𝐨𝐧𝐞. the girl who loved

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❛ ── chapter one


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          𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐀 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘. She always plastered a smile on her face no matter how tired or angry she was.

Her logic was simple, a smile could tricked everybody. No one would be able to tell how much she was in pain if she flaunted her pearly white teeth at them, and it worked── on everyone except Joo Seok-Hoon.

The boy stared at her portrait, her lively face showing no signs of pain or hardship. She was happy── not the strained ones she put on every time someone asked how she was, but one that would color your world and shoot ecstasy through your veins. He'd know.

Pulling back to reality, the boy was joined by a couple── Yuna's parents. They were dressed head to toe in black as they mourned for their late-daughter.

" We're glad you could make it, " the mother mumbled, her tone laced with gratitude and sorrow. Her smile not quite making it to her eyes as it was evident she was being held up by her husband.

" I'm really sorry for your loss Mrs. Jang, " he sympathized. His voice equally as dull and hoarse, both parties clearly not having it any easier than the other.

Jang Yuna had always been popular amongst her friends, albeit, she never attended Cheong-Ah arts middle school nor Cheong-Ah arts high school── not that she could if she wanted to anyways, but the girl was well-acquainted with the kids in Hera Palace.

So it was no surprise that her death hit many of them hard, some tougher than others. Nonetheless, they still made an effort to visit her grave, to say one final goodbye.

" I'm sorry── " Mrs. Jang croaked before she was thrown into a sobbing mess. Her legs had given up and she feel onto her knees, the hanbok scrunching into a clump of fabric. " We should've been beside her! " The woman sobbed to her husband, who was rubbing circles on her shoulder trying his best to comfort him.

Seok-Hoon stood there, his body shaking as tears began building on his waterline, eyes growing red. His bottom lip quivered as he moved closer to them, and her grave.

" T- thank you so much for staying with her until her last breath, " the boy didn't say anything, instead he stared at them, his vision growing groggy and blurry.

Yuna's parents weren't often present throughout her whole journey, her father being a surgeon and her mother being a judge, their jobs were instantly prioritized before their sick daughter.

" Dear, why don't you rest inside first. " Mr. Jang kindly offered as 2 maids took her away, her steps faltering every few feet. The 2 were now left alone coming face-to-face with the gleaming photo of the older man's daughter and the younger's fiancé.

Seok-Hoon stuffed both his hands into the pockets of his trousers as they silently stood in front of her, the father cleared his throat awkwardly as he glanced his way.

" She loved you a lot. . . Probably more than anyone else. " The air between them became tense, none of them able to speak freely with her face staring right at them. " You dislike us, right? We never paid much attention to Yuna and practically married her off even before she was born. "

The younger boy eyed him monotonously, he had── in fact, despised them for all they had done but at the same time he couldn't bring himself to do it.

" I don't hate you guys, " Seok-Hoon responded. Mr. Jang snapped his head towards him, shock written all over. The boy sighed as he looked back, " she kept me from doing so. " No matter how many times her parents had ignored her, Yuna always told him that she didn't hate them, and never will.

The father sniffled, his heart clenched as his gut was swarmed with guilt. She lived her life looking up to them and had never batted an eye to the other side.

" S- she had something she wanted to give you, " he instantly attracted his attention. " It's in the trunk of my car, it's a brown box. " Reaching into his pocket, the old man handed his car keys to Seok-Hoon and he dashed off towards the parking lot.

Seok-Hoon lifted open the trunk of the black Mercedes, and just like Mr. Jang said, a cardboard box laid in the center. He reached for the lid and slowly lifted it off.

' To Joo Seok-Hoon, the boy I love, loved and will continue loving.
- Forever yours, Yuna

16 words scribbled on a piece of cardstock, her handwriting shaky and messy── he assumed probably written just months before her passing. Moving it aside, he was welcomed by numerous flash drive cases and a notebook. It had a ring of daffodils in the center and was clearly treasured by the girl.

Flipping open the cover page, he read the first entry. 6 words that made him fear what was to come next.

' Little pieces of me to you. '

Joo Seok-Hoon was someone who was trying to let go, to accept the harsh reality that was bestowed on him. But the contents inside the brown box was making it harder than expected, even-so because they were the closest he'd get to his late-lover.


no, because i genuinely hate this chapter so much. but it gets better ( i hope. ) please vote !

𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔, 𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒂. ‎‏‏‎ 𝗃𝗈𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝗈𝗄-𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now