Part 2

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Does anyone here also feel that there is no specific ship in TWICE?

Chapter 2:

"Pick me up" Momo answered the phone in the middle of the night

Listening to  her best friend sobbing

"I am on my way," Momo said and ended the call

Even she is exhausted of the competition earlier even she hardly sleep for weeks just to polish the dance move and not commit single mistakes

She is quite a perfectionist when it comes to dancing.

It is her passion,

It was her little getaway of all the sadness or problems in reality

When she dances she feels like her sanity her whole body was in another dimension

Another location, place that makes her mind in peace

Momo hastily get her coat and key, 2 hours of drive from her house to Sana's but she drives it in 48 Minutes,

Even it's hazardous, I know you don't like waiting. Because when you wait you said minute feel like an hour

But I think it only applies when you are excited to see the person or you wanted to just get out of that place or you're in a hurry

"Let me help you," Momo said when she saw her best friend holding 3 bags of her clothes

Momo settle it inside her jeep wrangler

"You have a new car huh?" Sana noticed it,

It's been 2 months since they saw each other.

Then last month Sana called her while she is preparing for her practice that she is already engaged with Dahyun

Momo feels terrible that she can't come to Sana's place to congratulate her, gladly that Sana understands her.

Sana was busy with her girlfriend while Momo was busy with the competition

"Yeah," Momo said and play some music

"Can you play Woman like me by Little mix? I need some girl power right now" Sana said plainly

But Momo knows, that is Sana's favorite music

Every time she feels delighted, feel sad, or feel different emotions

Momo play the Music

"Want to tell me what happened?" Momo asked

"It was nothing," Sana said looking outside the window

Momo looked at Sana's 3 bags

"I don't think it was nothing that you have to call me at 2:23 AM to fetch you and your 3 bags" Momo speak that truth so that Sana will know that she is not others that they are in the same team

"I just asked Dahyun why she loves me, what are her reasons," Sana said

"And?" Momo took a glance at Sana before looking at the road again

"She told me she doesn't have reasons," Sana said

"And you took that seriously?" Momo can't believe what she heard

But after all, you are different from other women. You are one in a million

"Of course! How can be someone love you without reason? I am sure there is even a single reason! I asked her even one gave me a reason she said she don't have. Take note! She should be feeling more in love with me after we had sex!" Sana blurted out

"Shit! Do you have to say that?" Momo chuckled to her best friend "and since when you become courageous huh?" Momo can't believe what her best friend said

"Oh perks of having a fuck girl best friend" Sana simply said

"fine! I am the one who is not currently active in sex! Fine! I get it!" Momo overdramatically said to her best friend which causes Sana to laughed

"You? Oh come on I don't believe you" Sana said

Momo shrugged her shoulder

"You should find someone Momo-yah!" Sana chuckled to her best friend

"You know I don't want to get married" Momo blurted

"Not every couple will get a divorce like your siblings," Sana said

"I still don't believe in marriage okay?" Momo smiled at her best friend

"Do you know I lost a lot of friends because of you?" Sana faced her best friend

Momo frowned

"What? Why? I can't recall you have a lot of friends" Momo laughed

"Yaaaah!!! I do have friends! Rosè, Jisoo, Jennie, Joy, those are your fuck buddies they became my friends! But suddenly you cut your connection with them so I lost contact with them too, how about Wendy? Irene? Yeri? Oh and Solar? They are you flings they are my friends too. See I lost a lot of friends because of how to flirt you are!" Sana said to her best friend

Which made Momo stopped her Jeep Wrangler to laugh. Sana laugh with her too forgetting the reason why she runaway

"Hey! Those people are my business, not yours" Momo wiped her tears of joy

"Well, I am friendly so they became my friends. Don't worry I don't do silly things with them like eww I won't taste you through them I can taste you tho" Sana winked at her best friend

"As if I will let you taste me." Momo started the jeep again

"You will, let's do it here, so you will know if your new car is spacious for sex," Sana said like it was the most normal conversation with her best friend

It does really, a normal conversation for us. Because you are not easily offended by what I am saying. You have your way how to take them as I have said you are different more unique from those women you mention

"Shut up or I will kick you out," Momo said

"You're no fun" Sana rolled her eyes

"Friends don't taste each other okay? We are not like that" Momo said to Sana

"We can change those saying tho, I don't believe in that. It was all started with friends right?" Sana pushing the topic

"Yes, It all starts with friends, but we are best friends for what? 5 years? So you should put in your mind that we are partners! Best friends forever right? Even you are getting married have family I will always be here for you as your best friend" Momo said to her best friend

After seconds she didn't hear a response so she looked at Sana who is crying

"Hey, why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" Momo stop the jeep once again

"No you didn't, you're just so good to be true. And thinking that I will have a family while you alone make me feel sad for you" Sana said while crying

"Who told you I am alone? Are you going to leave me when you have your family?" Momo asked Sana

Sana shake her head

"See you are stuck with me, whether you like it or not, now sleep hun I will wake you up once we arrived," Momo said to her best friend and kissed her temple before proceeding to drive again

I am stuck with you, and you are stuck with me too. That was our friendship for

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