Part 11

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Chapter 11

"So you are Sana," Mina said in her elegant look wearing a white dress and her black hair

"Jackpot!" Sana murmured to her best friend Momo

Momo wiggled her eyebrow

"Hi Mina, yes you are right I am Sana. Momo's best friend. I am so happy to finally meet you" Sana said to her and hug the latter

Mina seems so caught off guard for the sudden action, but seeing Momk smiling to her and nod makes her comfortable

"I am happy to meet you, Momo talks a lot about you," Mina said to Sana

"I hope good things because you know my best friend is good at creating stories and come up with bad ideas about my personality," Sana said to Mina and giggled

Mina chuckled

"Ohh really? I think it's a good thing, What she talked about you. I heard too that you are getting married? Congratulation" Mina said and they seat down

"Oh yes in less than a week, in fact, someone told me that I am not going to marry my lover---Ouch!" Sana whined because Momo step on her foot

"What happened? Are you okay?" Mina asked

"Oh I am fine, it was just an annoying mosquito" Sana widen her eyes on Momo

"Good, so you were saying?" Mina asked Sana to continue what she is talking

Apparently, the night went smooth because of Sana talking about how she met Dahyun and how she met Momo,

What Momo did to her when they first met. Momo was out of place but it doesn't make her feel jealous in fact she is happy the way Sana makes Mina comfortable with her

She knows Mina for being introverted and shy most of the time but Sana handle it very well

It's like Mina turn into someone she never meet before, because she looks so bubbly and carefree, Momo mentally note that she will thank Sana for this

She is good at creating conversation no wonder why my flings and past women like her as a friend

You are really a good person Sana, an angel for me

Momo was watching Mina laughing with her best friend


"Are you sure about this? Once we start walking there, there is no turning back, hon" Momo said to her best friend holding her hand wearing a wedding gown

"I hate you, why are you being so emotional? It is my wedding, not yours, you're making me cry too" Sana slap Momo's shoulder

"I just want to know if you are really sure," Momo asked

"Of course I am, they are already waiting for us, so lets go!" Sana smiled at her

"Hon, wait" Momo stopped Sana from walking

Sana looked at her directly in her eyes

"Don't tell me you're going to confess your love to me now? Really Momo? On my wedding day?" Sana said

"What?! No!" Momo chuckled

"Oh no? What a shame, then why?" Sana asked

"Nothing, I just want you to know that I am happy for you, finally you're getting married," Momo said to her best friend

Sana cried

"I told you I don't want to cry on my wedding day I don't want to be like other brides crying, it will ruin my makeup," Sana said to her best friend

"I'm sorry" Momo chuckled

"Do I still look beautiful?" Sana asked like she didn't cry

"Of course you're beautiful," Momo said

"Okay, I believe you lets go walk with me" Sana giggled

The venue of the wedding is at the top of the mountain

Because last minute when Sana changed her mind that she wants to get married at the top of the hill

Sana kissed her Grandmother,

"Why her?" Anna asked Momo referring to Sana standing beside Dahyun in front of the priest

"I don't know? Because Dahyun is the one that Sana loves?" Momo answered

"I told you I want you to marry my grandchild. Now how can I rest knowing that Sana is not safe" Anna said and beat Momo lightly

"She is safe grandma as long as I am alive she is safe" Momo assured Sana's grandmother

Look at you, finally

Finally, you are getting married

After this, you will start your life, a new beginning without me

You look at me and frowned, why?  Do you want me to stop the wedding? tell me and I will do it for you

But I know you won't because you know I am dating Mina now

And Mina deserves someone better, I want to be that person for her

So from now on, after this wedding, I am finally letting you go, Sana


6 months passed,

We seldom see each other because we are now busy with our own life

You with your wife

Me with Mina,

she loves traveling like you do but Mina loves traveling outside the country which I am happy about because I tried a lot of things with her

She is wonderful, she is kind.

I can see myself with her inside a house with children running inside

I didn't know that I will think of settling down someday

Because I don't believe in a happy ending because you are right

My sibling got a divorce because they can't fix their problem but you prove it wrong

You are a strong woman, and you wanted to handle everything by yourself

I can see you are happy because of the pictures you are sending to me with Dahyun

You said you are happy for me too for finally being serious in a relationship

Sometimes I am wondering who is your real best friend? Because every time we face time Mina is the first one you are looking for

But that's fine with me, cause I told you Mina is a shy person.

I am happy that Mina is opening herself with others now.

Thanks to you Sana

Is this the end of my story with you?

I hope I can still right happy moments with you

I will always be here for you Sana-yah

Forever, whenever you need me I will be there for you as your protector

My Sana [MomoxSana]Where stories live. Discover now