewhere that made him feel the most at home.

Turning his gaze downcast, Seok-Hoon is greeted with the beaming face of a girl who was taken too soon from the world.

" Hey, " he greets to her grave as the boy takes a seat beside it. " Sorry it took me so long to visit you. " His tone is almost a mumble.

He continues to stare at Yuna's grave, the words 'a girl who loved until the end' had been engraved on the stone. Seok-Hoon grazes his fingers through the carvings, each groove and crevice memorized like muscle memory.

" I. . . " Seok-Hoon is at a loss for words, they seemed to have been caught in his throat as he tries to find what to say to her. " I really don't know why I came, I guess I just missed you. "

He tucks his knees closer to his chest as he links his hands over his legs. " It's getting colder nowadays, and the leaves are starting to fall. Autumn is rolling around soon, and apparently that's when the stars shine brightest. "

" We wanted to watch them together didn't we? " He chuckles to himself, almost like telling himself how stupid he sounded. " Maybe I'll stop by more often at night, and we can see the stars together. "

Seok-Hoon awaits for her sweet voice to respond, but all his response was, was her smiling portrait looking right at her.

He sighs, lulling his head up. " The sky is pretty today. Isn't it? "

The boy doesn't get a response but imagines Yuna's voice agreeing with him, her honey sweet laugh filling the air.

" Today, I went back to school for the first time in a month. Wasn't very pleasant. But apparently they've been reading the book you loved to read to me, you know, the one where you wouldn't finish the ending because they deserved a happy ending? "

An idea hesitantly pops into his head, digging into his bag, Seok-Hoon pulls out that very book and sets in on his lap.

He steals glances at her grave, " I just thought, we'd finally finish it together. "

The boy turns towards the last chapter and clears his throat.

" I can't help but wonder if you think about me just as much as I think of you.

Every night since you left this earth, I've gone out to what used to be our favorite place. The isolated park away from anything else living.

It used to be just you and I, but now its just me and my thoughts. Sometimes I think I see you, sitting on the roof of your vintage car, but I know its just my mind playing tricks on me. It's the only place where I can feel at peace.

I'll look up at the infinite sky and each star reminds me of a memory I have with you. I always imagine you lying next to me, I imagine you playing with my hair while my head lies on your chest. I think about you constantly, day and night, but I only enjoy it while the stars are above me.

I know you probably think I'm crazy, but sometimes love does that to us. Did you know that? That I loved you? Heck, I probably still love you, but I was too late. I suppose you finally deserved to rest in peace, but didn't we deserve each other just as much if not more? Why didn't I tell you to stay? Why didn't I tell you I loved you? These are the questions I ask with each star, with each memory.

You were the love of my life but I never got to know if I was yours. Our love could have lasted for years, but the ache I feel in my chest will last forever.

I remember so perfectly now.

The world seemed to be spinning around us. You acted as if we were the center of the universe. We were dancing to this song you fell in love with that same evening, you said it reminded you of me.

I thought that was the cheesiest thing ever, yet you were so happy, I just smiled. I soon got dizzy. You decided it was better to lay down and wait for a shooting star.

After no more than five minutes we saw one, I remember wishing for that moment to never end.

I guess I didn't wish hard enough. . .

Now I'm here, same place, same song, yet I'm alone now.

I see a shooting star but the only thing I can wish for is you. I guess I'm getting over you though, I don't wish for you to come back, that'd be selfish. I wish for you to be happy.

I wish you got everything you ever wanted, you deserve it.

I close my eyes and finish our song while I feel a tear down my cheek. I know I'm going to be okay. " He finishes, now with tears running down his face.

He silently sobs by himself, hugging the now closed book.

" Y-yeah, maybe I shouldn't have read the last chapter. " He manages a smile.

But at the back of his head, Seok-Hoon wonders if there was a reason she'd chosen this specific book. A hidden message she wanted him to know.


double update ! ew apologies again for the ending, it makes me want to cry in my shower. talk about sentimental amirite, also just realized how confusing the title is. please vote !

𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔, 𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒂. ‎‏‏‎ 𝗃𝗈𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝗈𝗄-𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now