Part 1

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This story wouldn't take long, it's just crossed on my mind, and I really like Sana and Momo's friendship

This is just fanfiction don't take it personally :)

It's my birthday today, I just want to try something new. New ship for now


"Do you still remember how we met?" Sana asked her best friend while she is laying on her left arm of Momo while their feet help them to swing the hammock

"How can I forget about that?" Momo showed her famous smirked which Sana found lovely

"You were so drunk that night" Momo facepalm

Flashback 5 years ago

"Hi mister, can I ask where is the restroom?" Sana asked her eyes are barely open

Her dress was tight black, showing her milky back, above the knee- no it's a not above the knee, it was higher than usual, too short to be exact

The man grinned at Sana

"Jackpot," the man said

"Of course I know the way, come with me I will show you," the man said

Naive Sana was very thankful for how kind the man is for offering and helping her to go to the restroom

"What is your name? You're a kind man!" Sana yelled because the music inside the bar is loud

"My name is Jay Park, how about you?" the man answered her

"Sana. Well Mr. Jay Park I am sure you will go to heaven when you die" Sana said stammering

"Do you want to go to heaven too? I can show you the heaven on earth Sana" Jay Park said grinning and put his arms at Sana's waist

Maybe drooling while looking at Sana

"Hey! There you are I was looking at you all along" someone interrupted

Sana frowned she is not sure who is the woman talking to, is it her or the man?

But surely not me Sana thought because she doesn't know the woman

"Excuse me?" Jay park asked

"Hi, I am Momo. Sana's girlfriend thanks for helping her I can do that now" Momo said and held Sana's hand

Sana is about to say something but Momo whisper to her

"He is going to rape you, now tell me if you want that so I can leave you here" Momo whispered

Sana wide open, and look at Jay Park who is now disappointed

"Hey! You're not just going to show me the restroom right? You are going to take advantage of me?!" Sana yelled

Momo was surprised because she is causing a commotion.

"What?!" Jay park asked

"You fucking asshole!" Sana was about to punch the man but Momo strongly carry Sana like a sack of rice on her shoulder and walked them outside the club

"Yah! Put me down!" Sana slap Momo's back

"Ouch!" Momo whined in pain

"Why didn't you let me punch that asshole?" Sana asked and feeling that she is sober now

End of flashback

"I just want to go to the restroom I didn't know that he is planning something on me" Sana lightly pinched Momo's tummy but failed because her abs are toned

"Stupid Hon, tell me how can you show heaven on earth? Of course, he is referring to the sex" Momo yelled at her best friend

Sana chuckled

"Oh my God! You don't have to be bold and directly tell me he wants sex. He should ask me right away and I will give it all the way" Sana chuckled

"What? So you are saying what I did before was a hindrance? You wanted sex too? my God! Why didn't you tell me? I looked like an antagonist there" Momo rolled her eyes

"I didn't regret it tho, because of him I met you" Sana kissed Momo's cheek

"Ewww! You have to stop kissing me" Momo wiped the place where Sana kissed her

"Then I should die first so I can stop kissing you" Sana stick her tongue out

"I wonder why Dahyun don't feel Jealous knowing that you're spending your time with handsome like me" Momo bragged herself

"Excuse me? You handsome?" Sana said like she is disgusted

Momo stop the swing and seat down to make room for Sana to look at her

"Tell me am I not handsome?" Momo asked Sana

Sana scan Momo's face

"Hmm, you're handsome when it's dark like this. So yes, I agree" Sana nod her head

"Yah! I am handsome even the Sun was up! I am much more handsome on the stage! Admit it" Momo said to her best friend

"Of course Hon, you're handsome when you dance. I am drooling over you when you dance. That's why I need a lot of tissue while watching you to wipe my drool" Sana said looking at her best friend eyes

"Are you satisfied now?" Sana chuckled

"Well I have girls, so I am satisfied" Momo shrugged her shoulder and let Sana lay on her arms again while swinging the hammock

"You? Do you have regrets that you met me 5 years ago?" Sana suddenly asked

"Regret? A lot! You're so nosy, Loud, and self-centered" Momo said

"Yah!!!" Sana slap her tummy

"Owhh!" Momo laughed "I am just joking! You don't have to kill me now!" Momo said complaining

"Seriously? I am happy. That I met someone so special like you, and be a part of your life" Momo kissed the top of Sana's head

"Who's talking that I should stop kissing? Where the fact is you always kiss me on my head" Sana mumbled

Momo groaned

"But I am also thankful that I never develop feelings for someone like you. So I feel bad for Dahyun" Momo laughed again

"You're so mean! Dahyun loves me. She is head over heels on me, and she told me that she can't live without me and I believed in her" Sana bragging her 3 years girlfriend

"I can clearly see that," Momo said

The very first time I saw you five years ago, I thought I saw an angel. And questioned myself am I in heaven? Can heaven be earth? Of course not but you made me feel like this place is safe haven

Our place, where we spend our time just swinging in this hammock looking at the dark sky. Creating images using stars

We might not be always together like 24/7
But I know you, you don't need to tell me just looking at your eyes, the way you speak and move,
I can clearly see your sadness.

My Sana [MomoxSana]Where stories live. Discover now