Part 13

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Chapter 13:

"Hey Hon, go take a bath I will prepare the matt at the balcony so we can watch the stars," Momo said to her best friend, they decided to spend the night at Momo's place

"Your house is clean, and your things are tucked to their place huh? Nice" Sana roaming her eyes inside Momo's place

"Really? I guess Mina is great being my partner she designed everything here" Momo said smiling at her best friend

"Is that so? I am sure Mina is having a hard time with you" Momo said

"Since Mina is not around maybe we can do something nasty you know tasting each other?" Sana winked at Momo

Momo grab the towel and pushed Sana

"You are going to take a bath," Momo said while she is pushing her best friend inside the comfort room

"Are you sure you don't want to take bath with me? Your comfort room is huge for extracurricular activities" Sana said referring to sex inside the bathroom

"Hundred percent sure, call me if you need anything, and please close the door," Momo said

"Mmm'key" Sana response

Momo came back preparing the balcony


"Sana?" Momo calls her best friend because Sana is taking so long taking a bath

"Sana? Are you not done yet? It's been 2 hours" Momo said outside the comfort room

"Sana? Please say something!" Momo yelled from the outside but there is no response

"Sana! I am coming inside! I swear if you are playing around it's not funny!" Momo said before she opens the comfort room

"Sana! Where are you?" Momo saw the shower room there is no Sana

Until she saw Sana laying on the floor

"Sana!" Momo runs to Sana but didn't know if she will open her eyes so she grabs the towel and covers Sana's body

"Sana?" Momo lightly slap her best friend's cheek

"Hmm" Sana response

Momo feel relieved

"Thank God you are okay, what happened to you?" Momo asked

"I don't know, I was taking a bath then---ah right I slip, " Sana said

"Does any part of your body hurts? Can you stand up?" Momo asked her best friend

"Yes I think I can," Sana said and attempt to stand up

"Ouch my back hurts" Sana whined

"Do you want me to carry you?" Momo asked

"No I am fine, I can manage it. But I don't think I can watch stars tonight I want to lay on the bed" Sana said

"It's okay, lay on the bed I will get some cold press. I will put it on your back" Momo said Sana nodded and followed what Sana said

While Momo pressing cold press in Sana's back

"Is it still hurt?" Momo asked

"Which? My heart or my back?" Sana asked

"Your back," Momo asked and sighed

"My back still hurt, but not that severe like earlier" Sana said. Momo nodded

"Hon" Sana called her

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