Part 12

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Chapter 12:

1 year passed

"Momo" Momo heard in the middle of the night

When she answered her phone, Sana is sobbing through the phone

"I am coming," Momo said and end the call get her coat and her key drive daickly as she can to Sana's house

Momo pulled her hand break but didn't turn off her headlight, seeing her best friend skinnier than before breaks her heart

"What the hell happened to you?" Momo asked Sana but Sana walked past her and hopped inside the car

Momo followed Sana inside and start her engine

"Sana" Momo softly call her name

"I am sorry for calling you late at night I just can't do this anymore" Sana cried

Dark circle under Sana's eyes, pale skin, skinnier tears Momo's heart.

What the hell happened to you Sana?

Momo stop the car near a cliff when Sana run outside her car

Jumped on the barrel

"Sana!!! Stop! It's dangerous there!" Momo tried to stop Sana

But Sana wasn't listening to her

Momo carried her like a sack again like the first time they met

"Whatever your problem is, I am here Sana, don't end your life like this please" Momo put Sana on the back of her pick up

"Killing yourself won't solve anything," Momo said to her best friend

"I am going to listen just please open up with me. Hon, I am here" Momo held Sana's hand and kiss it

"It's so hurt Momo, Anna is gone she left me, and that fucking psycho mother of Dahyun! Did something about our marriage it was void! Invalid! The wedding is fake! The certificate of marriage is fake! We are not really got married! Because she said I am going to take Dahyun's money what did she think of me? A gold digger?! Do I look like a gold digger?! Fuck them all" Sana yelled while crying

"Momo let me die please I can't do this anymore it's killing me. Pain is killing me, depression is killing me I can't do this anymore please kill me" Sana cried,

Momo didn't speak and just hug her best friend

"I am here Sana, I am here, you are not alone we can do this together. You are okay, I won't leave you" Momo said and kissed the top of Sana's head

"I am here hon. Let it be. Cry all you want" Momo said

And Sana obey her

"Aaaaaah!!!!!" Sana cried

Why do you have to feel this? Why it has to be you?

All I want is your happiness but why the earth is punishing you?

First, you lost your parents, at a very young age. and you are left with your grandmother

Now grandma Anna is gone, it hurts to me too. I lost someone who is believing in us

Someone who believes that I can protect you, someone notice my true feeling to you that you never saw and notice

All I ask is your happiness Sana, but look at you now crying your heart out. It hurts to see you like this

I am sorry that I fail to protect you and secure your future I am sorry if I focus on my future with Mina

I am sorry for not being there for you for a year.

I noticed that it's been a year since the last time I saw you, you changed a lot

A negative change...

"Are you done crying? I know a place that makes you forget about the pain" Momo suggested to her best friend

"Momo, I have another problem," Sana said and moved her hand asking Momo to carry her where the latter obey

"What is it?" Momo asked

"Grandma is Gone, Dahyun is Gone, my boobs are gone," Sana said making Momo chuckled

"Hon your boobs are gone a very long time ago," Momo said to her best friend

"I have okay? A cute one!" Sana said defending her boobs

"I didn't see anything," Momo said, and smirked

"Touch it so you can feel it!" Sana said

"I don't want to disappoint myself more Sana, I can clearly see you don't have boobs" Momo teased her best friend

Sana rolled her eyes on Momo


"How are you and Mina?" Sana asked while they are drinking

"We are doing just fine she is out of town because of some  business," Momo said, she automatically smiles

"You look happy with her, what is taking you so long to ask her to marry you?" Sana asked

Why am I taking so long? Am I ready to commit and get married?

Or am I just still a coward?

"Let's not talk about me, I am here because you need me. My life is just fine" Momo said to her best friend

"I wish, me too. I wish I have a life like yours" Sana pouted

"Hey, you are strong hon, wanna look for a woman tonight?" Momo suggested and they roam their eyes around

"Oh my God! Are you going to teach me how to get women as you do before?" Sana asked Momo

"Yes! I am going to teach you" Momo smirked

"Go pick what you want" Sana roam her eyes

"I don't see anyone, they are not my type so pass," Sana said

"Just tell me I am your type" Momo teased her best friend

"Who wouldn't be? Right? As I have said before----

"You want to marry someone like me but not me, I get it Hon" Momo takes a sip of her beer

Long silence before Sana speaks

"Hon, have you ever feel interested in me?" Sana asked out of nowhere

Momo stop from functioning

Is this the right time to tell you?

But I have my life now Sana,


She is great to me, I don't think I can hurt her

She is important to me, if I tell you what I feel towards you, it will be a mess

And I don't think you will understand in your state right now

I know you trust me, Anna trusted me to protect you, how I can protect you if you are going to distance yourself from me?

this is not the right time, the right place to say it

"Are you already drunk? Did you forget that I told you I can't date someone like you? So No. I never feel interested in you" Momo once again lied to her best friend about her true feelings


I know you feel frustrated about this story now

Just wait for it...

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