Part 4

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Seriously this story I don't know if it's going to be a love story of just best friend with a very good vibe

I need a friend like Momo or Sana someone who will understand me someone who will remain best friend even we sometimes flirt, or tease to just date

But I guess those friends are Rare

Chapter 4:

"Nine hundred ninety-four Nine hundred ninety-five, nine hundred ninety-six, nine hundred ninety-seven--- this is not one thousand words!" Sana groaned looking at a small book entitled one thousand words for you

"Who told you to count those words?" Momo asked while she driving chuckling because of bestftiend's silliness

"Because it intrigues me, the title said one thousand words for you but this book is a scam! It was only nine hundred ninety-seven" Sana toss the book at the back

"Who is the author again?" Sana tried to reach the book at the back

Momo pushed Sana's butt using her right hand to help her while her left arm holding the steering

"Nice you are still strong huh? Thanks" Sana said and winked at Momo when she finally reached the book

"Can you write one thousand words about me?" Sana out of nowhere asked Momo

"One thousand words? That's a lot, besides what will I write?" Momo asked

"I don't know, come on, write for me, Dahyun didn't even give me a single reason why she loves me, maybe you can give me a thousand reasons, why you think i am a great best friend" Sana said to Momo

"That's a lot of reason, I can't. You know I am lazy," Momo said to Sana

"Hm-mm or nobody just appreciates me" Sana lowered her head

"Hey cheer up hon, okay fine I will give you reasons why I love you just don't make me write one thousand words" Momo chuckled

Sana's face lighten anticipating what Momo will say

"I love you because you are tough, you know my personality, My wrong deeds about women but you never judged me. You're always there for me and for them, I mean to those women I dated, to make them feel comfortable with me and help them to understand my perception in life. And I won't ask another best friend but you" Momo held Sana's hand and kissed it

"Aww, you're so sweet. No wonder why you have a lot of women" Sana snorted

"Yah! I am serious here you asked me to tell you reasons why I love you and you didn't appreciate it----

A woman like me, like a woman like me
La-la-la woman like me, like a woman like me (A woman)
La-la-la woman like me, like a woman like me
La-la-la woman like me, like a woman like me

Sana opened the radio and the volume was loud

"I am so sorry hon" Sana showed her peace sign

Momo can't say anything but sighed


"Where are we?" Sana asked they are in the middle of nowhere

"I feel like I want to camp, so?" Momo said bringing out some camp equipment

"Just admit that you want me all by yourself," Sana said and poked Momo's abs

"Ow it's hard can I lick it?" Sana asked

"MINATOZAKI SANA!!!!" Momo yelled

"Okay! Okay! You don't have to call my complete name geez " Sana put her hands up like she is saying she surrender

"Oh! There is a lake here Momo-yah!" Sana pointing at the lake

"Yes, and there is a fountain too not far from here, and there will be a meteor shower tonight, I figured out you will love it since we both love star gazing at our safe haven," Momo said

Sana smiled at her and walk to her,

"Aww you are so cute, I want to marry someone like you but not you. You know what I mean?" Sana asked

"Don't worry Sana"

"The feeling is so mutual," Momo said to her best friend more like she is mocking at Sana

Where Sana rolled her eyes to her best friend

"Quit playing games, flirting and help me to prepare the tent it's getting dark," Momo said,

Sana nodded at her and they started to prepare the things they will need at night.

"And we are done," Sana said looking at Momo beside her

"Now let's go to the fountain and clean ourselves" Momo smiled at her best friend and they walk to the fountain

"Can I swim wearing nothing?" Sana asked Momo

Here we go again, you being carefree

I am happy that you are a carefree and happy person, but sometimes you have to consider me too

If it's okay with me...

"It's up to you, just don't come near me, I might miss interpreting where is the back" Momo laughed at her best friend

"Heeeey! My boobs are not flat!" Sana defend herself

"I didn't say that" Momo laughed at her best friend

"Whatever I am going to swim now," Sana said and leave herself wearing two-piece

At least she wears something Momo thought

"Thank you hon" Sana swim to Momo

"For what?" Momo asked

"For being here with me, for helping me to move on, I promise that I will never come back to her! I will move on! I will stop loving her thinking of her or even say her name" Sana said to her best friend

"Whatever pleases you, Hon, you know that I am always here for you even sometimes I want to kill you," Momo said to her best friend earning a lightly slap from her best friend

"You're so mean, but I know you just love me" Sana giggled

"More than you could ever think of hon" Momo kissed Sana's head

"Why don't you just admit that you have feelings for me" Sana looked at Momo's eyes "that you love me more than friends?" Sana pushing the topic

Momo was just looking at the sky getting dark

"Look at me in my eyes, do you feel something to me?" Sana asked Momo

"I do" Momo answers

"That is I want to drown you here," Momo said and start to drown Sana

"Yaaaaaah!!!" Sana screamed

Your smile, your laugh, your face is enough for me Sana

Your sweet and soft voice sends me butterflies, people want us together but the time is not right for us

This life is not for us, maybe... Maybe in our next life, you will see me, someone, you want to marry not someone like you see me now

My Sana [MomoxSana]Where stories live. Discover now