Part 8

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Continue reading although I don't know where this story going 🤓

But I am giving my heart and Soul for this one!

Chapter 8:

"Time flies so fast, we are going home tomorrow" Sana pouted

"Good thing because my manager is looking for me, I need to practice for the finals," Momo said

"I don't wanna go home yet hon, let's stay here for another week please?" Sana pouted

Momo moves beside Sana, and clasp her face using her hands

"We can't because I am tired of seeing your face first thing in the morning," Momo said but meant to be a joke

"Tsk. You are laying! I am sure you're watching me while I am sleeping because you love me" Sana said sticking her tongue out

Momo sighed smiling at Sana

You are right again Sana, I am watching you every night, wait for you to sleep in my arms then watch you for hours

Wishing that you can be mine, and we can stay like this, but the reality is waiting for us.

This world is not meant for us, we are here because we are just stranded and you don't have a choice but stay with me

"Whatever you say, Sana. Pack your things" Momo said while she goes back on what she is doing which is packing her stuff

Momo didn't hear any sound from Sana so she stops what she is doing and find out Sana was looking at a poster near her

"Momo-yah! I thought of something" Sana excitedly said


"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!!" Sana whined in pain holding tightly on Momo's hand

"Mr. Are we done?" Sana asked

The tattoo artist chuckled at Sana

"We are almost done with letter M," the tattoo artist said

"I think I can't do this anymore MOMO is long and it hurts so much," Sana said to her best friend

"I told you let's think about something else why do you have to put Momo on your body," Momo said to her best friend

"Because I want them to know that you are important to me" Sana looking at her best friend while pouting

"Mr. Tattoo artist finish the letter M, I think that is enough I will just tell them what M does mean," Sana said

The tattoo artist laughed at her because she being a kid

"Are you guys sure that you two are just best friends?" The tattoo artist asked

"Of course, we are best friends forever," Sana said "right hon? You promised right?" Sana asked her best friend

"Promise" Momo smiled at her best friend

"Then why don't you two just date? I think you have a strong bond I am sure you will end up together nicely" the tattoo artist said

"Ouch! Ouch," Sana whined, "Mr. Tattoo artist I think you're the 100th person told us to date, but like I always say I want to marry someone like Momo but not Momo, you know what I mean?" Sana said looking at Momo

Momo nodded at her

"Right, I can't date Sana. It's too much for me. It's a headache" Momo laughed

"If that's what you want guys okay I won't say more," The tattoo artist said

"And we are done," The tattoo artist said to Sana

"Finally!" Sana stand up

"Your turn hon, Go! You can do it I am here for you hold my hand or your can hold my boobs if you want" Sana wiggled her eyebrows

"See? That's why I can't date her! She is so bold, people might think that we are active in sex which we are not" Momo said

"Hey! I am! okay?" Sana slap Momo's shoulder

Momo look at Sana 'shut the fuck up! There are people around'

Sana motion that she will zip her mouth

"Ah! You know guys I also have a best friend but we are not like this, just thinking of her saying those words to me, urgh! I feel goosebumps" The tattoo artist said

Feeling disgusted

"Well only I and Momo have this kind of friendship, that's why I can't throw her away. She is stuck with me and I will stick with her like a leech " Sana said trying to be adorable in front of Momo's eyes

"Can we start now? My best friend here is being dramatic" Momo said referring to her best friend who is now sending her death glare


After their tattoo, they both look at their tattoo at the side of their abdomen

"Look at your abs hon. Can I lic----- maybe touch it? Okay Right NO" Sana said lowering her head when Momo looking at her seriously

"SM" Sana said, "why it makes me think of SUPERMARKET?" Sana said and they both laugh

"This is your fault!" Momo said

"Why mine?" Sana asked

"If you're not whining like a baby or if we thought about something nice to tattoo to our body," Momo said

"Hey it's cute tho" Sana said

Momo can't say anything and just let it go, she pulled her best friend on her shoulder

"Ouch you're hurting me" Sana said with her aegyo

"Ouch you're hurting me" Momo mimicking Sana

Sana rolled her eyes


"I want to come to your practice," Sana said while they are driving back to the city

"You will get bored," Momo said

"I can use my phone or watch you sweating, it can make me wet," Sana said

"Seriously Sana. Okay you can come with me but I want you to behave" Momo said

"Yes, hon!" Sana salute

But some plans are meant to be broken

Like ours now.

Momo was standing in front of Sana's house when Dahyun came holding a bouquet

Sana looked at Momo and Dahyun.

I don't want you to choose but I hope you will come to me. Hold my hand

But I guess I am not that strong with prayers

"I will call you later Momo, take care okay?" Sana said to her best friend

"Okay, I will go now. Nice to see you again bro." Momo said to Dahyun

"Nice to see you too bro" Dahyun said

Momo nodded and moved her hand to come inside

"Hon I am so sorry, I will call you later promise okay? I love you" Sana said, Momo didn't listen to her and hopped on her car to leave Sana

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