Book 3: Chapter 13: Avatar On Crack

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Heidy-Ho, my lovelies! It's only now I realized it's the end of July and... feels sketchy. 

I had forgotten to update this book, apologies. However, this is one of the longest chapters I have written, and it's THE PLAY!!! I had a lot of fun writing this, not gonna lie. 

I hope you're all doing well. I love your little comments and your simping for Suki. Every day I wake up and wonder "should I make the relationship with Suki, too?" and I psych myself out of it. LIKE WHY? I love her so fuckin' much. But I have sorta already gotten a love interest for her in line right from the beginning, and I like that, too. 

So, this will stay a Sokka x Reader book but goddamn Suki will be getting a girlfriend. SHE DESERVES ONE OKAY!

I am so happy you liked the previous chapter! And I hope you like this one, too -- it's just absolute crack. 

Happy reading, cuties!

ALSO YOOOO one of my readers is an artist and made this absolutely cute art of the cave scene in Book 2!! It's on twitter, so please give her some love, her twitter handle is @kzusda1 and the link is below!


They've taken up residence in Firelord Ozai's beach house, which, ironically, is the safest place in the Fire Nation by far because well, he hasn't come by since forever.

While Zuko and Aang take to firebending in the vast courtyard, and Katara and Suki are spectating in their Fire Nation disguises, Toph is just napping happily in the sunlight.

That's where (Y/n) and Sokka find them after their short date in the city, and Sokka, well, the moment he saw it, his face turned utterly gleeful and (Y/n) couldn't help but feel the same. This was what she had been waiting for after all.

Sokka calls attention to himself. "You guys are not going to believe this. There's a play about us."

"We were just in town, and we found this poster," (Y/n) says, unlatching her hand from Sokka's as he brings out the rolled-up poster from underneath his free arm, and unveils it to the group. It's a drawn picture of Aang in the centre, with Katara and Sokka on one side, (Y/n) and Toph on the other, and Zuko above them, with his scar painted on the wrong side of his face.

Katara pops up beside her brother, to which he turns and proudly shows it to her, but she looks a little more mortified than him. Mostly because all of the main characters are heavily exaggerated, from Katara being older and extremely weepy, clutching onto Aang's leg, to Sokka being pictured as a muscular man in Water Tribe clothing. "What? How is that possible?"

Sokka flips the poster back and reads, "'The Boy in the Iceberg' is a new production from acclaimed playwright Pu-On Tim who scoured the globe gathering information on the Avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war, a dangerous world-bender, and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage."

(Y/n) leans forward and completes the description. "Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island Players. I gotta say: world-bender? Sounds pretty cool to me."

Suki frowns. "I have no idea what that means at all."

"World-bender?" Zuko asks, rubbing his chin. "I don't know what that entails, but if we can find out who it is, maybe they're powerful. It would be good to have them on our side."

(Y/n) exchanges an amused look with Sokka, and Toph has taken to stifling her laughter.

So (Y/n) is a world-bender, huh? That's sounds a lot more badass.

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