Part 6

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Chapter 6

"I found the place," Momo said and turn on the engine

"But the manager said they are not accepting reservations if the weather is like this. Their policy is first come first serve" Momo said and quickly u-turn her car

"I am fine sleeping here tho" Sana said referring the car

"But you are not safe here, the place has karaoke" Momo wiggle her eyebrow at Sana

"Yes! You know me hon come on step on me!!!! I mean on the gas" Sana giggled with Momo facepalm herself

You're comfortable with me, aren't you? Or you are just teasing me to make me confess my love to you?

I can't take a risk and I know you won't too. Because you told me Anna and I are the only family left to you, so you will lose your mind if some of us leave you


"Two single rooms please," Momo said to the lady on the counter

"I am sorry Ma'am but we have only left one room," the lady said

"It's okay we will take that" Sana said and rolled her eyes on Momo

"No I can't, please Miss I know you still have a vacant room for us," Momo said

"I'm sorry ma'am but the room has two single beds if you don't want to---" the lady motion her hand referring to 'don't want to sleep beside her

"We will get that, stop it Momo" Sana rolled her eyes to her best friend

The lady smiled at them

"Are you guys fighting? My mom told me if you fought with your girlfriend or boyfriend it's better to talk with her or him, fix the problem" the lady said and hand them the key

Momo chuckle forced

"Oh we are not together, we are just a best friend," Momo said to the lady

"Oh I am so sorry, I just thought because you two look good together," the lady said

"We heard a lot about that, but you know" Sana lean to the lady to whisper but enough for Momo to hear it "my best friend right here, she is a coward to confess her feelings to me. But I know she loves me she can't just admit it because she doesn't have balls" Sana looked at Momo's private part down there "oh she literally doesn't have" Sana giggled

The lady laughed "oh Gosh! I like your friendship!"

"Don't listen to her Miss. Thank you we will go to our room now" Momo put her two hands on Sama's shoulder and pushed her best friend

"She might think that we have something tsk" Momo rolled her eyes on Sana

"We do have something tho" Sana said using her aegyo while poking Momo's abs

Momo sighed

"I don't like you" Momo used her aegyo too and left Sana

"Heeey! That's not a very good aegyo tsk" Sana rolled her eyes

Momo opens the room and really it was a very small room, a small cabinet, a small television, two single beds another door probably for comfort room

"Wow this room is cute," Sana said

"I will occupy the bed beside the window because I know you hate thunders," Momo said and throw her bag on the bed and remove her shoe

"Thanks, hon, can I kiss you?" Sana asked her best friend, Momo looked at her at sighed

"You wouldn't give me a break would you?" Momo asked her best friend

"I won't. " Sana giggled

"Do you want to do something nasty hon?" Sana looking at Momo

Momo removed her shoes and stand up and walk toward her best friend who is still standing and grinning at her

"Yes I want to do something nasty hon," Momo said with her husky tone,

Sana lean-to Momo asking for a kiss

"I want to do this" Momo carry Sana and throw her to another bed and started to chocked her but not really, she is just playing with her best friend

"I want to kill you," Momo said laughing

"Yaaaah!!!!" Sana yelled then followed by a laugh


"Hon" Sana speaks while Momo is sleeping

"Hon wake up," Sana said

"Hmmm" Momo response

"I don't think we can go home tomorrow," Sana said

"The news said that there will be heavy rain for three days and if the cashier told you that there is flood downtown then we can't go home for approximately five days," Sana said looking at her phone

"Five days?" Momo seat

"I can't," Momo said

"Why not?" Sana asked frowning

"Because two days with you is already a headache, what more spending the next five days with you? I can't" Momo said to her best friend.

And sighed

Sana noticed that Momo is trying hard not to laugh.

"Ouch!" Momo whined when Sana throw her pillow at her best friend

"You always make me sound bad Momo-yah" Sana pouted

"Joke hon, you know I am very excited to spend my five more days with you. We haven't seen each other for two months I think this is God's plan to catch up together. " Momo hugged her best friend

"But I think I will look for a cabin, something like has its own kitchen" Momo suggested

"Are you perhaps want to play house with me?" Sana teasing her best friend

"No I just want to feed you  before I kill you," Momo said to her best friend

But I didn't know that this was our little vacation, or your runaway will make me fall deeper to you

I admit I nearly agree with your suggestions but I know you are just joking and wanted to test me if I can be still your best friend not like other friends to fall in love with each other because in our case

I am the only one who falls in love not you because you already love someone else that can't be me

"Hey it's getting dark, let's go to the karaoke and let's get drunk" Sana suggested

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