Celebrating the First Day of Pride Month (Harry-x-Reader-x-Alex) (AU)

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When you wake up your husband and boyfriend to start off the day celebrating the first day of pride month-

po·lyg·a·my : the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time.

AN: (this has been on my tumblr for over a year but i finally moved it over on wattpad) i've finally updated a piece on this series. it isn't a smut fic but if you give me some ideas i will definitely be writing tons of smut for this series. i got this idea because of pride month so i hope you enjoy. ALSO, this is going back in time before alex got married to them both, meaning he is just their boyfriend.

Here is the relationship info that will help you understand this AU universe —— >>>>>>>

( Fluff, Kissing )

Word Count: 1,239


Today marks the start of your first pride month as a trio. Before meeting Alex, you did celebrate pride month with just Harry beings he identified as bisexual early on in your relationship and you wanted to support him as best as you could. But now that your casual one night stand threesome has turned into an actual polyamorous relationship, you get to celebrate pride month with your husband and boyfriend who both identify as bisexual.

 But now that your casual one night stand threesome has turned into an actual polyamorous relationship, you get to celebrate pride month with your husband and boyfriend who both identify as bisexual

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As the morning sun peeks through the big glass window in your shared master bedroom, you begin to wake up. Your eyes flutter open and when you look to either side of you, you see two very handsome men sleeping soundly. Harry on his tummy with an arm under his pillow and Alex on his back with an arm laid across his chest.

After taking a minute or two to fully awake, you realize it's June first. The first day of pride month. You may identify as straight but your husband and boyfriend are both bisexual and you want to celebrate them all this month. And to start off celebrating them both, you know you must start simple. Simple as in some sweet lovin' from their wife and girlfriend.

Though you hate to wake them up so early on this Saturday morning, knowing it's their day off work, you can't wait any longer. You first turn to Alex and give him a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He makes a grunting noise in his sleep but doesn't actually wake up just yet. Then you turn over and lean down to place a sloppy kiss to Harry's cheek.

Seeing as that didn't wake them up, you decide to stand up in the center of the bed and start jumping up and down. This definitely starts to awake them. Harry grumbles into his pillow, "What the fuck are you doin'?" Then Alex slowly opens his eyes and with a huff, groans, "Stop jumping, baby."

Falling back down in between them both, you reply to them, "Oh, you guys are no fun. It's June first. It's our first pride month together. You two's first pride as a bi couple." Knowing they can't fall back asleep now, both Harry and Alex rub the sleep out of their eyes and begin to fully awake for the morning.

Harry-x-Reader-x-Alex (AU) // H.S. (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now