Book 3: Chapter 14: The Lion Turtle, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

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Heidy-ho, everyone! I hope you're doing fine on this good day. 

Now... I'm not proud of this chapter. The pacing feels off and it's taken me a whole century to write it, but it's something I'm willing to work with, lol. 

Y'all ever get that sad moment when you're excited and loud and expressive and someone tells you to pipe down? God I hate that feeling so much, it sucks, and I'm sorry if y'all went through that shit, it's nasty af.

I want burgers. All the burger places near me suck ass -- I just want a nice cheesy burger, not some sad smashed up lettuce-filled abomination. GIVE ME THE GREASY CHEESY BURGERS. 

Also, Warning: a bit of explicit content (NSFW), but it ain't as detailed. It's a scene nearly to the end, so if you want to skip it, you can until the break of the scene that's marked *

Happy reading, folks!


Aang is feeling the pressure, and they can all see it. If they thought the days before the invasion was bad, this seems worse.

Because they had only three days until Sozin's comet. Three days for Aang to master all the elements as much as possible, and their days of fun was over until after the comet.

Zuko told them a day ago about how Firelord Ozai wanted to end Ba Sing Se once and the earth kingdom once and for all, using the comet to boost his powers with the power of a hundred suns to destroy the earth kingdom forces and rule them once and for all.

Aang had to learn, in horror, that when he ran away and was caught in the storm and inevitably saved himself and Appa in the iceberg, the comet passed by, and Fire Lord Sozin had used it to wipe out the air nomads. They didn't even stand a chance.

And now the Fire Nation had armies. Airships. Tanks. They were one of the strongest armies put together, and the only reason they couldn't lay siege to the earth kingdom was because their forces were too spread out.

Sozin's comet would solve that issue. They didn't need huge armies. They just needed strong firebenders.

It was devastating to hear. The first thing the GAang had done was turn to (Y/n), desperate and terrified, and (Y/n) was frozen in doubt and fear because – they depended on her. They needed her.

"Tell us we stop him," Katara said, "(Y/n)—"

"We agreed not to ask those kinds of questions anymore," Sokka says, firm and he shoots them all a look to keep them in line. It works, because even Toph huffs softly. Instead, he turns to (Y/n), and it's only because of how much time she's spent with him that helps her recognize the worry in Sokka's eyes.

"Tell us anything you can," Sokka says. "We'll work from there."

(Y/n) nods. She can never stop being grateful to him, for the way he always protects her. "Aang will be facing the Firelord on the day of Sozin's comet. We will split up – Sokka, Suki, Toph, and probably me would sabotage the fleet of airships. Aang has to face the Firelord. Ozai will be waiting for him."

Aang pales, and it's clear for anyone to see that he doesn't even have the confidence or mastered all the elements. "I—I don't—what am I going to do?"

"I know you're scared," Zuko says softly, walking to Aang to place a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he's got tremendous control when Aang turns those broken-hearted eyes at him. "And I know that you're not ready to save the World. But if you don't defeat the Fire Lord before the comet comes, there won't be a World to save anymore."

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