The Start

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How they became a relationship of three-

AN: this won't have any dialog. it's just going to explain the start of their poly relationship and how it came to be.

A lot of people often question you on what its like being in a polyamory relationship. It's questions that are repetitive and tiring to repeatedly answer. Truthfully with a short answer, its great. Being in a relationship with two other people just means more the love to go around. But when you know people want a more elaborate answer, you usually explain it to them like this:

When Harry and yourself decided to bring someone else into your marriage, it took a lot of adjusting. You and Harry had already been married for three years at that point and would have never thought about dating or marring someone else. You were both in love with each other and you both were super happy and content with how your relationship was going. But one day you and Harry went to a club in Downtown Los Angeles with a group of friends. One of the friends had brought a new guy (Alex) along. He was very handsome and you were sure he had all the guys and girls drooling. 

So everyone at your table got to talking about what they did that past work week and then Harry and Alex started making conversation. They talked about their jobs and their hobbies and if you didn't know any better, you would have thought Harry was flirting. Well he wasn't intentionally flirting because he's more respectful to go around flirting with strangers in front of his wife, but he may have unintentionally flirted. 

Alex and Harry some how went from talking about their music interest to sexuality. You had no clue what or who brought it up, but you just sat back and enjoyed your vodka, listening to them chat; which you could barley hear due to the loud music. Something they had in common was their sexuality. Probably why they choose to talk about it. They were both bisexual. 

Early on in your relationship with Harry, he told you he was bisexual. Of course you didn't care. You loved him and you knew he loved you. There was never a time where his sexuality became a problem in your dating journey or marriage. You just knew he was sexually attracted to men and that he didn't have much experience with guys because he started dating you shorty after he came to terms with what his sexuality was. 

Maybe it was the alcohol running through your systems or maybe it was a decision that you didn't give much thought on because you kind of liked the idea from the start, but at the club that night, Harry whispered in your ear the question, "Would you maybe interested a threesome tonight?" You and Harry had always talked about wanting to participate in a threesome. Only ever threesomes with another man because you knew you were straight and the idea of sleeping with another girl was yuck to you. It only made since to have another guy because Harry was the bisexual one. Plus, if Harry had another female in bed, even though you would be there, you know you would have gotten super jealous. But for some reason you had different feeling with it being a man. 

When the opportunity of a threesome was at hands reach, you knew you couldn't pass it up. You agreed so Harry, you, and Alex made your way back to your at the time apartment. If it would have been a total stranger, you probably wouldn't have brought him to your house but he was great friends with your mutual friends so that had to count for some level of trust right?

Before any sexual acts begun, Harry and yourself laid down some ground rules. Like what Alex could and couldn't do to you, mostly due to you being comfortable, not jealousy. What Harry and Alex could do together. That Alex must wear a condom for sexual safety. 

Though you knew you'd be jealous seeing Harry with someone else, you wanted him to experiment as much as possible with a man. You knew he never got to explore his sexuality and this was the perfect opportunity for him to do just that. But through-out the threesome that night, you could see Harry holding off on a lot. He would hesitate to kiss Alex. He constantly asked you if you were alright with what he was doing. After all, Harry was in love with you, not Alex. No matter how much he loved the male gender, he loved his wife way more and didn't want anything to come in the way of that.

After the night of your threesome with Alex, Harry had a long conversation with you. How he didn't care if he ever slept with another man if you were opposed by that idea. What Harry didn't know was how much it turned you on, seeing him with another guy. People might have called you crazy because you admitted enjoying seeing your husband have sex with another person but in all honestly, you liked it and weren't ashamed to admit it.

Through-out the course of a few weeks, after reassuring Harry you didn't mind him sleeping with other "guys" (making sure you clarified guys to him, not girls), you and Harry had regular threesomes with Alex. He didn't have a partner and had very similar personalities to you both. That might be why you all clicked so much. 

Months eventually went by and you kept having regular threesomes with him. Of course you and Harry had sex alone still because you were the married couple after all, but anytime you were up for a bit of fun, Alex was your guy. Every time you'd call him, he'd come over. Eventually, Alex coming over meant more than a threesome occurrence. He would come over just to hang out. Sometimes he'd go shopping with Harry and yourself. And he'd even stay the night when a threesome session lasted too late. If you didn't know otherwise, it already felt like you were in a poly relationship and not just friends with benefits. Technically that's all you were. Friends with benefits in a married relationship.

You and Harry started catching feelings for Alex which scared the shit out of you both. You weren't familiar with a polyamory relationship and didn't really know it was a thing. What you did know was that you loved Harry very much and he still very much loved you. So it was confusing to you when you shared these feelings for another person. 

One day, Harry and you sat down with Alex and had a long discussion. Explained to him how you both had feelings for him and wanted to see if he would be open to the idea of a relationship with both of you. Alex wasn't in the least bit hesitant. He had known for a while he had caught feelings for yourself and Harry but kept that to himself for obvious reason. Reasons like you were married. He would never want to break up a marriage because of his feelings. But the idea he could have you both, without worry, that was the best news he'd ever heard. 

Alex was technically your boyfriend for a while. You eventually moved in together and started doing domestic things around the house. All of your family and friends eventually found out. Some were happy but you could tell they were skeptical. Others were right out opposed to the idea. At the end of the day though, all that mattered was Harry, Alex, and yourself were happy and it didn't matter what anyone thought.

You finally got comfortable with idea of letting Harry and Alex have sex together alone. That was probably one of the hardest things to let happen. Same with Harry. Letting you have sex alone with Alex. Before, you always had sex as a group. Now it was to the stage where one of you wanted alone time with just one partner. The main reason you found it so difficult at first was you were afraid that Harry would leave you. That he'd realize he was actually gay or was only in love with Alex. But Harry assured you many times that he was still and even more in love with you from when your wedding day occurred. 

You also had to reassure Harry that you still loved him many times along the way. Especially when you and Alex had sex alone. You had sex with Alex a lot less then Harry did with him alone because you married Harry for a reason. You loved sex with Harry. You loved everything about him. Being alone with Alex was hard because though you loved him, you loved him when you were a group of three. It took a while for you fully let go of that thought process and allow yourself to be in love with two people at once. 

Having Alex as your boyfriends for about 2 years, you and Harry wanted to get married to him. In the state of California it was thankfully legal. Legal to be married to two people at once. Really it never showed up as you all being in a polyamory relationship. It showed up for you and Harry as being married to two separate people. Like you didn't get divorced before you got remarried but it didn't cancel your current marriage license. For Alex, it just showed he was married to two people all together because he wasn't tied down with a previous or current marriage.

Now all three of you have been happily married for a year and you're each in love with one another. You couldn't be more happy and you love what your family has turned into. 

~ send me your request for this new series of mine, and let me know what you think so far. i know this didn't have dialog but i thought it was a vital part of this series so you know how it all started for them. 

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